
Collection of WIHachilles Stories

This contains all my short stories with two chapters or less. All of these come from writing prompts subreddit.

WIHachilles · Urban
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40 Chs

“And now Hero,” the villainess said as she stretched out her wings wide. “It’s time… to dine!”. “Wait, what?! Dine?”, “yes, dine. I thought I made that very clear in my invitation…”

"What? I'm very confused, what do you mean?" I rubbed my head in clear confusion, "I thought you meant like one of those evil dinners, where you tie me up and make me eat my friends or something?" The villainess gasped, and her eyes widened, "Who do you take me for? I never killed anyone, I never even got close to killing someone before." She said in a stubborn tone, "Do you even think these are real wings?" She asked curiously, extending her wings out, revealing arms I never noticed before.

Her arms were covered in a black leaking substance and the wings seemed attached to her back as supports. The villainess added something else, "Tonight is going to be my last meal! I pouted, she was one of my favorite opponents, and it's going to be her last meal? "What do you mean by this? Are you going to retire or something?" I managed to keep myself together barely, but I stared at her. "I'm going to miss you, one of my favorites, after all!" Not really retiring, I just found someone better to fight. At least keep my attention for longer" Her smile cracked into a sinister one, I gripped the weapons on my sides before calming down. Taking in the information with care before shaking his head, "Fine, let's make this last meal a good one, I suppose."

We talked and talked about all our favorite moments together, fights and such. How stupid I am about all the advances she tried to make on me, or notice how she never really killed anyone or most of the things she did were for the greater good. "You know you're not that bad after all, I suppose I could pick up on this one day. Hero turning villain does sound pretty nice to me." She perked up when I mentioned this, "We could always do one thing together and see where it goes from there." A smirk on her face before I shrugged my shoulders, agreeing, "Just one time."

As you can see the first chapter is my most recent work and this is my oldest work on reddit. From here on out will be more recent work. Hope you enjoyed.

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