
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

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23 Chs

The world has crumbled.

Chapter 20: The world has crumbled.


A drop of rain fell from the sky crashing on the hard surface of the road.


Another rain drop fell on the ground making that place wet.

And slowly heavy rain started to ascend on this world. People of all ages and work ran towards the nearest shelter to cover themselves from the aftermath of being drenched in rain which can be either cold or illnesses and which might cause then to lose an important event of their life such as Work , birthday, weeding ceremony , weeding anniversary etc.

Though there are some who decided to drench their being in the rain. Some wanted to do so but couldn't gather courage to do so so they laid back and made their hand wet which satisfied them.

There are some people who are spreading cars on the wet road without the care of unforseen accident which might cause more than one person's life to be destroyed. A family might also be destroyed due to their only source of income being killed.

Some kids are playing under the rainfall even though their guardians are telling them to come home and dry themselves up. But who listens to who.

But among all these event's some were running late to event's so they decide to run towards it. Some with a umbrella, some with clothes ok their head and some with nothing.

Among them was a man with Dark-Black hair which was completely covered with nothing but water from rain and brown and blue eyes crating a perfect harmony between them. A sharp jawline which made his face look more stunning.

Now he was running with every ounce of stamina and speed he could muster. He has been running for 1 hour. Usually he isn't the type to run this much. Rather he is a bit lazy type but will complete the work he has in his mind.

But now he isn't like how he usually is. He is running towards his destination which is a hospital where his parents are admitted due to a serious car accident.

The man is Kiyora Jin.

After arriving at the train station he quickly got in and was taken to another station which was 1.5 km away from the hospital so he ran and tried catching a cab but due to the weather there was no cab available.

'Fuck!' he cursed inside his mind and decided it run towards his destination. That's how he is in the current situation.

He kept on running but for some unknown reason his stamina wasn't going down. It's wasn't because of adelinee or anything like that.

After hard work he finally reached the hospital and ran inside.

"Kiyora taku and Kiyora Mika! Which room and floor!?" He takes a deep breath in and the receptionist seeing his condition started to browse inside her computer with the intention of giving him the information.

"Room 306 and Floor no.2 at the emergency ICU ward."

Without a single second delay he ran towards the 2nd floor. He didn't wait for a elevator instead used used the stared which he thought was more useful in the current moment.

When he arrived at the location he saw a man in the outfit of a doctor come out of the room which read [Room 306]. He ran up to the doctor to ask about his parents.

"Doctor*Huff* my parents!? Are they okey!? *Huff*." his stamina which seemed almost endless seems to have rezched it's limit and he started to breath much more heavily that normal.

The doctor takes of his mask and wore a sadden expression.

"I am sorry but we tried our best. You are their son. So please take care of yourself from now on." the doctor petted jins shoulder and walked off. With him other doctors also came out of the room and walked off with a their head low after meeting his gaze .


After the formality was done he was given permission to take his parents body and bury them.

His eyes felt like a helpless creature who lost all of his will to live.

He lost his parents both in previous life and the current one. He tried his best but the butterfly effect came to bite his ass.

There weren't many people to see the dead off. Only handful of people.

Souichi Ron , his uncle and his wife Souichi Ruma , Rina after she heard about this unfortunate accident , her father and mother and some people from Jin's parents work.

Jin was standing in front of the grave , being drenched in rain while everyone else was under the protection of umbrella.

Jin started having flashbacks about his childhood which he didn't experience in his previous life.

"Now this is not how write it dear. Let me teach you how to write properly." His mother used to be a writer but she stopped due to her low income in the business.

"Well then let's start the interrogation. Now tell me why did you have such low mark!? Is it because of the noise made my the neighbors. If so then they aren't staying here." his father was someone who he seen as loon. For Jin's safety and education he did everything he could and Jin appreciated it more than anything.

"Happy birthday jin."

"Happy birthday jin."

The two of them wished Jin happy birthday. That one was when he just turned 16.

"Now make sure not to be a playboy ok? Cuz I don't allow polygamy."


Kiyora taku got slapped on the face by his wife when he said said."How many times do I have to say that not to be a bad influence!"

Taku kept on apologizing. This were the moments he cherished but they will never be felt ever again.

"We love you Jin."

"Yea we do."

This was something they told Jin whenever he felt down due to bit reaching the expectations he placed on himself.

'One can't under the wealth called love until they don't feel it anymore.'

"Jin let's go home." Rina grabbed Jin's hand and gently pulled him , making sure he wasn't feeling angry or anything.

She knew Jin for many years so she could tell what he was feeling in the current moment. Seeing his eyes made her felt the same thing she felt when the first time she met him.

It was hollow and empty without any life or ambitious or anything. It was a sad thing that she had to see. But gradually she did her best to remove it and she was successful in her pursuit. He finally became better and started to have some light in his eyes.

It took years for this development. She was crushed when she learned that his feeling towards her isn't love but rather curiosity. But she felt a emotion towards him called love. So she made a oath to herself to make him fall in love with her.

Now it's back and she needs to do something about it. Jin started to show signs of leaving her hand but she held them with every strength she could muster from her body.

"Lets go back jin."

"Do I deserve it?"

She looked at him curiously. Currently only the two of them were present at the moment. So there is no one who will hear their conversation.

"Love." he sighs,"Do I really deserve it? I tried my best but ultimately I lost to fate didn't I? I thought I could stop it from happening. Their death. But," he place his free hand on his face,"I am fool ain't I? Hahaha!"

He started to laugh at himself. Rina just stared at him.

"Why!? Why did it happen!? I did my best to prevent it! Why?! Just why?!" the sound of sobbing was heard.

Rina without wasting anytime hugged him and started petting his back. Without caring about her getting wet in rain. For her helping Jin overcome this feeling of grief and making sure he doesn't gets too deep into the darkness was her first priority.

"Now now...it's okay to be sad... everyone gets sad and hold it in....so let it out and let me help you carry the burden..... don't worry I am here for you.....Now let it out..."

"I don't want to..burden you..."

"I want you to burden me with your sadness....what type of partner am I, if I can't even do that much...."

"...I--feel so.. overwhelmed...and frustrated...." his eyes started watering but due to rain it didn't seemed like that.

"..I know it's difficult.....but everything will be fine....yes nothing will come back to normal but...trust me....I will be there for you..."

As Jin continued to cry, Rina held him and comforted him. She softly stroked his hair, trying to offer comfort and support. It was a tender and touching moment between the two of them, showing the strength of their relationship and the deep connection they shared. Jin continued to cry and express his emotions, and Rina was there by his side throughout the ordeal, supporting him and offering comfort.


After sometime he calmed himself and the two of them went home.

Rina told her parents that she won't be going to the event that she was supposed to go to. She wanted to stay back and make sure Jin doesn't do anything stupid and make sure he is back on track.

She wanted to make sure to not see those void eyes of his , though she sometimes asked him in the past what happened that he got eyes like that he simply avoided the subject and wasn't ready to tell her

As time passed she realized that asking him will only make matters worse so she decided to not ask him anything from his past before meeting her.

The two of them went home to rest for the spare time they had.

After arriving home she made sure Jin ate at least little something so that he won't be sleeping with a empty stomach.

After eating the two of them fell asleep without a single thought and they slept in different room much to Rina's disagreement.

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