
Collecting puppets in the dungeon

A random boy dies unexpectedly and ends up getting a new chance in the world of danmachi with the powers of a puppeteer. English is not my main language. The image is not mine, the authorship is by Anime & Creepypasta from Facebook, if the owners wish, send a message and I will remove the image.

Iamnewinthis · Anime und Comics
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A new chance

---In a common residence somewhere in the world

Arriving home after a long day of work, André lies down on the couch without even taking off his shoes. Remembering how today's workday went, in which he was scolded by his boss again for a mistake he didn't even commit.

"Damn it."

This is his daily life: waking up early, going to work, coming home, eating and sleeping, a cycle that repeats itself. The only joys he has in his day are watching anime and playing games, things he could only do for a limited time when he got home.

"Damn, and here I thought I was going to come home and make dinner and take some time to play, but I don't even feel like getting up from the couch,"I opened my phone to watch an episode of Danmachi that just released the fourth season. "Damn, Bell is lucky, he can live his life adventuring in the dungeon and still has several girls who adore him," compared to what I looked around, a couch, a TV, a wardrobe, a computer, and a small kitchen and bathroom, "only the necessary."

But the most important thing that attracts me to Danmachi is not the fact that Bell lives as a Harem protagonist, but the thrill of adventure, being able to live the way you like, being an adventurer trying to discover the mysteries of the dungeon and someday complete the last great quest. This sense of freedom was what attracted me to this anime. This freedom that I did not have in my real life, living being controlled like a puppet in a life that brings no satisfaction.

"Although in a certain aspect, Bell's life is not so different from mine, he lives being used as a puppet for the entertainment of the gods."

As a child, I dreamed of being a ventriloquist, I loved playing with my grandpa's dolls, and I always had a great connection with them. However, as many things in life do not work as we want, I could not pursue this dream due to financial reasons and also due to pressure from my parents.

Well, but despite everything, my life is not so bad compared to many people. I have parents who love me, and although I don't have many friends, it's more by choice because I prefer to be alone. I finished my daily reflection and went to play a little King God Castle on my phone. Although it is a gacha game, it is one of my favorites, and one of my favorite characters is Rie, for a very obvious reason, she controls puppets. After playing some PvP battles, I finally decided to get up and make dinner.

After all, it's not going to make itself. But before that, I went to the bathroom. Entering and turning on the light in the bathroom, I didn't notice that there was a puddle of water on the floor, and without realizing it, I stepped on it and slipped. "Shit...." The only thing I felt before everything went dark was a very strong blow to my head.

------ Somewhere outside the earthly plane

When I opened my eyes, I realized I was in heaven, or at least the place seemed like paradise, there was nothing but blue sky and its reflection mirrored on the horizon. And before I could continue admiring the place, a sphere of light appeared in front of me and said, "Hello, André, I am the person in charge of newly arrived souls."

"Are you God?"

"No, but to make our conversation easier, you can call me that. Unfortunately for you, it wasn't your time to come here yet. Apparently, Death made a mistake with the person who was supposed to come."

Despite what the sphere told me, I didn't feel any surprise or even indignation at my death. Probably, our feelings are attached to our mortal body.

"So what happened for me to come before my time?"

"It seems your upstairs neighbor was trying to electrocute himself in the bathtub, which overflowed and seeped down to your floor, causing the puddle you slipped on. The regional manager arrived at the scene and saw you lying on the ground, thinking you were the one who was supposed to come. But the blow to your head only caused a hematoma."

"And what happened to my upstairs neighbor?"

"Well, since he was supposed to die and not you, he will have to live with thrombosis for a while. But, going back to your matter, since you were out of your body for too long, and we can't take your surviving neighbor, unfortunately, we can't take you back. It may seem surprising, but this unfortunately happens a lot," said God, looking ashamed.

Despite receiving this news, I didn't care much. My life wasn't all that great, and there was nothing I aspired to achieve. So I asked God, "What happens now? Do I go to heaven?"

"No, even though we brought you here, it wasn't your time. You're one of those special cases, and I'll give you a choice. You can either be reincarnated into your world or go to a new world."

"A new world? Do you mean what I saw in transmigration novels was real?"

"Yes, they exist. It's something similar to Plato's theory of the world of ideas, where behind the world of senses, there's this abstract reality."

Wow, thousands of years ago Plato developed this theory and amazingly today it has been proven correct. I wonder how philosophers around the world would feel knowing this.

"What kinds of worlds can I choose from?" I asked, creating great expectations. "Can I choose a world from the anime I watched if they exist?"

"Yes, they exist, and it's something like Plato's theory of the world of ideas, where behind the world of senses, there's this abstract reality. So which one would you like to go to?"

"I want to go to the world of Dungeon Ni Deai!"

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have this opportunity to see and live in my favorite anime.

"I looked into your memories of that world you want to go to, and apparently, it's quite different from your previous world. I'll have to compensate you for the difference with some abilities so that you won't come back here before your time. So I'll allow you to make seven requests, as long as they don't completely destroy the balance of that world."

"Does choosing the time I'll enter count as one of the requests?"

"No, this time, I won't count that, considering you were easy to deal with."

I never thought of this opportunity, and several abilities passed through my mind. But there are some that I consider essential so that I can evolve better in that world. After much thought, I decided on the abilities I wanted and told God:

"I've already thought about the abilities I want."

"Okay, overall they are good, but I will have to decrease the overall efficiency of some of them, but not by much. So, at what time do you want to enter?"

"It can be two years before the start of the story." Remembering the story, I don't intend to get too involved, but there are some things that I would like to change if possible.

"If that's the case, then good luck with your second chance and I hope not to see you here anytime soon."

A bright light started to engulf me and everything turned white...

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