

MC Joins the SVC (Sinister Villian Coalition) to bring forth chaos and evil upon High School DxD

Gloomy_Guy · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs


Chapter 4


During the two weeks in which I have been trying to gain at least a basic understanding of my power, it seems I have gotten a nickname at the city I often visit for my daily walks, or at the very least I think so because wherever I go I heard one phrase constantly which is "Mori no guremurin" whatever they are saying I hope it's not too bad

On the topic of names, what is my name? The memory recovery had not recovered enough to know my past name I guess since I have no way or the desire to communicate with the locals as of now I have nothing to worry about for now I must focus on controlling this "Cursed technique" I have

Speaking of controlling my cursed technique I received a mission from the system regarding that around a day after my training began

[Mission: Learning the basics]

[Objective: gain a basic grasp/understanding of your Cursed Technique]

[Reward: 10-100 VP]

[First mission bonus reward: random Pokémon egg]

besides receiving small rewards from the system for any bad deeds I commit, viewing my current quest, or asking the system mundane questions such as the price of an item or if something is purchasable I seem to be locked out of any other functions for the time being

Shaking myself of thoughts about the system I prepare myself for the daily training since I have no items to keep track of time I simply train for as long as the sun is in the sky and rest at night

Near the 13th day in the two weeks I have been training I finally began to sense something within me it felt exhilarating as if nothing in the world could stop me from doing anything I wanted

However, that thought was quickly proven wrong as once I tried pushing that feeling towards my eyes I couldn't control it as it burst forth from my navel up through my chest crept up my neck, and enveloped not just my eyes but saturated not just my eyes but my whole head

Even with my blunder, I could feel nothing but excitement for the short while my entire head was enveloped in the elusive power I have now decided to call mana I could see the souls of EVERYTHING not just the small critters and bugs like when I accidentally active this

No, I saw even the souls of the plants around however before I could enjoy the beauty in the scenery around me I lost consciousness

When I awoke on the 14th day I spent the whole day meditating trying to find the mana I had felt the night before it took possibly hours but I found a tiny flickering flame I tried to slowly guide it towards my eyes however nothing happened it just stayed where it was ever so lightly shooting upwards than calming back down

When I next opened my eyes it was dark I had sat and watched the flame barely bigger than a flame from a match grow into one the size of a campfire

While watching this flame I could see how it lashed out towards different parts of my body while I have yet to learn how to control the mana I have contained it

[user has grasped how to contain their mana would the user like to complete the quest: Learning the basics or withhold to potentially gain greater rewards?

[Accept] [Decline]

Now I had a minor dilemma "Greater rewards could only mean more VP seeing as in the reward it said 10-100 VP I must have reached the minimum requirements for completion

However, the Pokemon egg is an incredible reward that I could grow from even though I remember very little about the franchise I recall a fairly large amount about the Pokemon inside the franchise

The thought of trying to mimic or at least attempt to gain an understanding of my powers from a Pokemon's seemingly Innate understanding of its abilities from birth is such a tempting offer

With some trepidation about my choice, I look at the two iridescent red buttons hovering in front of me slowly, I reach out towards…


Gloomy: I must admit something I LOVE Pokemon ever since I found a Pokemon card when I was around 7 I have been enraptured with the franchise though I am not the best at the games and all that just seeing a Pokemon gives me this sort of unexplainable joy from the bottom of my heart no matter how stupid or ugly it looks anyways I will be picking the Pokemon from a little wheel spin my only interference will be this

Must have 3 stages of evolution

That is all just because I don't want to roll fucking gods of space or time lol also if it requires a stone he'll just have to either complete a quest for it or purchase it and it won't be cheap lol anyway hope you've enjoyed the chapter