
Chapter 67

"Two more minutes until the end of the game, stakes are high!" the microphone guy says and everyone’s stopped what they were doing to look at the field. "Harrison has the ball!"

For the few moments it takes Niall to run towards the other team’s gate there’s complete silence, and then everyone yells when he kicks the ball into the net, over the goalie’s head.

"And he missed the fucking penalty shot!" Coach yells in awe with happiness written all over his face.

The game ends twenty seconds later and every single person starts clapping and cheering. The guys lift Niall and Jason up, because they were the ones who scored today.

"What an unbelievable game!" the mic guy screams. "Palmer and Harrison were the star players of tonight’s game and it’s safe to say there will be a big celebration afterwards!"

Chris, who works for the school magazine, comes on the pitch to take some photos.