
Chapter 59

Niall and I drink at the same time, and the worst part is that we’re the only ones who drink.

"With each other?" Zoe asks and I’m kind of getting tired of her follow-up questions.

"No, I actually don’t like him." I assure her and some people laugh.

Josh, a guy from the football team, plays with his cup as he thinks about something to say.

"Never Have I Ever thought about someone else during sex." He says and Jake laughs before he takes a sip.

To my surprise, Niall and Zayn also drink.

"How can you think about someone else during sex?" Sophia asks and Zoe looks at Niall in a ‘fake angry’ sort of way.

"Hope it didn’t happen when we had sex, right babe?" she asks and Niall kisses her cheek. Bitch, shut up already ugh.

I’m starting to feel a slight buzz from the two shots I did before we sat down at the table and from the fact that I drank almost half of my Vodka RedBull. Plus, I didn’t get to eat before we left. This is not good.