
Chapter 100


"What do I need to fucking say to make you believe that this isn’t the same situation as I was in with Zoe? I never-fuck, Nicole. I never felt about Zoe what I feel about you. And if you can’t believe me when I tell you that then we can’t-we can’t work. I know I’m not an expert at relationships and you are, but just because Jasper cheated on you and I-we did what we did when I was with Zoe-fuck."

He stops to look at me because I’m trying so hard not to cry, but my clogged-up throat and the tears in the corners of my eyes give me away.

"Don’t cry." He says, voice soft, but it’s too late now, so he moves off the door and walks over to me.

He smells like heaven when he’s finally close enough for me to touch him, but I don’t do it.