
No names that start with L

Chris just heard lily say something about a boy, was she talking about the baby or he was missing something, he walked her to the couch and rushed to the kitchen to pour her some water and bit of sugar to drink. "Babe, where did you go I was so worried about you, I lost my mind for a bit there " Chris said while holding her hand.

Lily was not quite herself yet, she was having a hard comprehending the baby being inside her for so long and still nothing showed or notified her, now she was faced with the burden of staying pregnant and giving birth. She stopped crying after some time, she was not really talking either, she communicated with a nod or shake of her head to answer Chris's questions. Chris did find out that she's almost five months along and the abortion that she snuck out to do had also failed. He was really disappointed in how quickly lily was willing to give up on him and his son, if she really did not want the baby then what is he to her then?

"Lily, if you really don't want this child, I understand, but please carry him to term and give him to me then I'll leave you alone" Chris finally said while standing up to go out. He couldn't take the heartache that was tearing him apart at that moment. The one woman he's ever loved is carrying his child but she doesn't want it, even though he understood what she was going through he still wanted their child to come to the world. If she was willing to give him up and their child then who is he to force himself on her.

He still hoped that her aunt would be able to convince her to do otherwise, hence he left her alone and told her that her family already knows and that she should expect a call anytime soon.

He left to take a walk and think through things to avoid getting angry at her.

Soon after he left a call came in on Lily's phone, it was indeed her aunt like Chris said. She hesitated to pick up the phone, but decided to pick it up, she answered and said nothing at all. Aunt Lucy kept saying hello over the phone thinking there might be a network problem but it was working fine.

"Hello Lily, it's your aunt Lucy, we spoke to Chris last night and we know you're terrified right now, I need you to calm yourself and think with your heart this time and not your mind or your fear" aunt Lucy said, she waited to hear a response from Lily but there was nothing, she just held up the phone to her ear and listened quietly while looking into empty space.

"You may be scared of Eric, but that precious baby is the most innocent person in this whole dilemma, that boy came to us at a time we weren't expecting and he's a blessing, if you get rid of him ...you will never the escape the amount of regret that will come afterwards" aunt Lucy said again to her niece, there was still no answer from Lily but she heard her aunts word and they pierced through her thin wall and into her soul. What her aunt said was something she had told herself too, she just could not bring herself to accept the baby.

She did not hate the baby it was just not the right time or circumstance.

"Baby, Chris said he wants to marry you and you guys can move to Africa in a quiet country to raise the baby, please consider it ... and do me a favor and not give the baby a name that starts with L please" aunt Lucy said seriously, then a chuckle came through over the phone, Lily started laughing like she heard a really good joke.

"Aunty, I think I'll break the L cycle with my kids" lily said laughing through her sentence. Her aunt only mentioned the name thing because she hated how her mother gave her children a name with L and that continued on with Leona's children as well. She believed a name should be unique to a child not just a fancy decoration that meant nothing. She was delighted to hear Lily laughing though her statement was not meant to, she was glad that Lily had snapped out of her trance.

"Auntie, do you really think if we moved to Africa my baby would be safe? I already love him and won't be able to lose him you know" a calmer Lily said, she had changed her mind in an instant. That's the kind of effect that her aunt and uncle had on her, whenever she was muddled up they would be there to set her straight.

"Sweetheart, I haven't met Chris yet but I already know that he loves you, he thought up everything and did the research, I know you'll be safe once you've gone to Africa" said aunt Lucy.

Chris had really thought up everything, the plan was to even keep the family in the dark about the country that they would settle in to keep Lily safe from Eric and mind at ease. He wanted them to get going by the end of the week and hopefully get married there and plant their roots in their forever home. The two ladies continued to talk for another twenty minutes about babies and what Africa would be like.

"Auntie thank you for bringing me back to the living" lily said towards the end of the call. She now saw a future for her child and Chris together.