
Can’t go back

Lily was walking hastily to her strenuous retail job when she noticed that a black car was following her, she panicked because if those people are who she thinks they are, then they'd take her back! How would they have found her, she covered her tracks carefully with her aunts help. She started running and the car too picked up pace, she realized that they are really after her, those people are ruthless, they would drag her by her hair back to that mansion, and back to that hideous man, 'Can't go back' she thought to herself as she ran for her life. The mall she worked at was two blocks away and she was getting tired with each step she took, with fear and panic running in her mind her foot lost balance and she fell on the ground almost hitting her head on the concrete. Before she knew it, the two men in the car had gotten a hold of her. She screamed her lungs off to a point that her voice would seemingly crack but nobody even looked at her. It was a shady street, nobody would want to get involved in an apparent kidnapping, so people kept walking. They shoved her head first into the car and drove off. One of the men was with her at the back of the car as he was trying to tie her hands and feet to make her more compliant. She wriggled and shook and kicked the man in face continuously as the driver was trying to control her from the front"the boss said he wants her alive with no scratches on her body, miss, please sit still and let us do our job!". "No, let me go!" She screamed back at the driver, she then noticed that the one who was trying to tie her up got distracted by the pain in his face and decided to land her foot in the man's family jewels. The man squealed like a pig as he was trying to figure out which part to hold, his disfigured face or the destroyed family bells? Then the driver looked back for a second this was Lily's chance to escape, she punched the driver in the throat to a point where the driver lost control of the car and crashed into a building. Things went quiet for a few seconds then lily opened her eyes to find that she broke her wrist and the two men were still unconscious. As if she forget about her broken wrist, she quickly climbed out of the window that was broken and ran to the nearest shop. When she got there, the first thing she wanted to do is to get a phone and call Chris to come get her, but she stopped herself as she remembered that he had an exam that morning. Who else to call then? Her aunt? Then she dialed her aunt but the phone went straight to voicemail, then she called her aunt's husband uncle dan, luckily he picked up the phone but he was evidently still sleeping. "Uncle Dan, Eric found me!!! He sent people to get me, please help me!" As she screamed into the phone with tears rolling down her face. Uncle dan immediately got up from his slumber and ran to his other phone as his wife watched "what's going on honey" as Lucy, Lily's aunt asked. "Eric found her!" As he panicked and ran to the other room. He called a friend who stayed in the same town as lily to go get her at a secured area and take a first aid kit as she had been in an accident. Aunt Lucy cried her eyes out and she spoke to lily on the phone, she felt like she failed to protect lily at the end of the day. Luckily, uncle Dan's friend showed up within 40 minutes of the call. He found her sitting in a coffee shop looking out the window like a scared rabbit that was about to caged for the rest of her life. Mo, was one of the people Uncle Dan planted in the town that lily lived so that he could watch her. He watched her for almost a year so he started to relax on his job as he thought that she'll never be found. He patched her up and tied her wrist with a bandages and told her that they can't go to hospital until they get to their next town. Lily refused to leave immediately , she did not want to leave Chris without saying anything, Chris knew the whole story but he still deserved a goodbye right? Chris had become the love of her life. She moved in with him after dating for just a month, why wouldn't she say anything before leaving? She begged Mo to take her to his school and wait till he's done with his exam and she can bid him goodbye.