
Cold Mercenary

Life has been hard... 'I had that thought since my family started there attempts to kill me and inherit my wealth but now it doesn't seem much hard...' "Kugh!" Kael, in a body equipped with torn apart equipments of Mercenary, with a shattered sword resting in his arm, with his condition it is surprising to be alive at this point, a hole in chest, scars throughout the body and hundreds of cuts in body after years of struggle right at centre of battlefield this body was exhausted, It's obviously quite surprising to wake up in such body after closing your eyes once in last world which was quite peaceful as compared to one he was at right now, 'What an annoying situation to start with but more than anything...' Kael scoffed while drooling out blood from corner of his mouth as next second his frowny eyes fell over a dark figure with dark thunders all around its body "Who the fuck are you!? And why the hell are you in my body right now you fucker!!!!!" "What a mutual question..." Kael scoffed at question as his eyes lost their colours again before a mysterious overflow of energy took over his body and the first notification rang over the head [Congratulations on your reawakening... Devil God!]

BeautifulLie · Aktion
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43 Chs


"Wassup buddy~ did ya wait for long? Well, I have collected all materials for evolution, so be prepared now."

As Kael said those words, the horse's eyes suddenly flashed with excitement, but the next moment, its eyes widened as Kael sliced its head right from the top.


"Hey, why are you acting as if I'm the bad guy?!"

Kael scolded and immediately took out all the materials he had prepared already: 11 Dark Corruption Scrolls, 3 Blood Crystals, 7 Temporary Necromancy Scrolls, 5 liters of Orc and 10 barrels of Ogre Blood, along with a bottle full of Count Rank Vampire.


Kael immediately sliced off all the Dark Corruption and Temporary Necromancy Scrolls. As soon as he did that, the battle horse, on the verge of death on the ground, suddenly got surrounded by 11 layers of dark violet magic circles, followed by 7 enormous ashen black circles.

As that happened, a dark black swamp-like thing appeared all around the horse, and thousands of hand-like black structures started to come out of the swamp to devour the horse. But immediately, Kael destroyed all the barrels of blood of Orcs and Ogres and poured them over the swamp, along with the Vampire's blood.

"Eww... I feel like some shady witch, then finally... Blood Crystals..."

Kael tossed the three enormous blood crystals over that dark swamp and immediately rushed backward, away from the swamp.

And as that happened, the dark swamp started to slowly turn red, and the blood leaking from the horse got mixed with those things in the swamp. Slowly, all of it started to get absorbed into the horse, and the hands coming out of the swamp slowly swallowed the horse as a whole.

"Did we miss something?"

*Have patience... the more brutal the shit looks, the better the results are, though too much will always result in shit paste...*

"You say confusing words..."

Kael sighed, and just then, suddenly the horse popped out of that dark bloody swamp and started to float a few meters above the swamp, absorbing the whole swamp inside through his little wound on the head.


The horse roared, and now his physical appearance seemed to have changed a bit too. He was much more muscular and a bit bigger too. Probably now he was really the greatest battle horse in the world. At the same time, the hairs on his body turned pitch black and smooth as they could ever get.

The hairs around its head and neck and even the tail had turned extremely smooth with a shade of red over his eyes and a mark of a crescent moon over his head where Kael had made the wound.

There was a shade of red flames all over his shining furs, and in just a few seconds, absorbing everything, he silently landed on the ground.

"Oh my!!! You look so fucking badass! Give brother a hug!!!"

Kael opened his arms to hug, but the horse charged right through his chest, throwing him dozens of meters away.

"Cough! Fucking hell! Its strength also increased, huh... dammit! Hurts like hell! But why are you so angry!"

*You literally almost killed him out of the blue! Do you think he will praise you with prayers?*


Horse roared again and started attacking Kael with its hooves, but Kael dodged it all and shouted again.

"Pain makes you strong! Didn't you evolve? So why are you angry! You think I was having fun hurting you! Well, just a bit, I won't lie to you, brother!"

*Cr-crazy fucker!*


"Fuck! My nose?!"

*Right! Fuck your nose! Hahahaha!*

Kael finally grabbed the head of the horse with his one hand while rubbing his nose, which seemed to be bleeding, and suddenly his eyes flashed with realization.

"Hey! Look! I increased your dick size! Man! You really have the greatest dick among your whole species! Be proud! You will get all the girls!!!"

As Kael said that, the horse suddenly stopped and, bending down, looked at the pole behind his whole, and its eyes also sparked with astonishment and joy.


The horse immediately started to rub its head over Kael, trying to apologize a bit. While seeing that change of attitude, Kael just sighed and rubbed its head.

"Haa~ now you love me? What a bastard..."

Kael sighed and just smiled, seeing his horse. Now that there was an ashen crescent moon-like mark over its head, it seemed even more grandiose and loyal, a bit unique on its own.

"Let's make you 'Balor'..."


[Name_ Balor

Species_ Necrosteed (Battle Horse)

Title_ Unique

Age_ 22 years old


- Strength_ B

- Agility_ A+

- Intelligence_ C

- Wisdom_ C+

- Endurance_ A

- Charisma_ B


- Dark Magic Affinity_ A

- Mana Resistance_ C

- Physical Resistance_ A-


- Vampiric Bite (B+)

- Dark Aura (C)

- Undead Resilience (A)

- Dark Residence (A-)

- Necrotic Hooves (B)

- Dark Corruption (B)]

[Unique_ A title given to unique species evolved or born through unique coincidence or procedures. Due to the title effect, the effects of all skills increase by 50%]

"All shit was worth it after all!"

Kael smiled, tightly hugged Balor, and scratched its neck to his heart's content before finally moving back to the city. There, he directly went to the Hunter's Guild and placed two vampire fangs in front of the receptionist.

"Th-this! Is it possibly!?"

The receptionist there immediately grabbed those fangs, and the whole hall was in absolute silence.

"Your old mansion in the woods had a pretty big bat hiding in there, better compensate me well, old man!"

Kael roared, showing a displeased look on his face. Seeing him and the marks of blood at the corners of his head and neck, Kael purposely didn't remove them, and the people there were filled with shivers.

"This one! I have dealt with many of these ingredients before... is it possibly from a Count Rank Vampire?!"


Kael showed even more hostility as he gave the reply. The receptionist didn't dare ask for anything more and immediately took out a pouch filled with coins and transferred it over to Kael.

"Crazy folks..."

Kael grabbed his money, filled with gold, and left the building absolutely cold. As he left, a commotion emerged in the hall as all hunters suddenly rushed over to that receptionist.

"Holy fuck! It's for real!"

"He really hunted a Count Vampire all alone!?"

"Even a peak 6-Star Aura User has a tough time against something like that!"

"I saw it! I saw it! He is from Orcas! They are really on the next level after all!!!"

At the last sentence dropped, the whole hall went absolutely chill and cold again as the receptionist placed the fangs behind him and muttered.

"We were so dead if that guy had died here because of our ignorance. We should have known the danger since so many merchants from that way... Ignorance almost had our necks this time..."

As he said that, every hunter present in the hall felt chills just imagining what Orcas would have done to this place if Kael, a talent like him, had died because of mere ignorance. It would have been hell of years for them.



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