
Cold Ceo's lost warmth

"Han family's young master must not live without a mother's care so you should marry someone for your child's sake" said old master han. Han weisheng the CEO of Han corporation infuriated at his father's word's "I know what is good for my child and you just don't need to teach me how I should rise my child since you didn't rise me by yourself" hearing this old master tang felt a sharp pain in his heart regretting the betrayal that he had done to his wife . On the other side of the world Li ming yue is just enjoying her life as good as possible unable to predict the upcoming dangers in her smooth sailing life journey --------------------------------------****************---------------------------------- "Ah' wait wei what if little ming come inside "mmmm" she moaned loudly. "He won't dare to come unless I tell him to you don't need to worry about him just enjoy your moment honey" saying this weisheng pulled her towerds him even closer than before and started to nibble her soft red ears. ------------------------------------******************--------------------------------- Authors note "Waiting for you guys is a wonderful parenthood novel our little Han ming ( little young master of the han family) is going to shower you with his cuteness and our Han weisheng and Li ming yue is going to feed us dog food and our outrageous Li ming yue will absolutely provide us with lots and lots of face slaps" Hope you all will enjoy reading this

Ayir_palin · Urban
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9 Chs

Please don't leave me alone

Ming yue thought "Huh the pervert resurfaced again", but in her heart she doesn't know why but she felt the the pain and suffering he experienced. So she silently walked to the sofa sat there and started to read a novel on her mobile.

Weisheng smiled at her lovingly and closed his eyes while sitting trying to sleep like that.

Ming yue asked him "I know you are too tired, why don't you sleep on the bed, sleeping here while sitting will not be comfortable for you"

"Yeah it is not comfortable at all, but"

"But what? "

"It is okay I can sleep here."

"You clearly told that you are not comfortable sleeping here, then why are you insisting on sleeping here? "

"I am insisting because, I know that you will not sit near me while I sleep on a bed, if you are not near me I can't even sleep then why should I need a bed? " weisheng replied as sad as possible.

Ming yue felt his pain, she don't know why but deep down her heart says that he is suffering because of her. Then she subconsciously told him "Its okay go to bed I will sit there near you"

Weisheng didn't know how she accepted, but he was more than happy that things progress this fast.

Weisheng then got up and walked to ming yue's bedroom, when he got there he was stunned "How could she turn a premium suit room to such a mess" when he was thinking like that ming just pulled all the clothes that are piled up on the bed to her opened suitcase then moved it to the side and told him to sleep and pulled a chair near the bed and sat there.

Weisheng sat on the bed opposite to her and asked her "You are sitting here and not in the bed"

"when did I ever told you that I will sit on the bed"

"Okay but please don't leave me alone after I slept "

"I will not leave"

Then weisheng got on the bed lay at the edge so that he could be close to ming yue.

When he fell asleep ming yue read a novel, at some point in the novel the male lead is defined as the most handsome man and suddenly ming yue's mind portrayed weisheng's image.

Then ming yue looked at weisheng he is sleeping peacefully with a faint smile on his face.

Ming yue thought that weisheng looks more handsome than most of the men.

His face looks like a jade too smooth without a single pore small eyes with long eye lashes a sharp nose and thin lips he looks like a painting her hand is subconsciously moving towards his face when her hand is about to reach his cheek she heard a light foot step, she then withdrew her hands and looked towards the door.

Little ming is walking inside her room with a smile on his face when ming yue saw him she thought of telling him not to speak or his father will wake but little ming didn't open his mouth and silently walked towards ming yue and raised his hands, ming yue then picked him up and placed him on her lap.

Little ming moved near ming yue's ear and told her "Ming fairy I am sleepy".

Then ming yue carried him and placed him on the bed near weisheng, looking at them like that she had a strange sweet feeling the father and son duo looks too great.

When Ming yue intend to sat on the chair little ming asked her to sleep next to him.

Ming yue didn't think that was a good idea and shake her head as a No.

Then little ming's face fell he looks like he will cry in any instant so to pacify him ming yue lay next to little ming and ruffled his hair.

Little ming is so delighted, this is the first time in his life he was sleeping between his mother and father, he is the happiest person at this moment.

Sensing someone's presence on his back he turned and saw a beautiful view, his son is lying next to him smiling at ming yue and ming yue is lying next to little ming playing with his hair.

He didn't want this moment to end.

He then closed his eyes and fell asleep.


On the other side of the city su wan is bursting in anger.

"He asked me to meet him after two days and that too in office, huh why should I need to wait, I know where he is now and I will go to him now, what could he do to me, and I need to know who is the girl on this picture " su wan is talking to herself while the picture of ming yue and weisheng is in her hand.

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