
COINED: The darkness within...

Ben, a millionaire, swaps realities with his dream self Alsies, and wakes up upon a death sentence. A story about how both of them level up. Ben from real to fantasy world, and Alsies from fantasy to the real world, devoid of magic.

Killswitch · Fantasie
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55 Chs

King says: Ben

A shiver ran down the Ben's spine, his mind racing he had tamed the dragon making it his familiar. The mere mention of a black dragon, known for its boundless power and insatiable destructive tendencies, sent a chill through his soul.The guildmaster's voice held an undeniably political edge as he forged ahead. "Second, you shall stand against the demon lord, a force of darkness that seeks to plunge our land into eternal despair. The king seeks your sorcery to thwart his sinister machinations and ensure the safety and prosperity of our people, no one has ever seen him."The magician's eyes narrowed, a flicker of determination mingling with the uncertainty within. The prospect of facing a demon lord, a being steeped in malevolence and adept in the darkest arts, was not a challenge to be taken lightly.The guildmaster's tone grew even more somber as he continued, "Third, an anomaly, an evolved beast, capable of unrivaled devastation and untamable rage, will emerge from the wilderness. You shall be tasked with subduing this uncontrollable force, quelling its chaos before it engulfs innocent lives."These words weighed heavily upon the Ben's shoulders, each subsequent mission seeming to eclipse the one before. The realization of the world's fragility and his pivotal role in safeguarding it began to hound his every thought.In a hushed and resolute voice, the guildmaster made his final revelation, "Lastly, Ben, you shall face the most agonizing of trials. The hero, destined to slay the very demon lord, you are sworn to protect the kingdom from, must meet his end by your hand. A political necessity, forged by the intricate machinations of thrones and power, has decreed this unfortunate twist of fate."Ben's heart skipped a beat, conflicted emotions clouding his once-clear mind. He comprehended the intricate web of politics that ensnared him, twisting his destiny around the maneuverings of rulers and their grand designs.As the guildmaster met the magician's resigned gaze, a shared understanding passed between them. Ben, though subdued and reluctantly entangled in this complex political tapestry, recognized that his agency had been stripped away. He had no choice but to accept the roles assigned to him, fulfilling his duties for the greater good of the kingdom, even if it meant confronting his comrades and enduring the weight of their sacrifices.With a heavy sigh, the magician steeled himself for the trials that lay ahead. Political intricacies had woven him into a tapestry of destiny, binding him to a path he could not refuse. The kingdom relied on him, his powers, and his loyalty. And so, Ben, the magician, resolved to navigate through the rough waters of politics, striving to preserve what he could while seeking solace in the knowledge that he was fulfilling his duty as a protector, even against his own desires.With the guildmaster's four-fold burden heavy upon his shoulders, the magician embarked on his first mission: to confront the red dragon that had established its lair to the east of the kingdom. It was a perilous endeavor, heralding certain danger and uncertainty.In the cloak of the moonless night, the magician stealthily made his way towards the dragon's domain. Hidden amidst the shadows, his eyes glimmered with a mixture of trepidation and resolve. Every nerve in his body tingled with anticipation, knowing the magnitude of the task that lay ahead.As he beheld the colossal creature, its scales glinting like smoldering embers under the starry sky, the magnitude of his predicament became strikingly clear. The red dragon's formidable presence loomed over him like an insurmountable obstacle, casting an undeniably foreboding aura.Yet, Ben's mind was imbued with a fervent determination. He knew that killing the dragon easily would be a fool's errand—a risk he could not afford to take, not only for his own life, but for the kingdom's fragile balance, else he would be deemed too strong and targeted like the hero. A plan began to form in his mind, one that would allow him to deceive both the dragon and the kingdom.Harnessing his arcane prowess, the magician attacked running, shrouding himself in a mist, his clone attacked as he vanished into the woods. He had skillfully projected an illusion of his own demise. With a flurry of smoke and a piercing flash of light, it appeared as though he had been incinerated by the dragon's fiery breath. A seemingly lifeless body lay amidst the dragon's lair, Ben having successfully feigned his own death, he had noticed he was being followed.News of the magician's demise swiftly spread across the kingdom, dousing its halls with an eerie silence. Whispers of disappointment rippled through the populace, some blaming him for a perceived weakness, believing that he had failed to fulfill his supposed duty.Within the court, murmurs of discontent echoed with each passing day. Murky plots silently took shape, shadows of ambition and intrigue lengthening against the backdrop of the kingdom's lost faith in the magician. Voices arose, questioning his loyalty, his magic, and his very existence.Though he was painfully aware of the accusations being hurled his way, the magician remained steadfast in his resolve. He had deliberately orchestrated his own disappearance to avoid a confrontation that could have wreaked havoc upon the kingdom.