
Coffee on the Weekend

This story depicts a woman struggling not to be deeply inlove with her friend. Ann and Mark are friends since childhood. Ann grew up with lingering feelings for Mark that she keeps denying. She thought that the 4 years Mark wasn't by her side would help her to move on. But then, Mark came back and opened a cafe that she has to visit as a promise for losing the bet.

yumigi_writes · Teenager
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In front of me is a man in his black suit, he had his hair done, he looks extremely handsome for this special occasion, and he smells so good. Him, the man I want to have by my side forever.

*13 years ago*

10 years old Ann,

"Ann! come down. We have a new neighbor, give them this". I am upstairs so mom shouted really hard.

The landlord put on a notice last week in the hallway that room 305 will be occupied. Mom made her specialty beef steak to welcome them. She really cooks this well. But, uhm, actually this is the only thing she can cook. She said that her late grandmother taught her this.

I'm still on the stairs but I can already smell the beefy beef steak mom was cooking. I can't wait to taste it later! I better have more rice than usual.

"Honey, give them this and," mom gave me a plate of beef steak "this coupon." and handed me our flower shop coupon. Yes, she is running a flower shop. It is downstairs. Mom loves flowers so much.

"okay, I'm gonna go out now!"

I went straight next door and rang their door bell. Mom said that the new neighbor has a child. So I brought my favorite toy as a welcome gift. A woman who I think is the same age with my mom opened the door and smiled at me.

"Hello, my mom told me to give you this," I stretched my arms to her.

"Aww, thank you so much." Her smile got bigger

"I heard that you have a child", I pulled out the toy from my packet

"Can you give this to them? this is my welcoming gift" again, I stretched my hand to gave it to her.

"Hold on, beautiful girl, I will call him for you" I smiled and said okay.

then a young boy appeared in front of my eyes, he is taller than me, and has a sparkling eyes. Also,

"Wow, your hair is brown!" I said in an amazed tone. This is the first time I saw a person with a natural brown hair. His mom hair color is black, so probably he got it from his dad. Mom said that our physical features are from our parents that's why I look a lot like her.

Her mom giggled, "Oh, baby, you are so cute." I smiled and thanked her because I took it as a compliment.

"Ah, this is for you!" I gave the toy with an excitement. He scratched the back of his head.

"Than you, I don't have anything for you but this," he said with a worried face and handed me a candy from his packet.

"This is my favorite!" We both smiled then I looked up to his mother because I forgot to say something.

"Uhm, Miss?-" I don't know what to call her

"You can call me Aunt Jenn". she said

"Aunt Jenn, mom also told me that you can visit our flower shop downstairs, and that is the coupon for our shop incase you will be needing a flower"

"Oh, please say thank you to her for me" she smiled, I just realized that she is so beautiful and she becomes more beautiful when smiling.

"Yep! I'll go back now, bye" I waved at her and her son to express that I'll be going back now.

While I was walking along the corridor, someone shouted "WAIT!" I looked back with a confused face.

"I don't know your name yet, I am Mark, yours?"

"It's Ann" I replied and smiled

It is summer so I am spending my time in the floral shop together with my mom, She is busy making her orders and I am looking through her flowers. I heard the door opened. When I looked at it, I saw my friends Halsey and Jay looking for me, but I hid myself under the cabinet where mom is near. This is a usual scene for us, they have to find me in this shop.

"Aunt, is Ann in here?" Halsey asked mom.

"Yes, darling". I heard my mom chuckled.

"Ann, where are you?" This is Jay's voice, he said it like a creepy man in horror movies. Jay always likes teasing us, he is a lively and talkative boy. He looks like he never runs out of energy. We are still young so I think it is obvious.

"Hey, Ann, stop doing hide and seek and just come out and play with us, would you?!" Halsey, she is a short-tempered girl and always angry. She likes everything to go according to what she thinks. She is also a pretty girl that's why every young boys in the neighborhood likes her. They even bought roses from us to give it to her every valentine's day. How I wish someone would also give me roses. Oh, what am I thinking, I'm still young and I should not take interest with those things.

We all go to the same school. Jay and me are both in the 5th grade since we have the same age. Halsey is a year older than us so she is in a different grade.

"Boo!" as I was spacing out, Jay found me and I got shocked.

I heard the three of them laughed when they saw my reaction.

"Stop it!" I exclaimed.

"Do you know what your face looked like?" He said and starts mocking me.

"I said stop" I warned him and hit him on his arms. He fights back and that results of us fighting in front of my mom.

"Hey, don't fight, young people!" mom tried to stop us, but I pulled his hair and he pulled mine too.

"Your mom is stopping us, why would you pull my hair, Ann" he protest

"Then you let go" I said while one eyebrow was raised.

I saw mom approaching us so I let go even though I don't want to.

"You kids, go out, go outside and fight, why are you fighting in my store! Do you want me to give you each a knife?" Mom is extremely angry this time. We apologized and go out.

"It's your fault" I blamed Jay.

"No, it's your fault." he replied.

"It's your-"

"Do you want me to knock your heads?" Halsey is already on fire and glazing at us with anger.

Jay came to me and we both held hands as we both tremble in fear. We turned our back and continue walking towards the playground.

"Ey, we are short of people to play this game, Ann, you told us that there is a kid from your new neighbor, right?" Halsey asked.

"Right. Also, it's no fun if it's only us three. Tell him to play with us" Jay added.

"It's no fun because you are bringing down the mood". I stick out my tongue and run away.

"Comeback here, I'm gonna pull out your tongue!" Jay shouted while standing in his place, I saw Halsey, gave him a knock on his head. Serves him right.

I rang the doorbell and It's Mark who opened the door. I met him earlier, but this time he hits different, I don't how to say it but there is really something in him.

"Mom, It's Ann." he called his mom.

"Ah, no. It's you that I need. My friends are asking if we can play with you." I looked at him in the eyes, hoping he would say yes. Now, we are looking at each other. What is this? Why do I feel nervous?

"Sure". he answered and smiled. I felt nervous again but at the same time joy.

Is this love? no. It can't be.

*back to present*

"I've been waiting for you". he whispered as he handed me

a cup of coffee.

"Congrats," I said with a big smile on my face showing how proud I am.

"Thank you, Ann." he replied

'Sweet Moon Cafe, Sweet Opening' the banner in front of me says.

Hello everyone! This is Yumigi at your service. This is my first time to write and publish a book. I know this still wasn't the best I can do, but I am trying to improve. Thank you for reading!

yumigi_writescreators' thoughts