
Code: Infinity [Reboot]

Waking up in the world of Franxx and being forced into a game of 'Gods' with multiple penalties imposed on him was not a cup of tea for Ryo. With a loud explosion from a stupid experiment he was performing, Ryo finds himself floating in the void as suddenly a Bizarre Flamboyantly Homosexual Time Stopping Blonde Vampire pops up in front of him, forcing him to go through different worlds and try to survive. But... there was but one particular 'thing' that had made Ryo very 'special'. He tends to get off his way to achieve the 'win', no matter what he needs to sacrifice or get his hands into. Now with a system that can help him (or maybe not) achieve his dreams, how surely can he keep his desire to win the games of so-called 'God' in control, even with multiple penalties that were imposed on him? Is there any chance for him to win at all? If he wins, will he get a 'Happy' Ending? Or will he stay merely as a pawn to the 'Gods' in their grand plans within the cosmos? Read to know more about his future adventure! First World: Darling in the FranXX. Second World: Akame Ga Kill. Third World: ??? ========== 1. Hardcore system. Semi-Sentient. 2. Small Harem. (Or not?) 3. Neutral Evil MC. (Will do his best to gain the highest gains, but won't do pointless evil. Borderline evil.) 4. Very Long Chapters (Around 4k words each.) 5. Dark Plot ======== Note: Shared Multiverse with "Kono DIO Da" fanfic. Sequel to the fanfic. Note 2: Having some basic knowledge about the worlds that he goes in, would be best.

SR_2027 · Anime und Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 17 - Confusion [Rewrite]

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Thank you!



"Show me why you are called 'Special Task Force', Team Ten-s. Bring out the glory to humanity and make us proud!"

Baboon exclaimed in a captivating voice, making almost all the members of the 10-s straighten up their bodies, showing his skills in manipulating the minds of the Ten-s.

Then after a short instance, Baboon observed them again and then at Ayumi and said, "I will be observing the Ten-s from the Space Station.", As he completed saying that, the call was instantly disconnected, making the members who were feeling stressed out feel relieved as they felt excited about their fight.

After so many years of training, they were finally met with the opportunity to pilot the real thing, making them expectantly look forward to the real battle.

But what they failed to notice was the creepy smile of Ayumi... except Ryo noticed but decided to ignore it. He had already spatulate what was about to happen. 'Looks like it will be going according to what I have speculated... But was there really something like a resistance in the canon...?'

"Code Alpha you will have field command."

"Ok.", Nodding at Toru, Alpha gave his signature smile.


After a short instance, they finally reached the FranXX Harbor where they were introduced to their special FranXX.

The 10-Model in front of them had an intimidating-looking FRANXX with a sleek silhouette. It was made out of the best materials possible to make the FranXX more powerful, flexible, durable, and faster when operated.

The 10-Model had large and bulky shoulder and leg plates with attached strengthened metallic plates, which would allow the Franxx to change directions and speed in a small amount of time.

The 10-Model in front of them had a face wearing a mask, hiding the face, unlike the usual FranXX. The mask had a blue glow illuminating their eyes, making them look imitating. And like several other FRANXX, the 10-Model was armed with an orange lance.

The only thing that was different and out of place was that out of the 10-Model-s, one of them was different.

Out of all the usual FranXX, the one standing out was none other than the FranXX that Zero Two uses in the Anime, The Strelizia.

It had a body color of white, orange, and red, making it a bit stand out. It had large shoulder pads, with feet styled like red heels. It also had a pair of long orange-gold strands resembling hair on the sides of its face, with orange eyes.

Furthermore, on the tip of the Strelizia's forehead, there is a long, pointed gray-blue antenna. The only difference that was there was that instead of a spear, Strelizia was actually equipped with a twin spear-sword hybrid weapon. It had the long handle of a spear while having a long twin-edged end.

Ryo specifically asked FranXX to make him that weapon and even helped him in making the blueprint of the weapon. The reason for this was that this was actually one of the most versatile weapons. It covers both the purpose of a sword as well as that of a spear.

Furthermore, it doesn't require much talent to use the weapon.

Just simple actions like thrust and slash are generally enough to deal great damage, even to Klaxosaur.

The thing that Ryo noted was that not only did the model look more unique, it was probably made up of a better material compared to the usual 10-Model.

"Code Omega and Code Iota, from the orders from Doctor Franxx, you will be provided with the unique 10-Model, Strelizia. It has a more streamlined body."

As Ryo admired the FranXX in front of him, he was interrupted. Toru told them the order provided by Dr. FranXX, making the rest of the members look at both him and Zero Two for a second with a frown and return to their usual calm state toward their respective FranXX.

Nodding at Toru, Ryo readied himself for piloting the FranXX.


"All hands, prepare for the boarding!"

"Team Ten-s, I will be giving you overall strategic instructions, but the main field decisions must be made by the field leader, Code Alpha."


"If you are ready, we will now begin the deployment. This will be your first drill in a real FranXX, but maintain calm. Focus on your partner and believe in them."

"Now commerce connecting."

Various announcements and orders were given out by Toru as the Ten-s positioned themselves for piloting the FranXX. Alongside them, there were 30 more normal FranXX-es which were to be piloted by the Parasites living on Plantation 09 while defending it.

Grabbing the twin controller prolonged from the side of Zero Two's back, Ryo looked at her and asked, "Ready?"

"Eh!", Nodding her head, Zero Two smiled feeling excited.

Getting her confirmation, Ryo didn't hesitate any longer and pushed the buttons on the controller. 'This feeling... It's like I am at the edge of entering into Zero Two's mind.'

As soon as he grabbed the joystick, the lights on the spine protector started to glow in an upward movement until it reached to the point where he felt an unnatural connection to Zero Two. It was as if he was able to sense what she was going to do next.


As soon as Ryo and Zero Two connected, Zero Two felt as if electricity was flowing through her spine, making her moan loudly, which Ryo knew that she did intestinally louder than normally.

"Stamen and Pistil Connection Percentage: 100%. Rating: Outstanding. Para-capacity is fluctuating rapidly but is still in sync. Operation commencing. It is advisable to trust your entire self to your partner completely."

<All the Model 10-s FranXX are showing perfect sync. Ready for deployment.>

Ryo adjusted his grip and asked, "Darling. Let's destroy the Klaxosaurs."




As soon as the doors of the Boarding Harbor opened, all the restraints of the FranXX were released.

<All FranXX, prepare for flight.>


As soon as the orders were given, Ryo pushed the FranXX forward, making it rush out of the harbor.

Looking at the outside, Ryo felt his partner's excitement, making a small smile form on his face. It was rare for Zero Two to feel this excited. With his connection to her mind, he was able to feel what she was feeling and wanted to do, and he knew that she was also able to feel the same.

But this smile didn't stay there as he sensed something.

'This feeling... It's like I am able to sense the Klaxosaurs that are like 10 miles of radius from this place. Although this feeling was a bit too less previously, making me dismiss it as an unmercenary feeling after connecting to the FranXX, I am able to feel it more enhanced.'

'The voices in my head are also back...'

'I am able to feel the tremble in the air, which I think is the Klaxo-Queen. Right now she has not ordered anything as she didn't feel anything for now through her connections to the Klaxosaurs.'


Hearing Zero Two calling out to him, Ryo muted the team communication for an instant and replied, "Don't worry Darling. It is natural. We share the same blood after all."

Removing the unmercenary thoughts, both Ryo and Zero Two moved the Strelizia out into the barren land. Although it was a bit harder to control than the Virtual World, as the skills required were almost the same, Ryo easily mastered the movement.

With the cooperation from Zero Two, they were able to instantly master the normal movements.

(Toru) "Team Ten-s, the transfer process will take place in 15 minutes. Take this time to master the feeling."

(Alpha) "Roger. Team 10. Follow the arranged command."


"Now we will be commencing the Energy Transfer. "

As Toru replied from the commanding room, a huge Carrier Plane lowered over the Plantation. The sheer size made even Ryo amaze. It shadowed over them and as it reached the center of the Plantation, a hatch opened from its bottom as a long pipe was released.

The pipe instantly reached the surface of the plantation where several Workers present on the site started to grab and attach it to a small suction hole.

"Prepare for your fight. The transfer will now start.", Toru commanded as bright red Magma started to descend from the Carrier directly into the hole it was connected to.

"Line up in formation with Model-10 Alpha in the middle and be prepared to take action. We have got signs of Klaxosaurs attracted to the energy."

"Roger that."


With a rushing motion, all the FranXX rushed to their location, preparing for their first battle as anticipation rose.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Beeping sounds were heard as the whole battlefield was covered in silence, while all the Klaxosaurs radars present in the FranXX started to beep as more and more Klaxosaurs started to gather to form a circle on the Plantation.

This beeping made a bit of an unsettling feeling grow in all the Ten-s Parasites as this was their first time seeing Klaxosaurs forming formations.

"Team Ten-s, the Klaxosaurs are trying to surround the Plantation, so be ready-.Wait-! Special Team 10-s, we have got an unexpected situation on hand."


Just when Toru was about to give a report of the situation, a small booming sound was heard, making all of them look at the sound.

"Report! There is a huge leak in the Transferring process. Prepare for reinforcement from other plantations. Team 10-s, prepare for a fight. The leakage will be attracting Klaxosaurs."

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Sweat started to pour out from Parasites as they observed how the small amount of Klaxosaurs was multiplied into thousands.

On the other hand, Ryo and Zero Two instead felt excitement. Zero Two felt more excited as she would be able to go all out while Ryo because of nervousness and anticipation about how he would be fending the whole horde.

The place at which the Magma was being transferred suddenly broke off, making Magma pour out of the transferring tube and creating a small explosion attracting Klaxosaurs within 50 miles.

Even Ryo and Zero Two was affected as both started to feel a weak headache as the presence of Klaxosaurs and the commands of Klaxo-Queen came pouring into their mind. It was making them go crazy with how things were.

"Darling. Focus on my voice. Listen to my humming and try to ignore the unnecessary sounds. Forget everything. Trust me. I do not think we will be in the right mind when we will be fighting the horde, but be sure to not go too emersed into the battle."

Frowning a little, Ryo told Zero Two as he observed her squirm and groan in her seat. The voices had gone wild inside their head. It was commanding them to kill everyone.

It was making them go berserk but since they were not completely in the Klaxo-Queen's control, they were still her clones and were weaker in the hierarchy when it came to Blood, making their body instinctively follow the order of Klaxo-Queen, that is to destroy. 

As Zero Two was able to adapt to the sound, Ryo slowly stopped the hum and asked, "Are you fine now, Darling?" 

Nodding quickly, Zero Two replied, "Yep!", making Ryo feel relieved, but not for long.



Thousands of Klaxosaurs started to pour out of the ground, revealing a large horde of Klaxosaurs covering all the areas their sight could see. Although most of them were the Conrad class, the smaller sized ones, there were several Mohorovičić-class, the medium-sized one in the horde. 

As the horde poured out, all the parasites felt chill in their back.

(Toru) "All Parasite. Prepare to engage in battle. This is not a joke. The fate of Plantation 09 is in your care."

"Darling... Let's show them who's boss.", Gulping in nervousness, Ryo felt anticipation rise in his heart as he started to feel the air tremble as the Klaxo-Queen ordered the Klaxosaurs to advance.


With that, Ryo pressed the controller forward, making the FranXX rush out toward the Klaxosaur coming toward them, spinning the spear in the Strelitzia's hands and pointing the tip toward the possible location of its core.

'Well, we can sense the core...'










"Hahaha! Die! Die! Die!"




Words were limited in how to describe the scene.

All the parasites piloting the FranXX alongside the Strelizia trembled listening to the loud laughter of Omega as he and Iota were slaughtering the Klaxosaurs.

It was like a scene of one-sided slaughter.

Even Alpha and the other members of Team Ten-s felt an instinctual fear from them, making them protect Plantation 09 from the other part of the battlefield.

On the other side, Ryo, who was sitting in the Strelizia, felt an unexpected feeling of happiness rise in his heart as he listened to the painful roars of Klaxosaurs. It was as if listening to the feeling of Klaxosaurs screaming in pain made him feel like he was in power.

It was refreshing.

It was fascinating.

Every part of his body trembled in excitement.

'Is this my true feelings...? Can I only feel happy in the pain of others...? Well, I knew from the start but to think that it could feel this good...'

Ryo could feel his abilities to pilot FranXX become better and better as he continued to kill the Klaxosaurs. His body reached its peak as adrenaline rushed through his body.

He knew the reason for it. When these Klaxosaurs are 500 meters, both he and Zero Two are actually able to feel the senses that the Klaxosaurs are feeling. These included anger, pain, nothingness, and many more. It was just that killing them made Ryo feel in power.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*


Outside, the Strelizia was destroying the Klaxosaur Horde like a beast in a flock of sheep. With a weapon in each hand, it slashed and thrust through Klaxosaurs and used its body to block any major attack coming toward its body. As it moved, everything in it was destroyed to its core.

It was like a god of death and war had descended onto the battlefield.

The onlookers watched in amazement as Strelizia demolished even Mohorovičić-class Scorpion Type Klaxosaur with a slash that literally divided the whole Klaxosaur into two parts from its middle body section, making blue blood cover the whole battlefield



Looking at the minimal damage done to the Plantation and Strelizia literally demolishing the Klaxosaur horde, Toru continued to give command reports to various FranXX on the battlefield.

"Pair 4, guard your ground. Pair 6, provide support to Pair 4!"

"Pair 2, provide support at 25 degrees left. And help support in holding the ground to Model 9 to your left."

*Beep* *Beep*

Looking at the sudden change in the conditions of Strelizia, Toru's face turned serious and gained a frown.

As he looked at the report, he felt amazed as he quickly tried to establish direct communication with Strelizia, "What is going on? Code Omega, Code Iota, report! Your Para-capacity is too high! This is bad. If this continues, both your minds will connect through Strelizia and will merge!"

"This situation is unheard of! Do you copy? CODE OMEGA? CODE IOTA? ANSWER ME!"






On the Battlefield, Ryo noticed that the Fuel in the Strelizia was decreasing quite fast, making him look at the battlefield and formulate a plan, while his face was still covered with a grin. 

He knew that he was not in the right of his mind, and he tried to control it, but it was just addictive. 'Ahhh! I never knew it! I never thought that I could feel something so good! Hahahaha!'

Suddenly both Ryo's and Zero Two's minds blanked out as they felt an extreme jot in their body as their positive and negative impulses and para-capacity started to violently increase, much higher than the normal capacity that was possibly achievable.


"What is going on? Code Omega, Code Iota, report! Your para-capacity is too high! This is bad. If this continues, both your minds will connect through Strelizia and will merge! This situation is unheard of! Do you copy? CODE OMEGA? CODE IOTA? ANSWER ME!"

[Warning! Warning! Memory is about to be shared! Do you approve?]

'N-No! I... This is not the right time. I knew that since we trusted each other completely, there was a chance of this happening in the future, but I didn't expect this to happen this soon! Decline the memory sharing process!'

As he listened to the voice in his mind, Ryo was barely able to reply to the system.

[Denial of memory transfer will cost 5,000 UP. Do you accept?]

[Current UP available: 26,000.]

'No. Change the condition! Allow the memory transfer, but partially. Do not share the memories of before I met Zero Two in the Nursery Room.'

'Do not share any of my thoughts and emotions from m-my previous life and don't leave any loophole l-like me meeting DIO and s-stuff.'

'Also alter my previous thoughts and make them as if I was in love with Zero Two from the very start!'

Quickly mustering his thoughts, Ryo quickly tried to find a way to not waste the UPs. As he replied, he was on the brink of getting his consciousness immersed in Zero Two's memories.

He knew that if she somehow came to know about DIO, there was a high chance she would go crazy and commit suicide. Even he, the person who could be of great entertainment to 'Him', got cursed, so he didn't want to take any risk. 

[It is possible. The partial memory transfer will cost 1,000. Do you accept it?]


As soon as he approved of it, his mind went into immersion.

After that, everything went down.

[Request accepted]

[UP: 26,000 --> 25,000.]








Zero Two woke up and looked around to see herself sitting in the same enclosed room that she spent her childhood in with her love, her Darling, Zero Three, or Omega.

<Why am I here>

An unknown set of memories entered her mind as she found herself sitting by Ryo and her own childhood body.

<I did not know why I was there. It where meant to be. hated it. it from my heart. how had the doctors or what they called themselves, 'Adults' looked at me and things me.>

<I thought that if this continued, I would go crazy and berserk. It was getting harder harder. If place not the hell itself, it closest thing to it. That what have happened hadn't met her.>

<Zero Two... That was her name.>

<When I first met her, was fascinated by her emerald-clear eyes. They were like shining stars in the dark sky, brightly with determination even such a situation, showing resistance to what we going through. Her body thin and weak but stronger than had ever seen.>

<It attracted me. It made me think if someone as weak her could hold such a determination, how I not? awaken. Makes feel more determined to pass through the nightmare can name it.>

<Days passed as our bonds increased and we started to care for each other. Although I didn't want develop too deeply, knew that were meant be together, but tried resist it after all, soon found someone could about, which couldn't overcome.>

'...Someone else who Ryo used to care for...? Who is it? Is it 'Mama' our care-taker?' 

Zero Two though as she absorbed the memories. For the first time in her life, she felt an unknown crisis.

<Then the next day, we met what could call a stand-in for mother. Her eyes looked at us with pity and care. Making me think why she felt that way. She bought food.>

<After a few months, I discovered that was able to understand the codes and language people, or 'Adults' used. It astonishing for me. Later day, learned 'Adult' taking care of us called Stella.>

<I was getting used to this lifestyle until that day.>

<That day, was the first time that she bought something else than food. It a book, more specifically storybook.>

<The book had various pictures and words written over it which told a story about the love between two birds.>

<The book tells the story of two birds falling in love a fantasy world. These were actually caged when they met. They pets magician who was one strongest magicians out>

<As they fell in love and longed for a free life, pled to the magician, who after some thought, agreed them if were able pass situations that would face magician's illusion still be love, he will them.> 

<The birds agreed to the magician, and as agreed, magician made them go through three situations that tested their bonds love. The went a lot of ups downs but in end, they both passed with flying colors. This look at bond awe. He congratulated set free.> 

<But that was not the end, in he even transformed two love birds into humans so they wouldn't be captured again. This concluded happy ending as human-turned-birds happily lived ever after.>

<That was the last day we saw Stella. Although I did feel a bit sad, Zero Two's presence made me push past it easily.>

'So it was not 'Mama'... Who is the one Ryo started to care about?'

<Zero Two had become my pillar of support as she became someone who I cared deeply about from heart. Her presence started to make day better.>

<Then after a few years, we were given more freedom as acting loyal to the 'Adults' and then met our instructors other members of Team Ten-s, which was formed in future.>

<I showed a bit of my abilities and as I attracted the attention Franxx, started to exchange knowledge learn more about physiology Klaxosaurs try find ways make both mine Zero Two's Bloodline powerful.>

'What is a... Bloodline?'

<I have already planned for what is to come but I do not know will after everything ends. What happen? didn't anything about it, there was one thing that sure of. become the strongest person, so strong won't be threatened by anyone or used people.>

<But my feelings regarding <em>forming a family are quite counter-effective to my goal. I do not know how but I have made it my goal and I have been provided with a new start, I wanted to start anew. So I will just have to become the strongest so that there will be no one threatening me and my loved ones.>

<No one. No APEs. VIRMs. one will ever get in my way. I have promised myself.>

'Who are the... VIRMs?'

<This made me a bit over-protective of Zero Two. I do not want any harm to come her way. Then after an incident, learned was just restricting growth. Making learn my mistake. We continued grow older as our bond increased, making think...>

<If we look at the situation will I be able to see <em>Happy Ending that I desperately want to achieve?>

'... I don't know why, but the truth hurts, doesn't it? Will Darling tell me who he used to 'care' about? When did it start... I know that Darling will not hurt me intentionally... but I want to learn about the truth... Who is 'She'?'





"Ahh! Ah!"


Ryo awoke and observed his room as he felt a bit of a headache. He looked around to find that he was sitting in the same room in which he spent his childhood with Zero Two. Just by his side was his old version trying to talk to Zero Two.


Suddenly a large influx of memories started to pour directly into his mind, making him groan for a second as he emersed himself into the memories.

<Who am I?>

<Back then, this question crossed my mind.>

<The entirety of my childhood was spent in an enclosed room. It suffocating. I had older memories but forgotten about them as they were no importance to me.>

<At that time I met him... My Darling... life.>

<His presence made me feel alive. I was cautious toward him at first, but realized soon that he just like me... A person without an origin. Who didn't know why existed? It not the blood connected up. If could describe what us same... then term would have been none other than... 'Broken'>

<His eyes told his story. I didn't understand what it was at the start but able to feel it. His feelings were numb. He broken just like would have been if he not there for me depend on.>

<His actions made me feel touched. He happy. And more importantly... alive.>

<He cared for me and I him. His dull yet shiny purple eyes made feel peaceful. They my body relaxed as was in the embrace of what stories termed 'Mother'. It a soothing feeling.>

<I started to depend on him. Slowly but surely he became the entirety of my life. I knew that we were meant be together.>

<As time passed, he started to teach me things that made feel amazed. I did not know where got the knowledge from at time, but what knew was amazing.>

<Then we met what can call a stand-in for our 'mother'. She looked old. Her white hair and gentle eyes made me feel warmth.>

<She bought us food whenever I was hungry and toys destroyed most of them in anger.>

<Sadly those happy days didn't last long. One day, she bought a book named 'Love Birds'. As soon as flipped the page, whole new world opened for me. It was full of pictures and vivid images.>

<It was beautiful. Both the picture as well story.>

<It made me realize. If 'mother' bought this for us... doesn't mean that she was showing the story related to us...?>

<Both I and Ryo are trapped in a 'Bird Cage'. And we just have to pass through the trials of 'Papa-s', wizards become free.>

<It took me a few years to realize but as soon I realized that... knew that both Ryo and were destined be together.>

'Wait... Destined...', Ryo's face turned a bit grim as he thought about it.

'Doesn't he want to be entertained? Isn't my situation too cliché? This makes no sense. Did he just reincarnate me at random? But what is his agenda... Was it to use my 'loved' ones to control me?'


'What was my main purpose for falling in love with Zero Two!? Why can't I remember!? What is going on? First the unnatural feelings... Then this... What is going on!!! No chance it was DIO. He won't interfere as it won't be entertaining...'

'What is going on!?'

Gripping his hair, Ryo raced his mind... But still couldn't figure out what was going on...

'Why did I even use the 'Love Potion'? What can I gain from it? These feelings will only be getting in my way!'



Infinity System

Name: Code 003/ Code Omega / Otsuki Ryo

Age: 13

Gender: Male


Titles: ---

Bloodlines: Fake Klaxosaur Hybrid

Core (?): Infinity (Unawakened): Able to manipulate the concept of [Infinity] 



[1. Chunnibyo Effect: The host sees everything in an animated style. Triple the talent to learn supernatural stuff. This perk will decrease the ability to perceive distances for the Host.]

[2. Brave: Will stay brave and calm in dangerous situations. Increase stats by 15% when in fights or deadly situations. But decrease stats by 15% when not in fight or deadly situations. This perk will take 3 sec to take effect every time.]

[3. Cockroach: Have a 75% chance of getting no damage in one-shot killing attacks. No Drawback.]


HP: 100%

MP: ---


Body: F+

Mind: F+ (Cursed by Chaos & Order)

Astral Body (Currently Unusable): F -

~Overall Ranking~: F


Unique Points: 27,000

[Show Skills] [Show Inventory] ]



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