
Code Geass FF chapter 72

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I listened in on their next moves using the radios I got from one of them before.

And that made this little rampage and excursion of mine much easier.

So easy that it became boring.

Now I just felt like strolling around as I harvest some fruit on a fruit yard.

The enemies are the fruits if someone doesn't understand what I mean.

Now I feel like rolling my eyes to those who can't keep up with my thoughts.

As I thought, reading my mind doesn't mean anything when others can't keep up with me ven with that.


I am so awesome indeed.

So indubitably!

Man, maybe I should really up my security for my current identity?

I mean, it was the first time that I am in a really high and important position you know~.

I didn't expect that people will be so eager to kill me or get me that they were even able to patiently look through my security details.

In fact, I already had this identity's information under strict protection.

My security is as safe as of those from the common concubines of Charles.

It means it was as high as the standard royal security.

I didn't think that I am so important now.

They might have used some secret trump cards and paid a really high price just for this situation.

But it's all for nothing because it failed and now I am quite aware already.

Now that I think about it. Maybe, I am really important now.

No, not maybe. I am really important now. Most people should be attributing the development of knightmare frames to me right now.

And they aren't fully wrong but that isn't the whole truth either.

As I said before to almost everyone who asked, I am not the only one responsible for creating the knightmare frames.

I am not even the one who first had the idea of making it.

I just made it's development speed up than what would have normally happen.

Yeah, no, I guess they also want to get me because of the whole blueprints of the knightmare frame huh?!

That's right, just being the developer of knightmare frames aren't enough.

No one knows the whole blueprints except for a few really high up people and most of those people are always guarded with high security, like duke Ashford and the chief researcher of the Ashford Foundation.

It seems that I am the only one who is so willful and careless about personal security?

Anyways, so they want my blueprints huh?

Is it already time to help the other countries finish making their own knightmare frames?

No, I should wait some more time, Britannia isn't equal to America, Russia and China in size yet.

When they are more or less equal then I should help those that hadn't finished making their own mechs.

Oh wait!

I just heard these mercenaries talking about Marianne and the others.

I should carefully listen first.


"This is Bear two speaking. I just saw the car pass by from my position. They are heading towards the direction of the other side of the island from the mansion. Over."

*Ksshh, ksshh

"This is command. Try to take it down when you have a chance, if not, just ignore it and concentrate on the mission target."

Damn, It seems that they are almost there.

Where am I now again? Hmmm... Let's see...

I took out the map in my memory as I inspect the landmarks nearby.

Ooohhh... That's good.

I just passed the half way mark.

I am a little too fast? Or am not?

Nevermind, I don't have the right data for measurement right now.

Besides, I can just always speed up when I feel like it.

Also, it is good that they attacked in the late afternoon because it's already quite dark now.

And it will be really dark already when I started making my escape from this island.

And I will only do that if I had not already killed everyone of them later wen the time comes.


"This is badger one and two. The car is on sight. It had just stopped and it seems that the engine was also turned off."

"This is command. Do as what is said before."

"Copy that. The people inside is coming out now. We are quite a distance from them. We are going over to do as what was said before."

Damn! Careful, Marianne!

- Marianne and the others -

Some time before.

"Have any of you seen any enemy nearby?" Marianne asked seriously because they are very near to their destination now.

"Negative!" Flora said in a military like way.

"I didn't see anyone where we passed by for a few minutes now." Eunalia said with relief as she thinks that they are about to be safe.

"I didn't see anyone Aunty!" Cornelia shouted energetically because of all the excitement she is feeling after experiencing being attack by their enemies.

Although, it seems that the context isn't right, but that really is what happened and that really is the reason why she was excited.

She was getting bored because the journey earlier wasn't very 'soldier like' or full of action but then they got attacked, and so, she was excited.

She still doesn't feel the seriousness of the matter at hand.

Of course this is normal, she is just a child after all, even if she is royalty.

"Good!" Marianne said loudly as she stopped the car near the front of a cave.

This cave is connected to a hidden dock where the speed boat and the jet ski is hidden.

"Finally!" Eunalia exclaimed from relief and a relaxed smile as she really felt worried about their situation, specially since her precious little girl is with them.

"That's right!" Flora said happily with a bit excitement as she was also very tense from worry when this situation started.

"Alright, Check everything important that should be brought together with us." Marianne said as she started checking everything that she felt important and that she had to bring with her to the both.

"All clear! Everything's fine." Flora and Eunalia replied respectively after they checked their own things.

"Let's do this fast, alright? Remember to still be alert! We aren't safe yet.

So move fast towards the speed boat." Marianne said as a reminder so that they wouldn't be careless.

- word count 1074 -

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You can get 20 chapter more!

There are only two tiers, you get 10 chapters advance from the first one and the whole 20 chapters advance on the second one.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

soldkladcreators' thoughts