
Code Geass FF chapter 16

There were many major events that happened before 1960 like the GI bill for america that started at 1944 which gave those soldiers who came from the war an education or house grant, the former for young guys and the latter for the old ones.

There was also the highway act in 54 that only got passed at 56 then the polio vaccine at 1955.

At 1957, sputnik 1 and 2 was launched which both failed with sputnik 2 carrying a Dog named Laika, that became the first animal on space, which died when the satellite burned in the atmosphere.

At 1958, NASA was created.

And now it was 1970! The events that happened before was really something else like JFK became the youngest president then died in the same year at 1961 then the fucking cuban missile crisis happend at 62.

Then Malcolm X happened at 65 with the racism shit.

Ahhh.... America... So eventful.

The event at 1966 is what I liked the most. With Neil Armstrong landing on the moon, one small step for man and one giant step for mankind.

Then the fucking Ohio national guards killed four college students a week ago on May 4, it is still all over the news until now.

We already made the first version of the windows operating system and planned to released the thing on the same date as the original history but not the same year, at november 20 this year.

My funds are enough now to launch my own satellite and in fact, it is already being made, the schedule for launching is next year.

I did what I said I would do and more. I got both my previous managers knocked up five times a few years ago, that's the more part. Then we also stop having sex because they are getting too old for my taste, and I didn't see them anymore after, as my Mikaelson Identity, because I made it die when the Malcolm X happened, I am blonde and white so I became one of the casualties, I planned that though, the became a casualty part and not the Malcolm X.

Now I got a secretary, She is a red head beauty, busty and is intelligent enough, she only needs to arrange my schedule and take care of my nuts.

I am starting to get bored again.

Then Bill and Paul broke up, I was the third party. haha!

Joke's aside, the diagnosis on Paul was made early so he started living a healthier lifestyle and move away slowly from the management.

We partnered up with intel which was established at 1968. We exchanged shares with intel.

My learning is at crawling speed because there is nothing new to learn. I caught up with the publicly available knowledge for advanced research.

If I want to learn more, I would have to look at those not available to the public or do my own research which I am really tempted to do now. Nuclear power was not invented because some of the history isn't the same.

Sakuradite was discovered much earlier before this body of mine is even born. Japan wasn't bomb to stop the war. It was an inside revolution that stopped japan from making the war go further.

The huge sakuradite mine was discovered earlier by Marco Polo, and now, it is in the target list of every top country.

Remember those I mentioned country names before? they became part of the Europia United established by Britannia. Some countries weren't even made yet when Europia United came to be, that's why some of them doesn't have the same name as what I know from my previous life. I only mentioned those countries to mark their positions in the map that I remember in my previous life.

It was really confusing to call those places with different names you know.

I don't even want to go to Britannia right now because the royalty is assasinating each other brutally, it seems that, Charles rising is about to begin.

Most of the things I did before was all referenced from what I remember of my previous life's history. now my fore knowledge of historical events is failing because most of it didn't fucking happened.

The one's that I did mentioned happened though, I only took note of those things to align my plans with the timeline I am familiar with. The one's that mostly stayed the same was American history. The European history is fucked though.

Those Fucking royalties are killing each other left and right that I am feeling bewildered by how the so called Europia United hadn't broken down yet.

Most places in europe are still called what they were called in my previous life but they were mostly annexed and ruled by the Europia United which was in reality owned by the royal family of Britania. Every leader seems to be fucking controlled by geass and that made E.U. so solid.

I heard that a certain Charles zi Britannia was born at 1955. He will ascend the throne a few more years later after making an oath with his brother VV.

That's why I definitely don't want to go anywhere near Britania before Charles ascension to the throne.

That's mostly the reason why I am here in America, even though America's independence before was hampered by Britannia it was still mostly going the way it was meant to be, so I decided on taking advantage of this particularity.

In fact, now, I realized why no one from the previous war committed any rape specially from the britannians side. It was because they were more bigoted inside than the nazis although they didn't show it outwardly.

They feel more superior than others and mostly feel disgusted by the nazi for thinking that they are the superior race. I didn't experience it before because I was a British person.

Specially after the two factions were made, and really specially need to be mentioned, those purist fucktards. They were the ones that disdained to hire me for a performance in the events they organized before in my first identity.

I was a low born they said. tsk tsk!

There were many times before that I wanted to fucking punch their damnable faces.

I thought these legitimate faction and purist faction where part of the original history that I just didn't know, as you can see from my deduction, they apparently weren't. or were they? Doesn't matter now.

That might also be why I didn't get to have a ceremony when I got my knighthood as Sherlock Holmes.

tsk tsk...

- word count 1106 -

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