
Code Geass: Azure Prince

Claudius El Britannia, The 4th prince of Britannia, A person who wasn't supposed to exist was in fact a transmigrator. Armed with future knowledge he would control it for his benefit while not entirely changing the timeline.

9yearsoldkid · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Lelouch and Suzaku

Lelouch p.o.v

thinking of this past few hours, I can't still believe it. From playing chess in order to help for Nunally's to commanding a rebel group with stolen Knightmares all because of the power I gained from the girl in the capsule.

Thanks to this I found myself reunited with my old friend Suzaku only to learn that he had joined Britannia of all things.

Before Suzaku or I could plan our next move we were confronted by my brother Clovis's royal guard.

They forced Suzaku to shoot me but when he refused he was killed instead. I was about to be shot when suddenly the truck explodes thanks to the girl who helped me escape.

Continuing along to tunnel I came upon a warehouse where the royal guard who survived were finishing off killing civilians when of all times my phone rang giving away my position.

Now placed up in front of a wall I was about to be executed until the green haired girl ran out in front of me

She then received the bullet meant for me to her forehead dropping dead on the spot or so I thought.

As I had flashbacks and regretting that I would die here never to see my little sister Nunnally again, the girl's hand grabbed mine.

I then saw a series of surreal images I didn't understand.

Through which she said I had a reason for living and asked me if I would accept her contract for power to allow me to live.

In exchange, I would have to grant her wish.

Hastily accepting I came to in the same place I was before, I then used my new power to command the royal guard to kill themselves.

Which they did so with glee shooting each other and themselves in the head.

I then stole a knightmare from a Britannian and helped arm a group of terrorists with a train of Sutherlands meant to reinforce a military base.

After arming themselves, I took command of the terrorists and was able to turn the tide of the battle rather quickly.

I had Clovis and the Britannians on the run, I was outsmarting and outmaneuvering them with the stolen Sutherlands and the rag-tag group of Japanese terrorists who started this whole mess I know found myself.

That is until I started hearing reports of a single white and gold Knightmare destroying my forces, every trap and ambush were proven ineffective thanks to its bullet deflecting shielding and performance which proved too much for a standard Sutherland and inexperienced pilot to handle.

As things couldn't get any worse a little later, another knightmare appeared at the other end of the ghetto and was carving a path through my forces. Determined to get rid of at least one of the thorns in my side I set the perfect trap at an old intersection for this mysterious blue and gold Knightmare to dodge all incoming fire and destroy all the Sutherlands lying in wait.

Then I sent six more to ambush it, but it just dodged everything like it could tell where the bullets would come from and disabled them all.

Eventually, I was getting desperate as two unstoppable forces crushed everything in their way and were on a collision course towards the center of the ghetto where I had set up in a ruined skyscraper.

As I was calling for any available forces left as I saw a slash harken embed itself into the ceiling pulling a knightmare up the building and I came face to face with the enemy that has been making short work of the terrorists.

"So this thing is the one ruining my plan?" I said to the white Knightmare as it closed in to take me out as well.

Suzaku p.o.v

Surprisingly I was saved by the special corps from Llyoyd and Cecile and given a Knightframe named Lancelot  I was amazed at how powerful this Knightmare was.

"Yes I can do this with I can stop all this at once, and save Lelouch and that Girl."

I fought as hard as I could then suddenly I saw a Mother and child that was about to be smashed by a falling debris so I immediately dashed towards them.

However, a new knightmare beat me to them coming from behind and still able to catch the woman safely and protected her from harm.

Looking at the new unit, I which I didn't know was friend or foe I readied myself to rescue the woman again, but the knightmare seemed more interested in the people he saved than me as he had its back turned and was kneeling allowing the woman to step on solid ground.

Finally getting a chance to look at this new machine, that looked more similar to the Lancelot than a Sutherland. It was a blue and gold Knightmare.

Activating my fact spheres I heard the pilot asking the woman if she was all right, and if she needed assistance.

The strange thing was he was speaking in Japanese. Although the woman was still shaken up from the fall and being saved by one of the machines that destroyed her home, she was surprised to hear a charming voice asking if she and her child were all right.

Saying yes that they were physically fine but just shaken up. The pilot then stood the Knightmare up and told the woman to head towards a refugee camp to the east, as it was safe from the military.

The woman who knew the place took off that way trying to get to safety.

Turning to me I saw that the head of the knightmare had a face with eyes like the Lancelot and also had a segmented gold and white plume-like a Roman helmet for a head.

The pilot of the Knightmare then activated his loudspeakers speaking to me now in English; "I thank you for the assistance in ending this battle, may I have your name pilot?"

Activating my loudspeakers, "Private Suzaku Kururugi, the pilot of the Lancelot, my lord."

"Well, I thank you again Sir Kururugi you seem to handle that Knightmare rather well, you seem to have potential as a Knightmare pilot." Shocked at the sudden compliment of my skills by another pilot even knowing I was Japanese, put me at a loss for words.

"It's been a pleasure Suzaku Kururugi, but I must return and sweep the eastern section can I trust you to take care of the west if you can handle it?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yes my lord, but what is your name if I may ask?"

"Oh, call me Claudius if you must." And with that he sped off the way he came to clean up any stragglers.

"Suzaku are you alright?" Miss Cécile's voice laced with concern asked through the video link.

"Yeah I'm alright I just ran into another blue and gold Knightmare, who took care of the other half of the terrorists and saved a civilian."

Before she could respond, Lloyd nearly pushed Miss Cécile out of the screen staring wide-eyed at Suzaku in a strangely serious face.

"Suzaku, explain exactly what the machine looked like."

So I told Lloyd what I saw of the Knightmare and as I finished my report his face was unreadable before marching off screen, but I could still hear him yelling something about that blonde haired thief and him stealing his ideas.

"Uh, Miss Cécile does Lloyd know that machine and pilot?" I asked as Miss Cécile's surprised face came back into view sporting a faint blush?

"Yeah, you can say that just watch the energy filler Suzaku and you should be okay," as she cut the feed while playing with her hair which seemed fascinating to her at the moment.

Now wondering who the hell this Claudius person was, I set off to sweep the western part of the ghetto making my way back towards the special corp.