

In a different world , in a different time...across the universe a soul from Earth struggles to survive. A world plagued with war, monsters, demon's, natural disasters and many more dangers, a human soul preserves. Where humans fly and the oceans boil , a human not of this world painfully survives. But even with those, he doesn't give up, he struggles against the heavens, against the river of destiny, his words haunting his enemies....his face their haunting their dreams in the night as he chuckles to himself. "Crimson Wolf....going dark."

SilentTreatment · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Next Level 4

Heng's voice reverberated across the swamplands, and a wave of confusion swept across the camp.



"BATTLE POSITION'S!" a heavy voice was clearly heard across the camp, dispelling the stupor they were in.

The resting soldiers panicked at those words and immediately became alert. Some woke up to not knowing what was happening, and some who were keeping a lookout gripped their spears tightly. The dark swamplands were enveloped in a variety of shouting and panicked questions, but that didn't matter at the moment.

 Before the camp had really started to organise, something came flying from the darkness.


No one really saw what it was , but when one of the lookouts yelled in pain,  everyone saw it. It was an arrow....an arrow more than half a meter in length was sticking from his thigh.


The next second  he collapsed on the ground screaming, clutching his wound.



A few soldiers went pale as their friend screamed, they too knew exactly what that meant. An enemy raid was just starting,  and the already were one down. The wounded soldier would probably live with that kind of wound , but it  was not a good start.



Several more arrows followed after that, one of them headed for Heng,  but he fortunately was expecting something to come his way, and doged it. 

"Fuck!" exclaimed  Heng as he immediately ran away from the barrage of arrows that were coming his was and hid behind one of the carts they used for tramspoting supplies. He could see the other soldiers doing likewise, and a large number were running around trying to protect themselves with whatever weapons they could get their hands on. They all seemed to have a general idea of what to do, and Heng felt like he was the only one who wasn't fully focused on something. His legs ached with exhaustion, and he couldn't stop shaking. 

Heng hadn't run like that since that day in the forest..it had been so long ago...he thought he wouldn't be able to go through that again, especially today.


At first, Heng managed to stay under cover, but soon enough the sound of arrows hitting the grass and dirt filled his ears. And then there was another, another, one after the other, and then it stopped. 

"What is this?" asked Heng as he turned around slowly,  and he saw the source of the silence. He was horrified at what he was seeing, "Enemies incoming?!" he shouted incredulously, but no one paid attention to him. Numerous slender figures came from the darkness of the forest and attacked them like ferocious leopards.



They shouted in horror of the soldiers, but not all were like that. A tall and burly soldier came out of the circle and went to meet the attackers head on. 

"Haaaa..." shouted he as his big and thick blade fell upon one of the attackers, easily breaking his wooden shield. Splinters of wood and bone flew as the blade chopped more than 20 cm into the attackers collarbone. He was certainly dead.



That moment, that word seemed to flip  the tide as the soldiers morale was finally ignited....the battle had finally begun. Spears poked  flesh, swords stabbed,  and even random rocks were used to smash the others head in, but  it still was not enough.  They were surrounded from all sides and an endless number of enemies seemed to rush towards them.


As all of this was happening Heng wasn't sitting idly by, even though he wanted to. No, he was also fighting for his life like the others as he wielded a roundish  wooden shield and a relatively long spear in his hand.  It was his preferred combination of offence and defence,  and he wasn't wrong to think so.


One of the attackers rushed him with a spear on hand, and Heng's eyes focused  as his training came out.  He instinctively put his hand further on the shift of the spear,  and when he saw the enemy was close enough,  he thrusted.  His spear was fast and true,  but the attacker wasn't a dummy either.With little effort he deflected Hengs strike and was about to thrust his own spear,  but Heng suddenly rushed forward. The two of them clashes against  each other with a bang , Heng though was the stronger of the two, so he pushed the enemy back. With a stagger the enemy retreated, and Heng didn't let  this opportunity slip by. Sliding his had once again across the spear he gripped it towards the middle, and thrusted towards the face.

"Guuu..."was the only thing the enemy could say as the spear pierce his eye socket, and even his brain. Rage seemed to fill his opponent as he attempted to grab towards Heng, but with cold steel poking  his brain, he soon died. Heng on the other hand didn't understand how smoothly his spear had pierced his enemy. Usually he practiced against wooden dummies and straw dummies,  but human flesh was something else. It was so easy.....


          Enemy Killed !                    ÷100 XP     


        Leveled Up!      


Heng was surprised at the thing, and even jumped as two notifications appeared in front of him. He wanted to red them, but he was immediately forced out of his stupor by his narrowing field of vision. Another enemy was already upon him.