
under the night sky

after a while you guys played a different game called "friday the 13 multiplayer "

you guys joined and when you guys were in there was

a cut sense and then your person was a white girl in a bikini and when you move she said

"i have to get out of here , fast!"

you said " shut up you probably gunna die" and laugh

and then you hear sapnap from the call say " I HAVE BOOBIES"

you guys laughed then a guy said " can you not?"

then sapnap said " make me bitch"

your eyes widen and said " hey sapnap remember we are streaming" with nervous face

he said " i dont care he cant just say anything to me because i will too"

then goerge said " sap stop please"

"fine " sapnap said

we kept playing

12 mins you hear sapnap say " THIS GIRL CANT RUN " as screaming in a high pitch

you laugh and say " hey wheres dream at i havent heard from him in a while?"

then you hear george and sapnap say " oh no " at the same time

you said " what?"

then goerge said " you just met him huh?" while a little giggle

"i mean yea i met him three days ago" you reply

then sapnap " i know you cant see it but im doing the shame on you "

you say " wow thanks for the evidence "

then you go back to what they were saying " so what does that have to do with him being quiet?"

then george said " that most likely means hes hiding somewhere or hes it"

you look to your stream and say " oh great just what i needed"

a boy passed you with part of something you follow him and then say "wait we have to make a boat?"

then say " this whole time i have just been running around"

goerge laughs and says " yea you can make a boat or do the car "

"ok damn" you say to your stream

then you thought "music would be good " so you turn on pump it by the black eyed peas

when then beginning you were shaking your head

then you hear george say " pUmP iT?"

you and sapnap laugh

1 min later

you were just sing the lyrics and forgot you were on a call

you said thank you to a dono

then out of no where you hear dream say " coco melon "

then stop talking after

you looked at your stream so confused on that

sapnap said " what the hell ?"

goerge said " ummmmm"

you said " that was ummm random "

you texted dream saying " dream why did you say coco melon ? " and laughed at your text

when your phone rumbled it was from dream and he was saying " you can call me clay its my real name "

you type back and say " oh ok thanks <3"

and to be honest you have know idea why you put a heart but you just went with it

after a while of playing you ended the stream and went down stairs

and played "mood" on a speaker while cleaning

them the music turned off them siri went off and said "Eenie Weenie pp added you to a group chat on Snapchat "

you laughed because you put clays name as eenie weenie pp just to make fun of him

but anyways you walked to your phone and went on snapchat and saw the group chat

called " THE DREAM TEAM " you were confused because your not apart of the teaming your just a

friend of them but when you clicked on it you see their convo to see them talking about adding you

to it , you were shocked about it and thought how just three days ago you were just saying hi to him

and now being a part of it was crazy

you went to type hi but before you got a private message from eenie weenie pp saying " im coming over be ready"

you just laying on your bed with comfortable clothes , no rings on just chilling

then another text went in saying " i want to take you some where if thats good with you"

you text back saying " yea imma get ready right now"

after a couple mins you had an outfit on and some cute rings on

and you were doing your make up

when you felt someone hug you form the behide you turn your chair to see clay

you say " hello there!"

he laughed and say " hey "

then he sat right next to you while you were doing your make up , you handed

him your phone and said " play any song "

he went on the phone and played " roll in peace "

and then he was rubbing your back while you did your make up

then it was time for your eyeliner you pulled out it and said " fingers crossed "

then opened it and thankfully they came out great

when you were done you put a setting spray then got up

to put on your shoes then your hear clay say " you ready ?"

you look up at him and say " yea lets go "

when you guys were in his car you played music

you played " sketchers"

you were singing all the songs

while driving he had one of his hands on your thigh and the other on the

steering wheel

then at a red light he turned to you and said it will be a 3 hour drive so

get comfortable you take off your shoes and place your feet over his lap

you guys sit there and vibe for a while

and you take out your phone and record this and put as the cap saying

"hes doesnt have as big of an ego as be hide his computer<3"

and posted it on snapchat and insta

but blurred his face for the insta

on your personal snapchat you didnt because its only you sapnap goerge and him and family

but they wont even know its him because he wasnt looking and the cam

half the time you guys were talking about your childhood and funny school stories

when you guys made it to this board walk at the beach

at night it was so pretty there

you guys walked into the entry of it and walked to the right side and wanted to go on couple rides

then clay pointed out this big one you said yea lets do it

while in line it was a pretty big one clay said " hey try not to yell at any old ladys this time "

ang laughed at the end

you laughed as well and said " well there isnt room so just hope they dont come"

after waiting a bit you guys sat down on it

and put on the seat belts while going up , you grabbed onto his arm

he chucked and then put his arm around you

you looked at him in a different way then you ever have

and thought to yourself " i think i caught feelings.."

while in the moment it felt like nothing was around you guys , and it was just you two

but then you felt your belly go up from the speed of you guys going back down

you guys were in the back of the ride so it was hard to tell what would happen next

he was laughing half the time because you would make stupid remarks but

they would be funny because of perfect timing

it made you laugh as well

after that ride you guys were walking around and saw a mini game

with big (any animal) stuffies

you look at this one and just wanted it so bad you walked up to it

and said "how much to play ?"

the guy said " 5 dollars"

you placed it down it was one of thoses basketball mini games

(idk about you but im not the best at basketball)

you looked at clay then looked back and tried once but it didnt go in

you did a welp face annd started to walk off but then you hear clay say" do you really want it?"

you looked at him and said " yea it was cute , why?"

then you saw him hand the guy 5 more dollars then ended up making it

into the really far hoop

then got it and then gave it to you and said " there you now have it " with a smile on

his face

you smiled hugged him and said " thank you"

" no problem " he said to you

but then you asked him " how did you make it?"

he looked down at you and said " i played basketball" and then laughed

you smiled then hugged him again

then while walking you felt his hand in your left hand and started holding your hand

you looked up and he was looking at you

it gave you a nervous feeling but in a good way

then he rubbed your hand with his thumb while walking

and it just made you feel a type of way and being competently honest you wanted more of it

then you guys walked into a restaurant and sat down for a little bit

you took out your phone and took a photo with him and saved it to memories

then you guys ordered milkshakes and talked a little more before paying and walking

until you found a arcade and went in side of it

and saw a photo booth you looked at him , he looked at you and

you both smiled and ran over to it

and took photos and on the last photo you asked him what for the last one? but the timer was going pretty

fast so he hurried up and held your face and kissed you for the last one

when it was done you guys looked at each other then out of nowhere

perfect play by ed sheeran

you both laughed because of it , but then he put his finger to your chin and whispered

" i want to be with you "

you were shocked by it and said " me too"

he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him and kissed you a little more

but you guys stop when you got a call from your cousin mia

your eyes widen since you havent talked to her in days and probably

shes going to go off about the streams

you looked at him then at your phone and declined the call then

looked at him

then he said " hey we got another strip of photos

you looked and it was when you two were making out

both of you guys laughed you hurried and said " i want it "

he laugh and said " that fine i keep our first kiss one then"

you laughed and hugged him

and thought to your self " its actually happening "

after a while you guys went back to the car

and when in the car he was singing along to your favorite song with you

then after a while he stopped at a parking lot at a target at the empty part of it

and got out , you were confused but he opened your door and said " wanna dance?"

you got up and danced with him the whole time you were still thinking how hes competently

different of camera and how you pretty much want to cry

you guys dance for a while and after messed around in the parking lot

at one point he was pushing you in a cart and you pushed him too

when you guys got back in the car he was way more of a softie

it was pretty cute , you never seen him this way it was u real but in a good way

the whole time in the car he was holding your thigh and wouldnt move it

even to change gears he would use his other hand

you woke up in your bed the next morning when you sat up clay wasnt

there , you walked down stairs to see him on the couch sleeping

next to rajah

you went back up stairs to brush your teeth and when you realized

he took off your make up for you

it made you smile and say " damn its to much but its cute"

when done you walked back to him and cuddle up to him

and fell back asleep
