

COBRA KAI NEVER DIES. This isn't the story of a rich, handsome guy that has everything going well. But one were he defies fate and becomes the Dragon King. If you want to make a what if in youtube contact me to send you the files Xarisbasilakis46@gmail.com

Dragon35 · Sport
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22 Chs

The Road To Brothership

The all valley tournament was getting close and we were ready. Robby and Sam were a lot stronger than their canon counter parts due to my interference. As for me, I was about as strong as Daniel in karate. My physique was one of the best there was, I was so fast that my opponents could only see a flash before they lost the match. But were I exceled was strenght, my strikes were strong enough to crack skulls and break bones. In one to one fight I was unstoppable and everone understood that. 

After finishing training for the day Robby came up to me. He said "Hey Jack can you take me somewhere''. I replies ''No problem but where do you want to go''. He said ''I'll tell you in the car''. I shruged and we walked to the car, we got in and I started driving. Robby said ''Can you take me to the harbour, I have to deal with some friends from the past''. I nodded understandingly and drove off. We got to the harbour and Robby said ''Wait here'', before walking towards a nearby building. I felt that something was going to happen so I stealthily followed him. I went into the building were I saw Robby talking to two older guys. Robby said ''I'm out off the group just stay away from me''. One of the guys said ''You think you can leave so easily, you know way too much''. Robby got into a stance but he didn't see an older guy approaching from the back with a wooden bat. Thankfully I was ready, I rushed forward and grabbed the bat. I spun around and broke it on his head, knocking him out. One of the guys tried to grab Robby but he caught his arms and flipped him over his shoulder and slammed him into the ground. The other guy tried to punch robby but I caght his arm and punched his ribs, I heard a crunch and the guy fell unconscious. Then Robby kicked the other guy in the head and we got out of there. 

While driving I asked Robby ''So, who were those guys''. He sighed and said ''In my old life I wasn't the best person. I had joined those people, we would steal and threaten people. Some months ago we decided to steal some cars from mr Larusso. I joined the Larusso auto group to learn the password to the door, but mr Larusso became a father figure to me and I desided to stop with the heist and confess. Those guys attacked me but the got caught from a security camera and they fled. Some days ago I started receiving threats and it was time to confront my past''. I noded understandingly and said ''Want to get some food, I'm treating''. He smiled and we drove to a nearby Mcdonald's. We got food from the drive through and we ate and chit chat while driving. I dropped Robby off at his home, but before he got in I said ''Robby, if you ever need anything or someone hurts you just call me and I'll be there''. He smiled and said ''Will do, bro'' before getting into his house.

The next day Daniel was late for training and we were sparing. Essentially it was a free for all but they had been ganging up on me. Sam went in for a head kick but I grabbed her leg spun around and threw her at Robby who was approaching from behind. He caught her but he had to take a couple of steps back so he wouldn't fall. I run forward and kicked robby in the chest making them roll back. They got up and attacked me at the same time. Sam went in for a double sky kick and robby tried to sweep my legs. I rushed forward and jumped over Robby and under Sam with a a drill like motion. I caught my self and spun around rushing forward and grabbing Robby's head and planting him in the ground. But suddenly Sam run at me and kick towards my chest. I didn't have enough time to evade so I crossed my arms infront of my chest. She kicked me and I rolled back, dispersing the kick's momentum. I got up and caught Sams arm. I punched her pressure points paralysing her arm. I turned around and threw her over my shoulder slamming her into the ground. I got her in a painful handlock. She gritted her teeth and said ''Ok you win'' and I let her go. Robby came in to attack me but I deflected his arm and punched his solar plexus making him fold in half. I spun around and round house kicked his head making him fall to the side. I got to him and hit his pressure points paralyzing his arms and legs. He grunted and tried to move but he wasn't able to. He then said with an angry expression ''You win, now let me go''. 

Then Daniel came into the training ground. I unparalyzed Sam and and we got up. Daniel said ''Gather up'', we got close and he said ''I have your official competition, Miyagi-do gi''. He then opened a nearby bag, revealing three white gi with a bonsai tree over an orange sun and three black belts. He gave us the outfits and we went to change. When we return we got into positions with me in the middle, Sam on my right and Robby on my left. We paused for a moment and then I said ''We look seek'', the other two grinned and Daniel smiled. He then said ''lets take some photos''. We got a lot of photos, some with Daniel and other with just us three. After that we went to olive garden where we discussed about strategies for the turnament. Before finishing our dinner Daniel gave us the next three days to rest and replenish our strength and then we all took our ways.

Here it comes. The All valley is going to take a bit because it's going to be longer than usual. Leave comments about possible fights and I may incorporate them into my story.

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