
Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billi

Meet Isra, a little genius with a mischievous spirit. When she and her partner-in-crime Khadija stumble upon a talking cat made of clouds, all bets are off! Isra, the tiny maniac with knack of making world ending schemes, cooks up a plan to kidnap it. Little do they know, this plot is the start of an adventure that will lead them into a world of powerful magical creatures and far-off alien lands. Get ready for a journey packed with laughs, sorrow, and amazing powers.

sherjanmirza · Fantasie
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104 Chs

The end of all things

A few moments before, where the high and mighty citadel of the sovereign stood, its stones now lay completely cracked with countless dead soldiers underneath.

Aatish had done her job, it was time for her to disappear before the executioners arrive. So time was of essence, she jumped up and took flight, her face had a subtle and satisfied smile upon it. 

She looked below and saw only smoke and flames, and grinned to herself.

'Serves you right, you damned soverei-' before she could even finish the thought, a sword shot through her chest. Impaling her midair, she grunted and bled red magma through her mouth, turned her head with bare effort and saw the pale face of the executioner, hovering in the sky.

It then struck her in the face, pushing her off the blade and straight into the chaos below.

Aatish rolled and landed then grabbed her chest, crimson red magma was flowing through it onto the ground, melting it. The executioner silently hovered above her.

she knew that her time had come because these damned creatures spared no moments in useless dialogues, so healing was out of question. As its sword shot through the air to strike her again but instead it met with crackling electricity.

"Not my little sister" Qatan called upon the thunder and winds. The clouds above him ducked down in a whirlpool; a second later, the executioner was hit with a beam of electricity that shook the whole world."

Before it could recover completely, Qatan plunged his sword through his head. 

"Not my little Aatish" Qatan grunted as the executioner fell to the ground. 

He turned back and placed his paw over her wound, as electricity started knitting her together. 


"Not now aatish, fly off. Get to the grove as soon as possible, remember you still have a job to do" Qatan smiled at her with adorn and she nodded, her eyes teary, then she flew off. 

He then dismissed his sword and sat on the corpse of the dead executioner, waiting for the sovereign to arrive along with rest of the executioner pets. 

A moment later, amidst the burning blocks and molten stone. A slender humanoid-looking woman materialized. She lifted her hand up and water from the sea rose up in high pillars, then effortlessly she drenched the whole citadel with it.

Few seconds later, twelve executioners appeared behind her. 

"Where did your accomplice go Qatan?" She said, Her voice made the ocean settle down. 

"I dont need any accomplice to bring you down Inaara, you do know that right" Qatan said, his tone casual.

"These dogs of yours will not help you today. The winds of change are here and i've taken it upon myself to bring them to every corner, ever nook of the entire Sahara" Qatan extended his hand outwards and a slender katana made of crackling electricity appeared in it.

"For far too long have you haunted us, for far too long have we abided" Qatan struck the ground pushing a quarter of his reserves into his sword it turned black, and the sky above roared even violently. 

"Big words Qatan, dont you remember the last time, you say you are some harbringer of change? that the sehra will magically convert overtime if you manage to take me down? You are as naive as ever Qatan" Inarah said as she signalled the executioners and a moment later a sword tore through Qatan, 

he grabbed it and held it in place and called upon the black thunder, It struck all the executioners at the same time, cutting off the limbs and severely burning them. Then Qatan raised his black sword as the executioner infront of him grunted, its black eyes shone with malicious corrupted energy, Qatan felt his entire being disintegrating but held. As he shoved the sword deep into its skull. It fell on the ground.

The ocean raged suddenly and rose high up in what appeared as a wall of pure dark water, reaching almost up to the sky.

Qatan zapped through the space, diminishing the distance between Inara and himself before the gigantic wave hit the island. He struck his black sword her right on her face and she did not even bother blocking it, instead the blade simply slid off her skin. 

"You will kill them aswell, if that wave crashes against the island" Qatan forcibly said, baring his teeth.

"I dont care" She said as the entire sea took the island in its embrace, Qatan flew up high into the clouds barely escaping.

Inara stood upon the water. She looked up, and in an instant, she was standing face to face with Qatan. Then she raised her right hand, and thousands of water projectiles shot through from below like bullets, riddling Qatan with countless wounds.

Before he could even think about recovering, his muscle memory kicked in as he lifted his sword up and the next second, a long sword crashed into it, made of pure water, it passed through and completely took off his left arm.

Qatan zapped away instantly, he had known exactly how outmatched he would be with only bare reserves and his core but this was something he had to do. 

Qatan squinted, turning transparent. And pushed half of his reserves into the sword. Then he swung it against the air and a huge slice of crackling black electricity spread outwards, Hitting the sovereign right between her eyes. It left a wound on her head as she bled.

Qatan smiled at this but she didn't look too happy. 

Inarah outmatched him in every sense, Qatan was formidable, far more powerful than any other legendary creature had any right to be, but she was a sovereign, her league was different. Her league was way above him. 

And then what Qatan feared the most happened — one thing he could not hope to control with his current reduced powers. It started drizzling.

Qatan cursed under his breath, rain drops passed through him.if she wanted to, she could use the rain itself and obliterate Qatan right at the instant but she didn't. Instead she closed in on him. 

And raised her long sword, Qatan tried his best to block but the impact of it threw him away, as he landed near the water.

She then glided down and landed on the water, called off her sword.

"You are a pathetic nobody, Winds of change? You? Look at yourself, You have no power, you have no authority" She punched him. 

He rolled against the water, barely being able to get up.

"I could have easily killed you at any moment, you know that right. You little vermin. I am going to love beating the life out of you." Inarah lifted him up and started punching, She gouged his green eye out as he screamed. 

Then smiled.

Qatan pushed all of his remaining power and the life force he had left into his sword. As time slowed down, he looked down at himself, and where his arm would be, there was just black electricity. He smiled in his mind, the time had finally come. By pushing out everything he had, he had become the lightning itself. 

He looked towards the direction of the grove

"Use it well demon child, farewell" 

And passed through Inarah's right eye, burning her from deep within as she convulsed and fell lifelessly on to the ground.

Qatan died.

Hi everyone, Due to busy schedule and to maintain steady quality, i'll be uploading three chapters a week, on monday, wednesday and friday. I hope its okay!! thankyouu

sherjanmirzacreators' thoughts