
Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billi

Meet Isra, a little genius with a mischievous spirit. When she and her partner-in-crime Khadija stumble upon a talking cat made of clouds, all bets are off! Isra, the tiny maniac with knack of making world ending schemes, cooks up a plan to kidnap it. Little do they know, this plot is the start of an adventure that will lead them into a world of powerful magical creatures and far-off alien lands. Get ready for a journey packed with laughs, sorrow, and amazing powers.

sherjanmirza · Fantasie
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104 Chs

Last one standing!

"This is extremely weird. Why do they have goggles on?"

"Look, there's a little backpack here too."

Haniya and Miraaj were crouched beside the fallen Nector#1 squadron, examining the fallen soldier bees as if they had nothing better to do. 

Well they didn't really, Sundays were the days they'd glue themselves to the sofa and order Isra around and fight over tiniest of things,

But today had been abit different, exciting than most,

They didn't quite understand the gravity of the situation well enough to offer any condolences, for them, Apart from the fact that there were actual gadgets and goggles beside the fallen bodies of the bees, they were just any other bugs they had exterminated.

Ofcourse the reality had been far more painful than that, 

Haniya poked one around with the end of a stick, the curiousity was at peak about the goggles and the gadgets,

"How... even" before she could finish the sentence Miraaj interjected 

"Wait, this one is limping,"

Between some seven bees, one was still conscious, it was trying to limp away from the heartless monsters.

It was the same bee that had tried to warn the commander to halt the attack to begin with, with a broken wing and a leg, it limped away and away from the humans but what could its tiny arms and legs even achieve.

Still, uncaring of the reality,

It felt a deep obligation of reporting back to the HQ that not all of Nector#1 was gone, that the mission was still on, maybe ask for reinforcements as it took another tiny step forward. Must. Live.

Miraaj picked up the limping bee by its tiny bagpack and looked at it with a sinister grin. "I won't do anything to you, little bee. You're safe," she said.

"You are a psychopathic maniac, and no one can ever be safe from you," the bee buzzed back angrily. She couldn't understand anything but somehow got the gist that she was being told to buzz off.

Ignoring, she yelled.

"Israa! Bring me the mango juice from the table and a small bottle cap." Isra, unwillingly, had to obey. She didn't have any other choice, really. Despite being extremely cunning and mischievous, Isra still fell short. Everything she was, they were more. Haniya and Miraaj were not the forces to be reckoned with.

Soon, they were all standing on the terrace with the fluffy survivor bee leaned against the small cap. It was filled with juice. Juice meant currency in the bee world, but it was coming from the enemy. The bee was confused and traumatized as it looked at all three of them, their faces huge in its tiny eyes. It sighed and moved closer to the cap.

It drank its fill and got so drunk that it fell on the pot plant of roses as its subconscious faded.

"Oh wow. It died..."

"That was one pathetic attempt, Miraaj," Haniya mocked her standing by her side.

Miraaj looked at her with a sheepish smile. "Well, I tried."

"Isra, go back in and clean everything before Ammi kills us all," Haniya ordered her and completely ignored her response as they all went back in.

Isra scowled and did what she was told.

And just like that, the day was no more. The sun yawned and went to sleep, leaving an off-white sleepy moon in its absence to keep watch on humans. Dim twilight shone upon the world as everything slowly went to slumber. Not quite everything, though.

The drunk bee opened its eyes and decided it was time to finish the job. There was still one soldier left of Nector#1. And the job would be done no matter what.