
Cloud Arise

In a world of declining spiritual powers, young Lin Yun accidentally acquired a piece of jade with powerful spiritual powers. The jade pepe not only accelerated his cultivation by leaps and bounds, but also revealed an ancient power that was about to revive. With the revival of psychic powers, secret places around the world begin to reappear. In the process of exploring these secret areas, Lin Yun met many like-minded partners, but also encountered many enemies who coveted power. In the encounter with the enemy, Lin Yun gradually understands that only by mastering the true power of Jade Pei can he be invincible in the coming battle of spiritual recovery. However, when all the clues point to an ancient prophecy, Lin Yun is faced with a difficult choice: Will he continue his quest for power, or give it all up to protect the balance of the world?

DaoistMiwXI8 · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Ancient Legacy

The air in the stone chamber was heavy, the runes on the walls emitting a dim glow as if whispering tales of ancient mysteries. Chen Hao, gasping for breath, clutched his chest, his face pale. Lin Yun stared at him, a hint of wariness in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Lin Yun asked quietly, the torch in his hand flickering and casting shadows on his tense face.

Before Chen Hao could answer, the trembling of the stone chamber intensified. The ground cracked, sending dust into the air. Lin Yun quickly grabbed Chen Hao, pulling him towards the exit. Their footsteps echoed through the empty cave, like an unfinished chase.

They burst out of the cave into the blinding sunlight. The wind brushed their faces, bringing a cool relief. Lin Yun glanced back at the cave, his brows furrowed. Beside him, Chen Hao was still panting, sweat streaming down his face.

"What did you see inside?" Lin Yun's voice was urgent, but he didn't turn to look at Chen Hao, his gaze fixed on the distant forest.

"A box... a very old box with strange runes," Chen Hao replied, his voice trembling with fear.

Lin Yun nodded slightly, pieces of a puzzle forming in his mind. He supported Chen Hao as they walked back to the village. The path was lined with dry leaves dancing in the wind, the autumn air filled with a sense of desolation. Lin Yun's thoughts were as scattered as the leaves, each detail replaying in his mind.

Returning to Ling Feng's residence, the courtyard was bathed in dappled sunlight filtering through the bamboo leaves. Ling Feng was still seated on the stone stool. Seeing Lin Yun, his eyes held a questioning look.

"Master, there's a strange box in the cave. Chen Hao saw it," Lin Yun explained briefly, his gaze steady.

Ling Feng nodded slightly, motioning for them to sit. The courtyard was silent, only the rustling of bamboo leaves breaking the tranquility. After a moment of contemplation, Ling Feng spoke, "The box might be an ancient legacy, holding great secrets within."

Lin Yun's heartbeat quickened imperceptibly. He looked at Chen Hao, noticing the same mix of surprise and anticipation in his eyes. They exchanged a look, a silent understanding passing between them.

As evening approached, the sky darkened, and the village was filled with the scent of cooking fires and the sounds of laughter. Lin Yun stood alone in the courtyard, gazing at the distant mountains, his thoughts a whirlwind. The wind stirred his clothes, bringing a chill that seeped into his bones.

Night fell, and Lin Yun and Chen Hao decided to return to the cave. They carried torches and a few tools, leaving the village quietly. In the darkness, the forest shadows seemed like countless eyes, silently watching their every move.

Lin Yun led the way, the torchlight flickering and casting his determined profile into sharp relief. Chen Hao followed, his steps hesitant but his eyes resolute. They passed through the bamboo grove and reached the cave once more.

A gentle breeze blew past the cave entrance, bringing a damp smell. Lin Yun raised his torch, took a deep breath, and entered the cave with Chen Hao. The runes on the walls glimmered in the firelight as if welcoming their arrival.

Carefully, they made their way to the stone chamber. The air grew heavier with each step. Entering the chamber, Lin Yun saw the stone table and the ancient box once again. The lock was still intact, waiting for someone to uncover its secrets.

Lin Yun approached the table, examining every detail of the box. Chen Hao stood behind him, his eyes fixed on the box, his palms sweaty. Lin Yun reached out, touching the lock, feeling a faint ripple of spiritual energy.

Just then, a soft noise came from the corner of the chamber as if something was watching them from the shadows. Lin Yun turned quickly, raising the torch to illuminate the chamber. Suddenly, he saw a shadow flit past.

Lin Yun and Chen Hao exchanged a glance, both understanding there was more to the chamber than met the eye. Lin Yun gripped the torch tightly, taking a deep breath, ready to continue uncovering the mystery of the box.