
claws and fangs book two to the howls and growls saga

BOOK TWO> after everything settle down the group has made the prison their home... stiles is pregnant again and there might be a knew threat... with Alexandria comes hill top.... can this group keep the peace they had found or will these turn out like the war between the governor and the prison pack.... will rick roll over and show his underbelly for a stronger alpha......

wildwolfgirl78 · Fantasie
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no more

Carl was gone and never coming back and they all knew it, so when the cubs ask where he was the omega broke and cried again, Ian had pulled his cub aside to tell him what happen to Carl, when he was done Noah turn to glare his little green eyes at the cause of carl's bite. Suddiq, the other beta knew why the young cub was glaring and took the little guys hatred for him, they travel that night to the hilltop were they would meet their friends and then they would plan harder for this war, Stiles had to kill negan, this war is also the cause of his brothers death and the wannabe human alpha was putting his cubs in danger....

So even if Rick said no, nothing will stop the omega from killing the very thing that broke maggie and killed glenn and the jolly red giant Abraham, even if he has to do it with his own teeth and claws...


As they reached the hilltop, they found their friends already gathered, their eyes filled with determination and sorrow. Noah, still angry at the beta who had caused Carl's death, clung to Ian's side, his tiny fists balled up in his fur. Suddiq, the other beta, tried to comfort the young cub, promising that they would avenge Carl's death and make sure that Negan would never hurt anyone again.

The group discussed their plan of attack, each member contributing their own ideas and strategies. Stiles, his heart heavy with grief and rage, could barely contain himself. He knew that killing Negan was no longer an option; it had become a necessity. He could feel the power building inside him, the primal urge to protect his pack, his family, his home. And he was willing to go to any lengths to achieve that.

As they plotted and schemed, the night grew older, and the stars began to twinkle in the sky. Stiles found himself glancing over at Noah, who was still struggling to come to terms with what had happened. He knew that the young cub was strong, that he could handle the weight of the world on his shoulders. But he also knew that Noah needed someone to lean on, someone to guide him through the darkness. And in that moment, Stiles made a decision. He would be there for Noah, not just as his uncle, but as his protector and confidant. Because in the end, that's what a pack was all about. stiles waited until daryl was asleep and his cub was snoring before going to the battle room and looking for maps and plans for the attack, he had to make sure they would succeed this time, they couldn't fail.

The next morning, the group scattered, each member returning to their own camp to prepare for the battle that was sure to come. Stiles spent the day training Noah, teaching him how to fight, how to use a weapon, and most importantly, how to survive. He knew that the young cub would be the future of their pack, and he wanted to make sure that Noah was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the sun began to set, Stiles and Noah sat together atop a hill, watching the other camps as they too prepared for battle. They talked about the future, about the hopes and dreams they had for their pack. And in that moment, Stiles knew that they would get through this, together. They would avenge Carl's death and ensure that Negan could never harm another living soul. And in the end, they would come out stronger, united, and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The next morning, the battle commenced. Stiles and daryl fought side by side, their movements in sync, their strength bolstered by their bond. They were a force to be reckoned with, and Negan's army was no match for them. The fight was brutal, bloody, and merciless, but they pushed forward, their determination unwavering. As the day wore on, they began to gain the upper hand, driving Negan's forces back toward their camp.

Stiles had seen this and shift and ran for negan not giveing him the chance to runaway and attack, the giant of a man with dark hair grabbed stiles and tried to slam him into the ground, but stiles was stronger and faster and he dodged the attack and got the giant of a man on the ground and began to bite at the man, his wolf was trying to kill this man, teeth ripping into negans arm and drawing blood, teeth tearing flesh as the man tried to fight back but stiles was to strong, the teeth tearing deeper as the blood filled his mouth, he could taste it, he could feel it, he could hear the man's screams of pain and agony as he tore into his arm, the man's strength beginning to fade as he felt his life force draining from his body, he knew he was winning.

Stiles felt a sharp pain in his side and he looked up to see Daryl with a bloody knife, his eyes wild with anger, "I'm sorry Stiles," he said before plunging the knife deeper into Negan's chest. The man's eyes rolled back in his head and he went limp, finally dead.

The battle was over, their pack had won. Stiles stood up, his body aching from the fight, but he felt a sense of accomplishment and relief wash over him. He turned to Daryl, his closest friend, his mate, and they shared a knowing look. They had done it. They had avenged their fallen friends, they had saved their pack.

Together, they walked through the camp, surveying the damage, the wounded, the dead. So many lives had been lost, but in the end, they had prevailed.

Stiles looked over at Daryl, still in awe of his strength and determination. He knew that they had made a great team, and that their bond would only grow stronger as time went on. As they walked past the den where their cubs were sleeping, Stiles couldn't help but feel a pang of desire.

They stopped at the entrance, exchanging knowing glances. It had been too long since they had been intimate, since they had made a baby together. And now, with the battle over, they had the chance to finally reconnect on a deeper level.

Carefully, they entered the den, making sure not to wake their cubs. Their eyes met, and they both knew what they wanted. Without another word, they shed their clothes and came together, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. The heat of their passion filled the den, making it feel almost unbearably intimate.

As they made love, Stiles couldn't help but think about the future. They had won this battle, but there would be others. There would always be others. But with their pack, with their family, they knew that they could face anything together. And as they reached their climax, they felt a sense of peace wash over them, knowing that they had given their cubs a future worth fighting for.

In the morning, they woke up to the sound of tiny paws pattering across the den floor. Their newest cub, a healthy and strong little girl, was already exploring her surroundings. Stiles looked over at Daryl, feeling a deep sense of love and gratitude wash over him. They had done it. They had made a new life together, and in doing so, they had ensured the survival of their pack.

Together, they cleaned up the den and tended to the wounded, making sure that everyone was safe and cared for. As they worked someone at the fence killing zombies, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments, and a determination to keep fighting for what they believed in. Because in the end, that's what a pack was all about. They were a family, united by blood and bond, and nothing could ever tear them apart. stiles sigh in this zombie filled world anything or anyone could turn their prison heaven upside down and he knew it.

They took turns taking care of the newborn cub while the other went out to hunt for food. The cub was small and delicate, but already showed signs of the strength and resilience that would serve her well in this harsh world. As they watched her play, they couldn't help but wonder what kind of life they would be able to give her. Would it be filled with more bloodshed and danger? Or would they somehow manage to find peace and prosperity? Only time would tell.

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. As the seasons changed, so did their lives. They continued to train their cubs, teaching them the ways of the wolf and the warrior. They grew stronger as a pack, facing each new challenge with determination and courage. And despite all the hardships they had faced, they found moments of joy and happiness in the simple things: the laughter of their cubs, the taste of fresh meat, the comfort of each other's company.

One evening, as they sat around the campfire, Stiles glanced over at Daryl, who was watching their oldest cub, now a young wolf, play with the newest addition to their pack. A sense of contentment washed over him, and he knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together. They were more than just mates and partners; they were a team, a family. And as long as they had each other, they could conquer anything.