

Mr. Nelson cared so much for his little baby girl, the girl was the only reason keeping Mr. Nelson and his wife together, he had even had the thought of divorcing her after the call that faithful night.

The girl grew up really fast that she was capable of walking properly at the age of two year, Mrs. Nelson would always force herself on her husband just to fulfill her matrimonial desire but Mr. Nelson on the other hand wasn't ready to show her love. The best option she could come up with was to add a sleeping pill to her husband food one night , after the meal her husband slept off immediately and she took him to bed , after a long ride with her husband on the bed , she managed to dress him back and she went to their daughter's room to sleep. She made it a constant habit of drugging her husband whenever she wants to have s*x with him, one day she discovered that having s*x with her husband while he was blacked out wasn't really helping, she would be the one to go through all the stress and the likes, so she called one of Mr. Nelson closet friend Bernard .

" ...how are you doing, its been a long time " asked Bernard, " am fine " answered Mrs. Nelson in a shabby tone, Bernard discovers the stress in her tone and immediately a suspicious concern came into his mind " hope all is well , how is our baby and your husband" with a tone of confirmation she replied back immediately " that the mean reason for my worries , my husband " , in shock Bernard felt something was wrong with his friend" what the matter" he asked with serious concern. Having a feeling of a second thought about the decision she was about to take she hang-up the call and switch off her phone, Bernard been innocent of what was going on became worried for nothing, that feeling of you been worried and the person in concern is busy filtering.

One morning Bernard decided to pay a visit to his friend's house , he wanted to check up on how everything was going and most especially to clear his worries and doubts, he got to his friends apartment he saw baby mercy on the fall playing with her toys alone , he walked slowly into the apartment and carried the baby , the thought of what if it was a kidnapper that came into the house, what was she going to tell her husband . Immediately Mrs. Nelson had the foot step coming from the sitting room she checked and when she saw it was Bernard she stylishly went into the bed room and undress herself ,

she put on only her wrapped, after that she looked for a blade and cut her hand just to see how desperate she was, she started screaming In pain , out of shock Bernard rushed down to the room to check up on her not knowing he was been set up, now Bernard is still a bachelor who's not even engage to anyone, he's the type of man that doesn't dwell in love, he fulfills is sexual desire through hookups and other means, now here is another clear opportunity for him to strike again, and this time it would be what I will call a free food .Mrs. Nelson off her wrapper immediately she saw him entered the room , she saw him the bleeding hand, instead of him even checking out what made him entered the room he rushed into kissing her, he kept the baby he carried on the bed. Baby Mercy had to watch her mother have s*x with another man right in front of her .

After a crazy moment together , Bernard woke up and saw Mrs. Nelson fast asleep along side mercy, he picked up is clothes and left the apartment immediately, he also left a cheque of one-fifty thousand naria, what could he be thinking , did he think Mrs. Nelson was one of is hookups or street girls he do filter around with, that the mystery behind the money ,

check out in the next chapter.