
Chapter 1: Ichinose Honami’s Soliloquy

I'VE NEVER REALLY THOUGHT of myself as a good person, never thought of myself as a bad person. I suppose I've managed to become an honest person, just like my mother would've wanted.

Things were fine in elementary school and in junior high. I had lots of friends, guys and girls—everybody. I had a little trouble handling sports, sure, but I pushed myself just like I did with my studies. By my third year of junior high, I'd managed to become student council president, something I'd always aspired to. I'd even managed to get into a private high school as a scholarship student.

A nice school life. A nice home life.

But I…I made a mistake.

Something that never should've happened. An unforgivable "mistake" that I never should've made.

The angry look on my ailing mother's face as she lay sick in bed. Her tears. The look of heartbreak on my little sister's face, hurt and distant as she was, retreating into herself, shutting herself away… I can't ever forget it. It comes to me even now.

My trembling fingers. My trembling body.

The creeping blackness spreading across my heart.

I tossed my third-year of junior high in the trash. For about half a year, I shut myself away.

But…one day, that all came to an end.

When I learned about this school, I knew I needed to put an end to it.

I'd …bring smiles back to the faces of my mother and little sister again. I wouldn't run away from my own "sin." No, I'd face it head-on.

Or so I swore.


I enrolled in this school with a dream, but an ordeal awaited me. When I found the letter, I completely froze, and all around me, my classmates turned to watch curiously.

I read the letter over and over. But no matter how many times I read it, the words refused to change.

"Ichinose Honami is a criminal."


LONG, LONG BEFORE THAT INCIDENT, she'd been in the student council office on a day when school was off, feeling incredibly nervous.

"Ichinose Honami from first-year, Class B, right?"

"Yes," she managed to squeeze out. Ichinose Honami faced Student Council Vice President Nagumo, her nerves clear on her face.

This was a special one-on-one interview.

"What did the Student Council President say to you?" he asked. "He said that now still wasn't the time…"

Ichinose had wished to join the student council right from the start.

She'd come knocking at their door right after enrolling, but Student Council President Horikita had rejected her request after interviewing her, leaving her dejected. However, Vice President Nagumo reached out to her as soon as he heard what happened.

Why? Three reasons: First, she belonged to Class B, just like him.

Second, her grades were excellent. Finally, she was quite attractive, which Nagumo always appreciated from the fairer sex.

And Ichinose easily met that last and most important requirement. The first two reasons were, after all, just icing on the cake. She had aesthetic value to him, which made her a valuable piece of property to be kept by

his side.

"I heard that you were on the student council when you were in junior high," said Nagumo. "The president, in fact. Is that right?"

"Yes. That's why I wanted to join the one here." Ichinose told the truth. But also a lie.

"Yes, your homeroom teacher, Hoshinomiya-sensei, told me. It sounds like you had excellent scores on your entrance exam, too," said Nagumo.

"Thank you very much," she said humbly, though she didn't meet Nagumo's eyes.

"You are, honestly, quite exceptional."

"Yes, but…Student Council President Horikita didn't acknowledge any of it," said Ichinose with a bitter smile. Shame nipped at her, shame that she hadn't managed to secure the position she knew she deserved. Even so, that faint hint of a smile remained. She wouldn't be able to make a good impression if she came in here looking all down in the dumps.

"Yes, President Horikita's quite strict. Frankly, he probably passed on you because you weren't placed in Class A. He's a real stickler for position, you see."

"I see," said Ichinose.

Of course, Nagumo was lying.

At first glance, Horikita Manabu looked like the sort who would fixate and fuss about position. In truth, he was the very opposite. He looked deep within a person and saw the core of who they were. He knew the exceptional when he witnessed it, whether they were in Class D or Class A. But to Ichinose, still stung by his rejection, what Nagumo said felt like the truth.

Ichinose sighed. "I guess I have no choice but to get to Class A if I want to join the student council."

"I don't know about that. Even if you do make it to Class A, President Horikita may never acknowledge you. The fact is, Ichinose, that you were never considered a thoroughbred from the moment you entered this school. No matter how hard you work from here on, President Horikita will never accept a student who was placed in Class B," said Nagumo.

With one cruel statement, the faint smile on Ichinose's face vanished. "B-but, you're in Class B, Nagumo-senpai. And you're vice president,


Nagumo immediately dashed whatever faint hopes she had left. "In my case, there were two reasons. You see, I joined the student

council before Horikita-senpai became president. Back then, it was a different third-year student who served as president. Horikita-senpai was the Vice President, and the sole person on the student council to object to my appointment. He fought until the bitter end."

Ichinose's expression grew sadder. Seeing that filled Nagumo's heart

with joy. He decided that he definitely needed her on the student council, to toy with as his personal plaything.

"The other thing," he continued, "is that I know myself. I know my high potential. Rightfully, I should have been placed in Class A. When I expressed my desire to join the student council, I confessed the full truth behind why they'd assigned me to Class B. I told them everything right away."


"Indeed. I had proven that in terms of ability, I wasn't willing to play second fiddle to Class A. That's what led to my current position."

"Nagumo-senpai," said Ichinose, "what…were those things you confessed?"

Nagumo bit back a smile. "Now, now, Ichinose. Aren't you the one being questioned?"


"I'm not quite convinced of something. See…normally, it would've been perfectly reasonable for you to be placed in Class A. Your grades are excellent, and your communication skills are nothing to scoff at. And if you take into account your track record as student council president…well, why would you wind up in Class B? There must be some reason."

Ichinose couldn't hide her embarrassment at his deduction, but this was an inevitable outcome. Nagumo had made his conclusions based on information he'd obtained from Ichinose's homeroom teacher, Hoshinomiya- sensei, ahead of time.

"Tell me," he continued, "here and now, what you think the reason is. If you can convince me that you are a student worthy of Class A, then I shall take responsibility for bringing you onto the student council."

"Is that… possible?"

"President Horikita's authority is absolute, certainly. But what will happen after Horikita-senpai graduates? If first-years don't join the student council, it will be impossible for us to train future members. Imagine the trouble that would cause for the next student council president—namely, me. Do you understand?"

"I…suppose I do, yes…"

"Someone who can't seize this chance isn't qualified to join the student council."

Ichinose's secret gnawed at her from deep inside. Memories of spending half of her third year of junior high cooped up in her room came rushing back.

"What I say here—"

"Will be confidential. Your secrets are ours to keep, and ours alone."

The past that she'd thought she could live with. The past that she'd thought she could conceal forever. But how could she move forward without trusting others? She'd lost that trust…so maybe confiding in people would help her to trust again. Would help others to trust her.

"…I… I—"

And so, Ichinose told him everything. She told him about her "mistake."