
Any objections?

// Lucy's POV, the next day //

It was time for the class leaders to meet up, me and Ichinose walked over to the public mall together and ran into Hirata and Horikita... and Ayanokoji? "Eh? Were you invited?"

He just gave me that blank stare as he responded in a bit of an awkward tone, "Horikita asked me to come, I don't know why."

"Hmmm..." I circled him looking him up and down until, "Ouch!" I received a knock to the head by Ichinose. She berated me, "Don't be so rude Lucy, Ayanokoji is welcome as long as the others are fine with it."

In short Ayanokoji thanked her and Horikita, Hirata and Ichinose made conversation. That left me and Ayanokoji walking behind them, "Soooo... the weather huh?"

I couldn't have started the conversation in a better way if I tried, "Lucy, I need your help with something."

He ignored my level 100 conversational skills, he truly is the perfect human. "You know prostitution is illegal right? Your gunna have to lose your virginity the hard way my friend, I believe in you so you should too!" I gave him a supportive smile and a thumbs up.

The three in front of me were still talking and ignoring us, what a shame. I thought I could end his reputation then and there, you know. Eh, worth a shot.

He didn't have a huge reaction to my response either, "That wasn't my intention, what I wanted to ask was if you would antagonize Sakayanagi for me."

What? Does he think i'm stupid? If I do that then class A and B will face off against each other and class D will have an easy time against class C. "Do you think I'm dumb? Why would I antagonize only Sakayanagi when I can antagonize everyone? See unlike you I'm not here to win any mind games, I'm just here to have a bit of fun you know?"

// Ayanokoji's POV //

To have fun? Does she not care about how this exam will effect her class standings? Maybe, like a certain blonde in my class she has a future set in stone already.

One thing I can say for certain is that she likes the feeling of schadenfreude, the suffering of others gives her some sort of pleasure. I guess the unpredictability of others gives her a rush? I don't know what it is but when she's around chaos is sure to ensue.

I have seen that Ichinose can control her actions somewhat but I also think that Lucy is acting, there is no way Ichinose can actually stop her from doing what she wants. Class A needs Lucy though, from what I've seen Ichinose is too kind for her own good, Lucy provides that dominance that everyone else lacks.

To be honest I didn't expect Lucy to go along with my plans at all, I just wanted to confirm that Lucy knows what certain actions will lead to in the future and it seems she does. Antagonizing everyone will have the same effect of antagonizing no one, making enemies of everyone when in a position where it is confirmed that she will only be facing one opponent isn't a bad strategy.

I think she understands that class D will be trying to target class C and vice versa so she knows that there is no point in even trying to change anything, it doesn't matter what class A and B do if classes D and C choose each other.

In the time that I was thinking we had finally made it to the designated location; kareoke.

I don't understand why we met here but I don't have a say as I wasn't even invited in the first place, and here lies our first problem. "I'm sorry but I was told that only four more people were coming by the person who rented out the booth."

Lucy came to the rescue and pulled the receptionist to one side, "What is she doing?" I asked to no one in particular.

I got a response from Horikita, "It doesn't matter, there's no way she can make the receptionist allow all of us in."

Hirata was next to speak, "Sorry Ayanokoji-"

He was cut off by the receptionist, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, please enter the 3rd room on the left down that hallway." She pointed behind her, but what really caught my attention was the look of pity she gave Horikita.

It seems like she noticed as well as she asked Lucy what she said in an accusatory tone, "What did you do?"

Lucy laughed, "I told her that you wasn't going to come originally as you had really bad 'stomach cramps' but they suddenly got better this morning, then I assured her that you were in fact invited."

Lucy opened the door and entered, completely ignorant of the dumbfounded looks she was getting from everyone and the blood thirsty look Horikita was giving her.

I broke the silence by walking into the room and I was followed by the others shortly. As I anticipated Ryuen immediately had his eyes on me, "Why is Suzune's dog here?"

Horikita came back to her senses quickly, "He's here because I might need him later? Got a problem with that?"

Ryuen didn't put much thought into his answer, "Not at all."

Horikita also seemed to realize what he called him, "Also I didn't give you permission to use my given name, I'd watch my mouth if I was you."

No response was given, just a grin. Everyone but Lucy was feeling the tension as she ordered 9 milk shakes, "You guys want anything, it's on Ryuen."

It turns out no one wanted anything and Lucy cut Ryuen off before he complained that she was spending his money, also is she going to have all those milk shakes to herself? I was under the impression that teen age girls don't consume a lot as they want to keep a certain figure, I guess I was wrong.

It wasn't long before Sakayanagi and Katsuragi came in exactly on time, how punctual.

// Katsuragi's POV //

I think this meeting is pointless, it's clear to everyone that classes A and B will face off and classes C and D will face off. Despite that I still came as all the other class leaders did as well, my main interest in this room though is Lucy Hall. I did have a small interest in that other class D boy but he was irrelevant enough to ignore when in the room with all these other people.

Me and Sakayanagi had come to the conclusion that Ryuen must have some sort of reason to this meeting so it was smart to come. I started the conversation, "So Ryuen, what is the purpose of this meeting?"

He stood up from the couch he was sat on and stood on the podium where the singing would usually occur, "I want all of us to come to an agreement before hand on who will be facing who in the next exam."

I sigh and wanted to express my displeasure but someone else beat me to it, that person being Sakayanagi, "Did you seriously just waste my time on that dragon boy?"

Ryuen gave her a cold look and before I knew it a microphone was launched across the room aimed at Sakayanagi, luckily I was able to intercept it before it hit her, "Ryuen, attacking a disabled girl doesn't look good on you."

He gave me a look that showed just how much he cared, Lucy then walked over to me and held her hand out asking for the microphone. "Don't worry about Ryuen, Katsuragi. He clearly has some form of anger issues, it's sad really but he just can't control himself."

If there's one thing I despise it's men attacking woman, what's worse is the fact she's disabled. "I don't know how your parents raised you but they clearly went wrong somewhere if your acting like this."

Ryuen only got more angry by the looks of it, and the fact that Lucy was suddenly holding a second microphone told wonders of her reaction time and physical capabilities. How she can easily catch something that even I couldn't react to in time tells me I have underestimated her physical capabilities. That just spikes my interest in her even more, she is a powerful foe, both mentally and physically. Both this and the time she revealed she knew both my and Sakayanagi's information so early on in the school year shows that.

I didn't get to see it in the sports festival but its clear she excels in multiple areas, including her study's and physical prowess. "Ryuen enough of this, if all your all your going to do is attack people then this meeting is over."

Ichinose obviously wasn't amused by Ryuens actions, "I agree with Ichinose, this was just a huge waste of time." I backed Ichinose's way of thinking.

Ryuen grinned, "actually I think this is a good opportunity to decide who will be fighting class D in the paper shuffle exam. I mean they are the weakest class so it's the easiest way to get free class points isn't it?"

At this Horikita got mad, "If that true then come at us head on, in fact we will also attack class C. If two classes decide to attack each other then the other two will by default have to face of against each other."

"I'm afraid I can't allow that unfortunately. as much as I'd love to Ryu-chan be beaten by the weakest class ~slurp~ I have decided that class D will either fight class B or A." Lucy was sat at a table slurping her second strawberry milkshake between speaking.

Sakayanagi had a smirk on her face, "And what makes you think us in class B want to fight class D? I'll tell you right now, we want to fight your class Lucy. I can't allow for our last disgrace to be seen as your class is better than us."

Ryuen laughed, "Kukuku, it's seems that it's been decided then."

"No, it hasn't." Lucy wasn't giving up on this, she just refused.

It was Hirata's turn to speak, "Sorry Lucy but it seems there's nothing you can do about this, your the only class right now that disagrees. By majority we have to go with class A vs class B and class D vs class C right?"

~sigh~ "Hirata ma boooooy," Everyone had their eyes on Lucy as she strolled over to Hirata and chucked an arm around his shoulder, "What makes you think I don't have enough points to force class D into battling me hm?"

Horikita didn't like this show of force, "We won't be accepting bribes, sorry but you'll just have to accept the facts. There's nothing you can do about this."

"Are you sure about that?" Lucy had a devious smirk on her face.

"What are you talking about?" Horikita's getting hostile, making her frame bigger and directing her gaze at Lucy.

"I'll tell you one thing, this meeting is useless. The fact is that us in class A will be facing off against class D, understand?"

It seems Lucy has a plan in order to face class D.

// Ayanokoji's POV //

Taking a stand like this in front of the other 3 classes leaders takes a lot of courage, if they were to all gang up on her then it wont end well for the new class A. My only worry is that this is her goal, from observing her behavior before this may also just be her trying to cause chaos. That girl is more of a problem than Ryuen.

"And how exactly do expect to make sure that happens hm?" Sakayanagi asked a very good question everyone would like the answer to.

The smile on Lucy's face grew, "well, i can always increase the chance by paying a teacher to increase the number of lots class A has when they draw lots after a tie, and trust me I have those points. Anyway the facts are; class C will not be facing class D. So?"

"Any objections?"


I will admit I was too excited to not post after saynig I was back to publishing on this book so i know the chapter is a bit rushed and sloppy but I wanted to get something out as fast as I could

I hope you enjoyed this chapter


fumei_unknowncreators' thoughts