"I am the snake who will bite you at your weakest, break you until you beg for mercy. Kiss my feet, so I can stomp your face with my boots, you evil bitch." - Emmelyn Jones. -- Tormented for three years and killed on prom night by her bullies, eighteen-year-old Emmelyn Jones returned back in time when she was a freshman. Fueled by the thirst for revenge, she had nothing but a mission: to ruin the lives of everyone who had bullied her before. And she would do it... Mercilessly. ** Current cover is not mine. Credit to the artist. *** -- Join Discord Server and check Pupa's other books: https://linktr.ee/Author_Pupa Instagram: @ForeverPupa
—Phone Call—
"Plant the evidence of Leah keeping a lot of drugs inside her house. Try putting those drugs as much as you could, so we can use it to absolutely persecute her when the time comes," I explained.
I really felt so cool because I could brief someone like Logan.
"Oh~ That's a great idea. I didn't think that you could come up with something so ingenious yet devilish at the same time," Logan complimented. I could hear him snickering across the phone call.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing, I'm just quite surprised that a pretty girl can be so malicious and ingenious," Logan said. Then he suddenly retracted his words, "Wait, that pretty girl part is just a fake compliment, okay? I don't find you pretty at all. It's just… it's just like that perfunctory compliment you give to your coworker. Don't think too much about it, or it will stroke your pitiful ego!"