
Class S: Last Elites Standing (COTE fancfic)

Diony_Deleon · Anime und Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 29: Dragon Group

Kururugi POV 

Just like Lelouch said in our discussion before we started the exam. He wanted to force someone in that group to betray one another, but the problem is given that Ryuen is in this group, this might prove difficult for any of us to cooperate with one another. We need to find someone who we can trust in this group and maybe convince that person to help us figure out the VIP. Both Light and Lelouch suggested Shiina since she was pretty trusting when we met her back at the island. 

We made it to the room and Lelouch casually just bursts through the door. 

"Sorry to keep you all waiting" he said as everyone has their attention on us 

"kukukuku, took you long enough, have a seat" Ryuen said while showing us the vacant seats. 

"hmph, let's just get this over before I start to lose my patience" he said while clearly irritated and sat from one of the vacant seats far away from Ryuen. I, Kazuto, and Light followed afterwards. 

"Well since everyone is here let's get to the point" Ryuen said as he suddenly stood up 

"I'll speak on behalf of Class C; I don't care if I have to speak to you idiots, I alone will call the shots here" he said, he really does sound like a tyrant 

"Besides I don't give a crap about any of you and sure as hell I won't help any of you" he added 

"Hold on, let's at least introduce ourselves at least since we all don't know too much about each other" A girl named Amikura said. Luckily thanks to Kei who gave us the information of nearly every student, I was able to learn their names and recognize their faces. 

"Why would we do that? that's stupid I mean there isn't a rule that says we should introduce ourselves" 

"For once we agree on something Ryuen, but it doesn't make us buddies or anything" Lelouch said 

"Heh, same here because I'm here to shut that mouth of yours and destroy Class S soon" Ryuen spoke with confidence. 

"If you're so confident in taking down our class, then how come you failed in expelling Sudo then?" Light said 

"Hey! don't involve in this man!" Sudo said 

"Kuku, shut your mouth dog" 

"What did you call me!?" 


Lelouch said with authority as both Sudo, and Ryuen stopped talking. His voiced echoed the room which caught everyone's attention. 

"It would be better if you let me take charge since if you are only planning to intimidate this group then I suggest you step down" Lelouch said as he glared at Ryuen with those cold eyes 

"You think you can boss me around?! not a chance" Ryuen said in frustration. 

"You're the one who try to threaten our class and almost got me expelled so..." 

"You should step down yourself, just because my class helped you not get expelled doesn't mean we'll do it again" Lelouch said as he now glared at Sudo, and it made him gulp just by seeing him get glared at like that. I also notice that pink haired girl Sakura was looking pretty scared during this ordeal. 

"*clap* come on guys let's at least try to get along, I mean we won't be able to find the VIP if we keep going against each other" Amikura said trying to stabilize the situation. 

"That's right, we should at least work together so we can all get points" Hiyori joins in. 

"Yeah Shiina-san is right, we should all pursue outcome #1 so that we can all get points." 

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"And what? allow the VIP to have more points than us? no thanks" Nishino now joins the conversation 

"Although it is true that we all get points if we all guess the VIP correctly but given that you guys aren't getting along quite well means some of you might turn traitor or something" a girl named Matsushita said. She's from Class D if I recall but she's quite aware of the situation. 

"But outcome #1 is the most preferrable and the safer option is it not?" Yahiko questioned 

"Not likely, sure it would benefit everyone, but everyone here has different motives whether it is class related or they're doing it for themselves. Either way outcome #1 would be near impossible to achieve especially with the people we are with" Light said as he looked at Ryuen 

"kuku, so you don't trust me then?" 

"I don't think anyone here even trusts you" this time Himeno spoke after being silent for awhile 

"She's right, you did try to expel one of us after all and our class nearly got penalties" Matsushita said. 

"It doesn't matter, talk all you like, I'll just find the VIP myself even if it means forcing it out on each and every one of you" 

The atmosphere in this room was tense, I saw Sudo trying to calm himself down, Class A seems to stay silent not even trying to say anything yet. I can see a stern look on Lelouch, he really wants this over and done with. 

"Hey Suzaku" Kazuto whispered to me 

"What is it?" 

"Once the first discussion is over, let's go talk to Shiina" 

"Wait, why?" I asked 

"Just like Lelouch said, we can trust her and judging how she kept looking at her phone from time to time. I think she could either be the VIP or she has some information we can get" 

"Really now I didn't even notice" 

"Well, if you can't find answers with words then at least we should look at the actions of others to find those answers." Wow I have to admit, Kazuto has been pretty observant of the situation. He really looked at his surroundings before making a move. 

After the 1st discussion, all four of us found Shiina and went somewhere isolated so no one can hear our conversation. 

"What did you want to talk about?" Shiina asked 

"Well, you see well I noticed that you were looking at your phone a lot, what's that about" Kazuto asked 

"I...well you see...." 

"You must be the VIP then, correct?" Light spoke 

"Huh? how did you know" 

"I mean usually people would look and wouldn't mind that you were using your phone, I mean it's not against the rules to use your phone after all" I said 

"But you were looking at different directions which tells me that you're probably trying to do something." Lelouch added 

"So, tell me is Ryuen setting something up?" 

"W-well I mean I can't lie to any of you, so yes Ryuen-kun has something planned which involved me" she replied 

"Then what is it?" Light asked 

"He knew I was the VIP since he forced me to show my phone and decided to use that to his advantage" 

"So, you told Ryuen that you're the VIP?" Light asked 

"Exactly and he plans on exchanging phones with me and convincing the others to point fingers at me that I am the VIP." I see so Ryuen is even willing to force someone to take the fall for him just to win points even using his own classmate. He really is despicable. 

"Well then Shiina, I want you to hand over your phone to me" 

"Huh? why would I do that Lelouch-kun?" she asked 

"Because we did help you on the island after all and you are doing us a favor after all, and you are the only one from Class C that we can trust without any problems" Lelouch explained. Shiina was a bit hesitant at first but slowly she agreed 

"Alright then I'll do that" she agreed

"Good, don't worry we'll pay you back with some points after you help us" Kazuto said as he extended his hand to her 

"Yeah, no problem" she said as she shook Kazuto's hand 

This is the end of Chapter 29. Class S in Dragon group has found themselves an ally to use in Hiyori and as usual, Class S are looking to be one step ahead of Ryuen once more. Next is the Rooster group coming up. 

Have a nice day and thanks for reading :)