
Class Reign: Steadfast Introduction

With the invitation to Kirigakure Academy, Kiyoko Izu, who's now at the front of the gate, finally steps into the school. Whatever tragedy or joy that she knew before hand, from that day forward, her days will never be the same again. What followed is a series of events that's both unexpected and shocking to both Izu and her new made friends in this new school, with lots of different challenges and secrets to be uncovered. She will go through despair and faint happiness out of her relations with different types of students that's somehow allowed to enter the school, from psychotic to normal-ish, this student will be her future enemy or her new closest friend depending on the time or interest of both sides.

Rayalticus · Aktion
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29 Chs

Chapter 24: Chaos by the Moonlight

Startled and overwhelmed by the ominous and tense atmosphere she emanated, I instinctively leaped backward, my heart racing as I sought to put distance between us.

Her gaze was fixed on me, a malevolent glint in her eyes that oozed hatred and madness. A twisted grin marred her features, sending chills down my spine as I sprinted away in fear.

"Oi. oi, Yuki-san, can we please stop this? Like I said, I just wanted to pay what Fuyuki-san deserved", I stammered nervously, my words laced with urgency. My heart pounded like a drumbeat, propelling me to sprint backward as fast as I could.

Her presence lingered, her cobalt eyes boring into the very essence of my being. Time seemed to pause as the wind rustled through the streets, the moonlight casting a spectral illumination upon the unfolding scene, as though the night itself were an impartial spectator.

Concern gnawed at me, the seconds ticking away as I awaited her next move. Sensing the urgency of the situation and fearing for my safety, I shifted my focus to the direction of my escape route. With a sense of urgency, I pivoted and sprinted, Yuki's presence still looming behind me. She continued to tap her foot languidly, eyes fixed on her wristwatch, as if awaiting a predetermined moment.

Without a second thought, I embarked on my hasty getaway, propelled by my desperate need for distance. Yet, before I could cover much ground, an arrow whizzed by me with deadly precision, missing me by a hair's breadth.

Caught off guard and panic-stricken, I instinctively snapped my fingers, materializing a barrage of stakes springing forth from the ground to counter the threat.

Simultaneously, I observed the sudden emergence of two of her teammates, each equipped with their own gadget aimed towards me.

"𝘐𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘠𝘶𝘬𝘪-𝘴𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳, 𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵?" I pondered as now a barrage of metals and stones are flying towards my direction. My fingers instinctively conjured a colossal book, a last-minute shield against the onslaught of object that's thrown to me, mere milliseconds before it hits me.

"Come on now, Yuki-san? Are you a coward or something? You can't kill me by yourself can you?" I taunted her as I dodged something that functioned as some sort of heatwave that passed me.

Yuki's countenance remained stoic, her stern facade unaffected by my attempts to rile her. Dismissing her reaction, I focused my attention on evading and repelling the ongoing barrage of attacks from her teammates. Their precision paled in comparison to Yuki's aim, granting me the advantage of relative ease as I adeptly evaded their attacks

"𝘈𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘢, 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘤𝘵 𝘢 𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘱, 𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘐 𝘴𝘢𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘢𝘵 𝘈𝘰𝘬𝘪'𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦", I communicated in hushed urgency, trusting her to decipher the plan even from my fragmented thoughts.

"Could you buy sometime, maybe a minute or two? After that, you could deploy it as much as you ever want until you ran out of energy" she communicated with a casual air, well aware of my capabilities. Faced with the reality that my life hung in the balance, I responded resolutely:

"Understood, Analysia," I affirmed inwardly, a smirk forming as I continued to deftly evade and parry the relentless assault unleashed by Yuki's two accomplices. Yet, beneath the surface of my outward confidence, a growing suspicion gnawed at me, hinting at an unseen threat lurking in the shadows, awaiting the right moment to strike.

After a relentless minute of sprinting, an accomplishment in itself, a long-awaited notification finally blinked into my chat, heralding the successful deployment of Analysia's newly crafted trap. My anticipation swelled as I gazed upon the weapon's intricate design, a sinister grin forming on my lips. Eager to put this creation to the test in an authentic scenario, the alignment of timing and purpose couldn't have been more perfect.

It became clear that one of the two who keep aiming their gadgets at me will meet his or her ends here in a gruesome way.

Casting a quick backward glance, my instincts honed in on a critical detail—one of her teammates aiming their device for a point-blank shot directed at my body. The elements had conspired in my favor, presenting an opportune moment. Acting on instinct, I extended and spread my right hand and pointed it towards her, with it I winked at my face as my gaze was locked onto my target. A wicked smile crept onto my face, resurrecting the dormant embers of my bloodlust that had long lay dormant.

Eh...?" Her confusion resounded audibly, mirroring the perplexity etched upon her features as my hand extended towards her face, my intentions veiled in a shroud of enigma.

[Locating target for designated 'Pitfall Traps':Affirmative]

[Calculating Distance and Power:Affirmative]


Ignoring all the tick tacky mechanical performance that Analysia wanted to reveal this time. Seconds were etched into eternity as the trap's mechanism was set into motion. An eerie silence enveloped the surroundings, the calm before the storm.

Then, an abrupt rupture of silence—the sound of crimson life splattering onto the pavement—shattered the stillness, the chilling echo resounding throughout the once-quiet neighborhood.

Despite the horror of the scene, it was evident that Yuki herself and her remaining teammate weren't deterred. The ominous sound of footsteps in pursuit painted a stark picture of their determination—a determination that was both chilling and unsettling in its intensity.

It was a grim reminder that they were willing to disregard the fallen for the pursuit of my demise, a realization that bore testament to the cruelty of their intentions.

Deciding that I probably need to end this before I run out of energy to even walk, I turn back towards them and jump on top with a little boost from the books that I stack on top of each other to become my jump point.

Their confusion was palpable, their eyes locking onto me with an incredulous mixture of surprise and disbelief as I materialized above them. Three meters above the ground, I stood suspended and My fingers danced in the air, and before their astonishment could evolve into a strategic response, in a flick of a second, I materialized and unleashed a barrage of enormous books.

Descending with an orchestrated chaos, I touched down in front of Yuki-san, a sly grin etched upon my face. A cascade of deafening screams filled the air, reverberating in tandem with the wet splashing of impact behind me.

With a poised confidence, I met her gaze head-on, an unspoken challenge issued through the unwavering certainty in my eyes.

"Looks like you're stronger than the foe I was imagining in my head", she mused, her smile betraying a hint of irritation as her eyes twitched in vexation. A glance toward her allies who lay defeated emphasized the weight of her realization.

She muttered to herself as I began to propel my feet into motion once again, to elude her grasp and distance myself from her and fled from the scenes before she noticed anything.

"Well Well Well...I guess I have no choice" her voice rang out, cutting through the tension. The unmistakable sound of a bowstring's tension followed her words.

Reacting swiftly, I prepare a multitude of huge books that I materialize forming a formidable wall to intercept the oncoming arrow. And if that wasn't enough, I hasten my guard up to dodge any arrows that will come towards me. All and all, I was sure that I was ready.


The air split with a menacing sound, the war cry of an arrow cutting through the silence. A fateful collision ensued, and a sickening thud reverberated through the air, a visceral reminder of the lethal accuracy of Yuki's shot.

Frozen in my tracks, I dropped to my knees, my gaze fixated on the crimson droplets that trickled to the unforgiving streets below. The gravity of the situation struck me like a physical blow.

"How... did you...," my voice faltered, my shock rendering me nearly breathless. A trickle of blood escaped my lips, a morbid testament to the severity of my wound.

"You...pierced...my heart?", My gaze wavered, torn between the reality before me and the remnants of my own makeshift defenses. Shocked by seeing that all of them has holes blow through by a single powerful arrow.

I looked as all the huge book starting to dematerialized one by one. As the last remnant of protection faded away, Yuki remained stern, her bow poised with unwavering intent, a mask of indifference masking any trace of guilt.

My vision went blurry as soon as I heard her footsteps approaching. Soon, my heart started to ache. Five words echoed through the recesses of my mind, it echoed and echoed throughout the whole body, a refrain that had accompanied me when I'm always near death...A lifeline to my existence...per say...

"I...don't want...to die..." Each utterance was punctuated by the heave of my breath, each word laden with a weight that transcended mere mortality, my eyes flickered as the light of hope inside me was slowly dwindling.

Yet, amidst this feverish struggle, an enigmatic figure shrouded in darkness manifested. A cloak of obsidian draped over his form, his very presence an embodiment of the ethereal. He stood not as a specter, but as an arbiter of the imminent.

"You kill people, yet you don't want to die...ironic isn't it?" The voice, shrouded in mystery, was accompanied by a cryptic observation that pierced the silence.

A profound sentiment followed, a testament to the figure's contemplation of human nature.

A cascade of green numbers materialized in their wake, digits woven from ones and zeros, an ethereal tapestry that unfurled into the very fabric of the night. Yuki-san shifted, on alert, her posture shifting as she braced for what might unfold next.

In the recesses of my mind, I sifted through memories, piecing together fragments that sparked a sense of familiarity. Recognition began to dawn, an awareness of the figure's aura, a power I had encountered before.

As my mind worked to unravel the enigma, the hooded figure just stand there menacingly as Yuki-san try to get closer and closer until the both of them are now side by side each other.

After exchanging gaze, the hooded figure muttered something to which, in response, Yuki-san quickly jumped to the roof and left the scene all together. It was seems...to confusing for my now wounded state.

My condition grew increasingly dire, each passing moment intensifying the pain that throbbed at my core. The desire to rise, to stagger back to the sanctuary of my home, tugged at my consciousness. Yet, even the strength to stand had forsaken me. Darkness crept at the edges of my vision, encroaching like a tide that threatened to submerge me in its depths.

Amidst the encroaching abyss, a sensation pulled at my awareness. A touch, firm yet gentle, a lifeline extended to pull me from the depths of despair. Blinking my eyes open...it was there I saw it...

"...Aoki-san." Blood mixed with my words, a bitter concoction that painted my words with shades of morbidity.

A response didn't come, but his visage conveyed concern, a depth of emotion that resonated with a sense of authenticity. Amidst the turmoil, a realization began to crystallize—a profound understanding that this sentiment was genuine, the authenticity of his care undeniable.

""You...cared for me...didn't you...lying devil..." A fragile smile played upon my lips, a semblance of peace amidst the chaos. My eyelids drooped, the weight of my body leaning against him as he provided a steadfast support.

"What a bothersome...partner," his voice carried a hint of exasperation, laced with a tender fondness that betrayed his words. "But, I'm glad you're fine."


A Discard Conversation.

Once upon a time, there was this kingdom. The king, a real power-hungry dude, ruled with an iron fist. His big shiny throne showcased his power. He'd been at it for centuries, squashing rivals left and right. Nobody could stand up to him; his army was just too strong.

Then, out of the blue, a hero showed up. This person saw all the messed-up stuff the king was doing and couldn't stand it. She tried to take him down multiple times, but it wasn't easy. After several attempts, though, she finally succeeded in dethroning the tyrant.

But guess what? With the king out of the picture, things went haywire. The kingdom started falling apart. There was chaos, conflict, and destruction everywhere.

See, there were these other contenders for the throne.

One was a former king who wanted his power back, believing he could lead the kingdom out of the mess it was in. Then there was this virtuous leader, wanting to guide the people towards a better future. And let's not forget the merchant, a business-savvy person who aimed to control the kingdom through economic power.

And so, without even realizing it, the hero kicked off a whole new era. An era where everyone fought against each other, full of trickery and deceit. It became all about who could manipulate the best and who could betray the most effectively.

It's a crazy time, and we're about to find out who will come out on top, who's going down, and who'll be left to tell the tale. Let the era of turmoil begin!

"That's a good fantasy sentence right?"


"Hey~, Kizu-chan, it is a good fantasy opening right??"

"Isn't all of that really happened, but you just happen to fantasize it"

"You're no fun! You changed!"

"I went through a lot, y'know?"

"What about me! I went through a lot more than you! Dummy!"


"You deserves it!"

"Hey, should I die down the complexity of my words a little bit?

"Did you got all of your words by reading the dictionary for too much or something?"

"I asked you, should I?"

"Well, it's up to you, it's not my part to involve myself in it yet"

"Alright then."

"...Hey, is this really the style you would write your story?

"Well...not really, I still don't know though."