
Some Peace

Clarke waited till it was dark before she decided to make a move. She had already made an improvised silencer in order not to attract attention and she had the clothes the Boyd guy had, a blue baggy pairs of jeans, red baggy t-shirt, an even bigger black jacket and a red hat. She made sure she avoided the cameras till the moment she arrived at the building the boy had told him the gang lives in. She could already see a guard standing at the entrance, glaring at everyone that passed by.

She made her way towards him, walking slowly and deliberately. The guard dismissed her from his mind and went on glaring at everyone else. It was only when she was a few feet away did he realize she was coming towards him. He wanted to stop her but then heard two hisses coming from her jacket's pocket and the pain in his chest. He fell over, a surprised look on his face.

Clarke got hold of the handle on the door and gave it a gentle push, breaking the lock. She got in and closed the door behind her. She removed the silenced gun from her left hand pocket so that the hunt can start.

She made her way to the first room, making sure she was not making any sound. The door was unlocked, a mistake. She opened it slowly and saw a man cleaning his gun without a care in the world. He had a tattoo of two AKs criss crossing their muzzles on his neck, a sign of the gang she was looking for. She went behind him, covered his mouth and shot him from behind. The man was about to struggle but the bullets silenced him for good. She made sure there was nobody else in the apartment before going to the next.

When she was done with the ground floor, she went to the first floor. A man was getting out of his apartment smoking a joint. Clarke confirmed the gang tattoo and put a bullet through his skull, quickly getting hold of him before he hit the ground. He laid him gently then pushed the door of the apartment he came in gently. She saw two more men smoking while watching a football game. The two never even realized how they died and Clarke was out of the apartment.

She started again with the apartment closest to the stairs and swept the whole floor. Aside from the three men, just one more was a member of the gang. That taken care of, she headed to the third and final floor where she could hear loud music playing. She jogged up the stairs, the music making her less cautious of the noise she was making. Once again, she started the routine, making sure she didn't hit the apartment with the loudest music till it was last. All the apartments there were empty which meant the apartment she was going to hit was filled with gang members. She reloaded and took a breath in and knocked at the door. She waited till she heard footsteps coming towards the door and placed the muzzle right where the man's chest would be. It might be a civilian or not, all she knew was that she needed the apartment she got and nobody was going to take it from her.

The door was opened by a man holding a bottle of Gin. He squinted when he saw her, trying to remember if they invited a white chick to the party, only to receive a bullet to his chest. He looked at it with disbelief and touched the wound that was bleeding profusely. Clarke saw the gang tattoo on his neck and knew she hit the jackpot. She pushed the door open and got into the apartment. She found all the rest of the members drinking, taking drugs and watching a football game.

"Who are you?" one of them asked, alerting the rest. When they saw the gun in her hand, they scrambled to get up but Clarke was like a tiger in a sheep's pen. With each squeeze of the trigger, one of them would fall with a bullet through the head. It was eery sight of twelve men been slaughtered as they tried to get cover and a woman not even missing a single shot with each squeeze of the trigger. All twelve of them were dead, the room was looking haphazard because of their struggle. Clarke made sure there was nobody else in the apartment by checking the bathroom, closets, under the bed and kitchen drawers, nobody was there.

Clarke had half a mind to leave the gun in here so that the police can profile this as a racial hit and set their eyes on the white supremacists but then it might lead back to her and the girls. So, she took the tweezers she had brought and dug out each and every bullet in the men because they might be traced back to the gun or they might have a finger print. She had taken every shell after each shot too and when she was done, she was convinced this case will look more mysterious and like a professional hit. She walked out of the building and continued with her walk after digging out the bullet from the guard. To everyone, she was just a girl enjoying the cool night of Los Angeles.

The morning to come, Los Angeles was woken up by the leering news of twenty seven gang members found dead in their apartments. The LAPD tried to hush it up by they miscalculated just how thirsty journalists are for new stories. As soon as they taped the building, one of them had already hired a drone and taken pictures of the bodies found in the rooms. He then proceeded to write his own version of what happened and the other newspapers decided to run with that story. The police saw it might bring more unrest decided to tell the public what was going on and how they speculate this was a professional assassination more than anything.

To Clarke, it was like any other morning. She did some morning exercises, lifting the fridge like it was some weights, it wasn't to her, then decided to go to a store and by groceries. She had a cold shower and was heading out when he met with the kid from before.

"You might be the luckiest lady alive," he said with an impressed smile.

"How so?" she asked.

"Apparently the guys that would come and kick you out ended up dead yesterday night. It would seem the apartment is yours for now," the boy said and went upstairs. Clarke looked at the boy's back, wondering whether he suspected anything before putting those bad thoughts behind her head and continued on. On her way, she passed by the building she hit. To even the most experienced profiler, she would like an interested citizen but one who still had better things to do and just gloss over her. She arrived at the store which was buzzing with the news of the hit.

She bought eggs, milk, flour, rice, cooking oil, wheat flour, potatoes, some fruits, sugar, salt, onions, some spices, sheets and a mattress. The money Jenny had given her was nearly completed. Will all that luggage, she had to flag down a taxi and spend the rest of the money there. The cabbie was nice enough to help her carry the mattress and sheets up to her room, she had to give him that. She thanked him with a small tip and closed the door after him. She made her bed and threw Boyd's mattress and sheets to the corridor, whoever is poor enough to take them had her blessings. Boyd even had wifi and a smart TV which was blessing to her. Time to make herself even more deadly.

Two days later, she got a knock on her door. She quickly armed herself and like before, putting the muzzle on the door before opening it. She saw two plain clothed detectives looking at her with interest.

"Good afternoon, miss," one of them greeted her.

"Afternoon," she greeted them.

"Can we come in?" the other asked.

"Let me arrange a few things first, I just moved in," she said and gently closed the door. She hid the gun in a ventilation, cleared the table of the take out boxes and paused the tv that had a kung fu movie on. She then opened the door fully for the detectives.

"Sorry about that, it's a rule a girl can't be seen messy, even if it's an emergency," she said. "I'm Carol, Carol Denvers."

"Detective Birch and my partner, Detective Stephen. We won't take any of your time. We have reasons to believe that you might have been targeted by a gang and possibly scammed. Have you received any suspicious calls or threats since you moved in?"

"No sir, been holed up in here watching TV. Apparently the previous owner didn't switch off his internet cable and I have been making sure I make the best of it before it is over," she answered.

"Alright then, Miss Denvers, if you receive any call or threats just call us immediately," Detective Birch said and gave her his card. She nodded as she took the card and the two walked out of the apartment. She made sure they were on the first floor before she closed the door and went to the window, hidden by the shades and watched to see if they were suspicious of her. She saw them enter their car and just drive off, none of the two even looked at her window or talked. She sighed in relief, thankful she did not start making the bomb she was thinking of.