

"In two hours, my plane will fly. I still have things that I haven't put in my suitcase. Help me pack them up," said the handsome 30-year-old man, tall and burly. A young entrepreneur in the hospitality sector owns a coalfield in the Kalimantan region, Indonesia, while looking at the beautiful woman in front of him. "You know, it's not free to do all this," the woman said with a smile. The handsome man smiled. "You can do whatever you want," said the handsome man with his gaze fixed on the beautiful woman. That woman is Clara Wibisono. A beautiful 24-year-old woman who is used to living in luxury. Clara always saw things in terms of money. One day, an unfortunate incident happened to her family and made her lose her property. To support her luxurious life, Clara is willing to become the mistress of a young and wealthy businessman. For her, there is no beauty without money, there is no happiness without money, there is not even a life without money. Clara's job is to serve men in bed and Clara is free to use the man's money whenever she wants. Clara even got all the luxury amenities from the man. However, as time goes by, love grows in Clara's and the man's hearts. Since then, unexpected things have happened. Problem after the problem came to Clara and the man. Will Clara and the man be able to survive amid complicated love and relationship? Especially for Clara, after knowing the other side of the man's life, which turned out to be much more complicated than Clara had known before.

Mahdania · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
182 Chs


Clara came out of the room and into the living room. She didn't see Bram. Clara was sure that Bram had left her apartment.

"He's outrageous! Came uninvited, and left without saying a word. He's like a ghost!" growled Clara.

Clara remembered what Bram had said earlier. Bram said that he would be nothing if not for Bram. Clara was irritated by the memory. Instantly, the idea of taking revenge on Bram appeared in her mind.

"I will repay you!" said Clara and went to her room. She also chose to sleep and calm her mind. She couldn't wait for tomorrow and wanted to see Bram's expression.

*** Besides that.

Bram drove his car to one of the clubs. He felt restless and did not understand what caused it. It seemed like he was always angry lately, and Clara had always been his target.

Bram entered the bar which had already begun to be visited by several visitors. He sat at the bar and ordered a drink. Not long after, a sexy woman approached him. Touching his arm suddenly made Bram stare at the woman.

"Jessie?" mumbled Bram.

Yes, the woman's name is Jessie. A sexy and beautiful model who was once close to him. Jessie is the daughter of Bram's parents' best friend. They have been close for a long time.

"Hi, Bram. How are you?" Jessie asked.

Bram just shrugged and chose to drink his drink.

"You don't seem all right," said Jessie.

Bram just smiled a little and still ignored Jessie's words.

Bram fell silent as something springy touched his back. He glanced to the side and found Jessie hugging him from behind.

"I missed you," Jessie whispered behind Bram's ear. Jessie's warm and fragrant breath made Bram smile.

"So what do you want?" asked Bram.

"I want you, just once," said Jessie in a sexy tone.

"I'm not in the mood," said Bram.

"I'll do it, and you just have to enjoy it," Jessie coaxed.

Bram still didn't budge and continued to drink his drink.

"Okay, as you said, I'll enjoy it and won't do anything about it," said Bram.

Jessica smiled and nodded enthusiastically.

Bram drove Jessie to a nearby hotel and checked in.

Jessie proudly hooked her hand on Bram's arm. Bram just kept quiet and didn't refuse until they arrived at the reserved room.

"Ladies first," said Bram, ushering Jessie into the room first.

Jessie smiled.

"Thank you," Jessie said and entered the room followed by Bram.

"You want it now?" Jessie asked.

Bram threw himself on the bed and saw Jessie's seductive curves.

He gestured for Jessie to approach him with his hand.

"Come here!" asked Bram.

Jessie approached Bram and sat next to Bram.

"Why would you want to do it with me?" asked Bram.

Jessie was silent at Bram's words.

"Can't answer it?" said Bram and got out of bed. Bram was about to enter the bathroom. However, his steps stopped when he heard Jessie's words.

"I love you, Bram!" said Jessie.

Bram turned and looked at Jessie.

"I don't play with love," said Bram.

"Yes, but for how long? Are you going to continue living like this? Don't you want a companion in your life? Don't you want to have a family? Then have a child who will call you Papa? I want to live with you, Bram. Why don't we give it a try?" Jessie said.

Bram turned his back on Jessie and slowly walked towards the bathroom.

"The serious ones are toyed with, let alone those who try," said Bram as he walked to the bathroom.

Jessie frowned, she didn't understand what Bram meant.

Jessie took a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror. Slowly he removed the cloth covering her body. Now only her panties were left covering her sensitive area. Not long after, Bram came out wearing a bathrobe and after that, he heard someone knocking on the bedroom door.

Bram opened the door and there was a waiter who brought his drink order. Bram took it and placed it on the table.

"Drink, tonight is going to be a long night," said Bram as he handed Jessie a drink. Jessie greeted him with pleasure. They toast.

Before long, Jessie staggered and she fell unconscious. Bram lifted Jessie's body and laid her on the bed.

'I don't like playing with women who offer their bodies, even if you are my friend,' Bram muttered and covered Jessie's body with a blanket.

Bram also drank his drink and was lost in his thoughts until he felt sleepy and fell asleep on the sofa.

*** The next day.

Bram woke up to his cell phone ringing. He takes his cell phone and there is a call from the bank. He answered the phone and spoke to the bank clerk.

Bram was surprised to hear the explanation that there had been a fairly large transaction through his credit card and the Bank questioned it because there was no confirmation.

Bram rushed to put on his clothes and caught a glimpse of Jessie. Jessie still hadn't woken up because of the sleeping pills Bram put in his drink last night. Bram rushed out of the room and went to his car. He drove his car to Clara's apartment.

Bram knew that it was Clara who carried out the transaction previously described by the Bank. Because it was the credit card he gave Clara.

Arriving at the apartment.

Bram opened the apartment door and looked for Clara. Bram frowned as Clara was sitting in the waiting room with lots of shopping bags.

"Did you make a transaction?" asked Bram.

Clara was silent and just pointed at a few shopping bags that were nearby.

"I bought this," Clara said.

Bram looked at the contents of each shopping bag.

"Are you crazy? Why buy all this so much?" asked Bram.

Bram was surprised that Clara bought ten Vertu-branded phones, which cost more than One Hundred Thousand US Dollars. In Rupiah, the money can even buy a simple house according to Bram.

Bram did not forbid Clara from using a credit card, because Bram deliberately gave the card to meet Clara's needs, but if that much money was used just to buy a cellphone, then it was too much.

Clara just smiled a little and didn't answer Bram's question.

"Answer me, Clara. Or I'll--" Bram's words stopped when Clara spoke.

"What? Freezing my credit card? It's all your fault, destroying my cell phone in which my work is stored! Besides, I bought a lot so I can anticipate if you destroy my phone again!" upset Clara.

Bram frowned, he smiled a little.

"I like your rebellious attitude. So, do as you please. If necessary, buy a hundred of the same cell phone. I don't mind," said Bram and left a confused Clara.

'What the hell is he? Isn't he upset? Then, why does he look so relaxed now?' thought Clara.

Clara couldn't believe it, she had already used a hundred thousand dollars to buy something for free. Clara only needed one cell phone, she did all that because she wanted revenge on Bram and wanted to see Bram upset. However, Bram only gave a casual response after hearing her words.

"Useless! Why did I buy all the cell phones if he wasn't angry? I should have just bought him a bag," regrets Clara.

Clara also felt sorry, that much money she should be able to buy for other branded goods.

'All right, let it go. I'll sell it again and I'll buy a new bag,' Clara muttered with a smile.

Clara took all the grocery bags to her room and put them in the closet.

Clara sighed when she heard the sound of running water in the bathroom. Bram seemed to be taking a shower. She didn't want to prepare a change of clothes for Bram, she chose to leave the room again and continue the work she brought to the apartment so that he could focus more on doing it. Unfortunately, she had to start from scratch. Although there wasn't much time until Liora's wedding day.

In the bathroom.

Bram stood under the shower. He smiled at Clara's confused expression earlier.

"You're trying to play me, I know that. Unfortunately, you forgot one thing. The money means nothing to me," Bram muttered.

Bram could already guess what Clara meant. He already knew Clara would respond with crazy things. Unfortunately, Clara did not understand that Bram was even crazier.

A few moments passed, Bram had finished bathing. He takes his cell phone. There is an email message from the messenger. There was information about Gerry there which he had requested earlier.

Bram just smiled faintly. He went to the kitchen and got a glass of water and drank it.

'Not at my level,' murmured Bram while thinking about information about Gerry who turned out to be the owner of several well-known restaurants. Although Bram knew the income from the restaurant was not small, he was not worried that Clara would be attracted to Gerry. What he had was far more than what Gerry had.

Bram rushed to get ready, he was going to the office. It might be enough afternoon to go to the office, but he wanted to work more casually today.