

"In two hours, my plane will fly. I still have things that I haven't put in my suitcase. Help me pack them up," said the handsome 30-year-old man, tall and burly. A young entrepreneur in the hospitality sector owns a coalfield in the Kalimantan region, Indonesia, while looking at the beautiful woman in front of him. "You know, it's not free to do all this," the woman said with a smile. The handsome man smiled. "You can do whatever you want," said the handsome man with his gaze fixed on the beautiful woman. That woman is Clara Wibisono. A beautiful 24-year-old woman who is used to living in luxury. Clara always saw things in terms of money. One day, an unfortunate incident happened to her family and made her lose her property. To support her luxurious life, Clara is willing to become the mistress of a young and wealthy businessman. For her, there is no beauty without money, there is no happiness without money, there is not even a life without money. Clara's job is to serve men in bed and Clara is free to use the man's money whenever she wants. Clara even got all the luxury amenities from the man. However, as time goes by, love grows in Clara's and the man's hearts. Since then, unexpected things have happened. Problem after the problem came to Clara and the man. Will Clara and the man be able to survive amid complicated love and relationship? Especially for Clara, after knowing the other side of the man's life, which turned out to be much more complicated than Clara had known before.

Mahdania · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
182 Chs


Clara and Gerry arrived at the Cafe not far from the Boutique. They ordered two cups of coffee.


"Hum?" Clara saw Gerry who was staring at her.

"Are you alright?" asked Gerry.

"Yes, why?" Clara asked confused.

"Sorry, I heard you cry on the phone," said Gerry.

Clara frowned. She remembered crying in the bathroom at her mother's house and the incoming call from Gerry at that time. However, what she remembered at that time was that she did not answer the phone call from Gerry.

Clara takes her cell phone, she never looks at her phone if it's not important. Clara sees an incoming call. There's Gerry's contact on the incoming call list. She sighed.

"Sorry, it looks like I accidentally answered your call," said Clara.

"It's okay. I'm just worried," said Gerry.

"Worried? Why to worry about me?" said Clara, laughing. Clara wondered why Gerry should be worried about her?

Gerry took Clara's hand. He looked into Clara's beautiful eyes. For some reason, he didn't get tired of seeing Clara's beautiful eyes.

"I like you," said Gerry.

"Yeah, I like you too. You're nice," Clara said with a smile.

Gerry smiled and held Clara's hand tighter. It made Clara a little uncomfortable. It felt like no other man would treat her like that other than Reino and Bram. Immediately Clara saw Gerry's gaze as if hiding something.

"I like you, not as a friend. On the contrary, I fell in love with you from the first time I saw your photo when Viona first showed it to me," said Gerry.

Clara's heart skipped a beat at Gerry's words. Instantly, she remembered her relationship with Bram. Clara let go of Gerry's hand.

"I think, we need some time to get to Jewelry. We'll probably be there by ten," Clara said, trying to distract Gerry.

However, Gerry is not someone who gives up easily.

"Answer me first, Clar. Do you only like me as a friend? Or just like me?" said Gerry.

"Sorry, Ger. I can't answer that," Clara said.

"Why? Do you have a boyfriend?" asked Gerry.

"No. I don't have a boyfriend. I just don't think about dating a guy," Clara said.

Gerry frowned.

"Are you a same-sex lover?" asked Gerry.

Clara was flabbergasted.

"Sorry, do you dislike men, and like women?" asked Gerry.

Clara laughed. Gerry's question is funny. Come on, she's normal and attracted to men.

"Do I look like that?" asked Clara.

"I don't know, I hope not," said Gerry.

Clara giggled even more.

"Of course, I'm a normal woman, I'm attracted to men. It's just, I don't want to be in a relationship with anyone. Em... I do not yet want to," Clara said with a smile.

Gerry smiled. He was relieved to hear Clara's answer. Even though Clara doesn't reciprocate her feelings, at least Clara likes men and Gerry thinks maybe one day Clara's feelings for him will change.

"So you turned me down?" asked Gerry.

"Sorry, Ger. For now, I just want to be friends. Nothing more. We never know what will happen in the future. Let time decide everything," Clara said.

Gerry smiled and nodded. He sipped his coffee and his eyes never left Clara.

**** Time passed and they went to the Jewelry Shop. There, Clara tries to request the latest designs from the shop. There were several designs, and Clara's eyes fell on a diamond necklace with a teardrop-shaped diamond pendant. This pendant with colorless diamonds is not too big, but not too small either. She took the necklace and tried it on.

Gerry only saw Clara trying on the necklace. After that, Clara put it back in its place.

Clara picked up a set of diamond-edged jewelry. Where there is a necklace, a pair of earrings, a bracelet and a ring. Fit for Gerry's mother's age, she thought.

"This is great," Clara said, showing it to Gerry.

Gerry nodded, he followed Clara's choice and paid for the jewelry set.

"Ger, I'm going to the toilet first. Wait for me!" said Clara.

Gerry nodded. Gerry handed his debit card and asked the shopkeeper to pack the jewelry Clara had just tried on. He bought it for Clara. He saw Clara trying on the necklace, which meant Clara liked the necklace. Therefore, Gerry bought it.

*** At Lunchtime, Gerry and Clara chose lunch first. Incidentally, the Jewelry Shop is in the Mall. Therefore, they do not need to find a restaurant for lunch.

They arrived at a restaurant and had lunch together.

"Clara, would you like to come tonight?" asked Gerry.

"You mean?" asked Clara.

"Dinner with my mother. Think of it as a dinner invitation for you as a thank you for accompanying me," said Gerry.

Clara was silent for a moment. She thought of Bram. She was sure that Bram would not return to her apartment.

"Hm... I'm afraid to disturb your dinner?" asked Clara.

"Of course not. As you said, we never know what the future will be like. Who knows we'll get along. So it's better if you get to know my mother early," Gerry said with a chuckle.

Clara laughed too. Yes, humans will never know what will happen in their lives in the future.

"Okay. But pick me up. I'd feel awkward if I came alone," Clara said.

"Of course. How can I let you come alone," said Gerry

Clara smiled. She looked at Gerry.

Gerry is a handsome and well-established man, although not as strong as Bram. But Gerry treats women very sweetly, unlike Bram.

'Bram is not like Gerry. Bram sucks,' Clara thought.

After lunch, Gerry took Clara to her apartment. After that, Gerry left Clara's apartment. At six in the afternoon, he would pick up Clara for dinner with his mother.

Clara entered her room, she went to the dressing room and chose a dress for the evening. Clara's choice fell on a long black dress with shoulders that looked but not too sexy. She was still thinking about etiquette in front of Gerry's parents. It was a family dinner, where a dinner was held to celebrate Gerry's mother's birthday. Therefore, wearing a sexy dress is not the right thing.


Time passed, there were still a few more minutes until six o'clock in the afternoon. Gerry had not yet arrived at Clara's apartment, and Clara was still watching her appearance. She didn't want anything to fall short of her appearance. She even looked at her makeup many times.

Clara's heart skipped a beat when she heard the doorbell ring. She quickly put on her high heels and opened the door.

Gerry chuckled when he saw Clara who seemed to be still trying to tie her high heel laces.

"No need to rush," said Gerry.

Clara smiled shyly. Clara was about to duck down but Gerry rushed to his knees and helped tie the laces on Clara's heels.

"Done," said Gerry with a smile as he finished tying Clara's shoelaces. Gerry looked up and saw Clara.

Clara smiled.

"Thank you," said Clara.

Gerry nodded. He reached out his hand offering to take Clara's hand. Clara smiled and intertwined her hand in Gerry's. They walked towards the elevator. Gerry pressed the ground floor and after waiting a while, the elevator doors opened.

Clara was silent, her legs suddenly went limp when she saw a figure coming out of the elevator. The man glanced at her, then left. Gerry was a little surprised to see the person who had just come out of the elevator.

"Are you alright?" asked Gerry, interrupting Clara's thoughts. Gerry was even more confused when he saw Clara was silent even though the elevator door was already open.

Clara nodded doubtfully. She followed Gerry into the elevator. After that their car went to the dinner place.