
Clan wars! I'm gonna take my clan to the top with [Bounty Hunter]!

My dad didn't leave me any money, the house deed, the car, or anything valuable in his will. Just a chest and the key to open it. Now, in less than two days, I find myself tangled in a huge conspiracy to overthrow an ancient clan I owe my life and servitude to, by any means necessary. And to make it worse, it’s happening in a bizarre replica of the top RPG MMO game! It’s only been 2 days, and I’ve got more responsibility in these 20 minutes than I’ve ever had in my whole life. But I'm not backing down for anything! We're gonna be the best clan, we're gonna be number one!

GranPecador · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Kane, Bro!

The wizard hat, or whoever was under it, started their speech.

— Thanks for the silence, bro. My name is Kane and I'll be your guide as part of a new initiative to ease the entry for new players. To be a guide, many requirements must be met, including being very strong, so I suggest you follow my advice, but understand it's not an obligation, at the end of the day they are just that, advice. —the man behind the hat is serious, sounding angry, like he's being forced to be there.

"Woah," Levi thinks, "We'd be better off with someone who actually wants to be a guide," Lacasa thinks.

— Bro. Like, do you get it?

Some responded half-heartedly.

— Do you get it or not, bro!?

Everyone responded affirmatively in unison; this guide is quite effective.

— Before talking about the game, a few clarifications. You're part of the Chaos Group, a group, as redundant as it sounds, dedicated to bringing chaos and rebellion to the world, we have no other mission. We are the third largest Red Team, with branches throughout America and Eastern Europe. The number 2 group of the Red Team are Asians. The RCG, Red China Group, is dedicated to converting everything and everyone to the most extreme Mao Zedong communism, creating and managing communist rebel groups against anything that isn't their communism. The largest group is the Land of the Free, red-blooded Americans with a single mission, to make the whole world a free place, like their homeland. Keep in mind, bro, just because we're on the same team doesn't mean we have to work together, it's more of a suggestion, it's easier to win that way. The Red Team, us, for those in the back —4 guys who were chatting at the back fell silent— we are in direct conflict with the Blue Team, our only goal to win is to destroy all their Victory Points, I won't waste time telling you what those are, bro, you'll see them in the game later. All Blue Team groups are against us and will be eliminated.

The room fell silent for a moment, "Kill," thought everyone who was paying attention.

— This is a friendly game, for God's sake! No one's going to die, you just get out of the game and you'll be the biggest idiots if you die too soon or from stupid stuff. So don't die, bro! —the collective sigh of relief almost caused a whirlwind inside the room.

— NO FRIENDLY FIRE! —those who didn't jump from fright had their knees trembling too much, and the first row is now deaf.

— There's no way to prevent friendly fire, since it's enabled, but it's strictly forbidden. That's the only rule of the Chaos Group. Any questions? —nobody really wants to ask questions, nobody wants to get yelled at, well, almost nobody.

— If we're a group within a team, where are the clans? —a more than reasonable question, "logic could answer but it's always better to be sure," Dartañan thought.

— Bro… Are you a group leader? Oh my god bro, you are so dumb. C'mon bro, use your brain, the clans are the "teams" formed within the group, so it's easier to command and coordinate on a smaller scale.

"How dare he treat him like that!" Monique thought, gritting her teeth. "Wow! I like him better," Lacasa thought.

— Are the teams, groups, and clans formed by word and handshake, or is there something real that binds them? —the blonde, speaking for the tall girl, asked a very good question that would trigger too many things.

Kane didn't respond immediately, he stared, or something like that, his eyes hidden by the hat, at the blonde or the tall girl.

— If you're the leader —he pointed to the tall girl— why do you whisper what to say? Is your voice too good to waste on us rich girl? Do you think you're better, or is your throat just bad today? —again the tall girl whispered something to the blonde.

— She prefers not to answer, at least not until our question is answered first. —this made Kane very angry.

— I ain't gonna answer jack shit until you tell me your name, loud and clear. —there was a desolate silence for a couple of seconds.

The tall girl stood up, and for the first time, and for many the last, they heard her voice— My name is Vânia! Now… answer my question. —her voice, the sweetest voice Lacasa had ever heard, as if from an angel. Ultra-feminine, delicate, and even pink in color, if it had one.

Lacasa had to hold back laughter, Levi his amazement, Dartañan fought with all his might not to cry at the perfection of the voice, and Monique hated with all her soul that Dartañan liked it so much.

— I… I'm sorry —Kane apologized, dazed by the voice— Vânia. Good question, yes. —Lacasa didn't like him as much anymore— Ehm, yes, teams, groups, and clans are formed using the BetterPlay System, which we use only for the necessary. Mainly to see one's physical state, abilities, missions, and the map, but also to identify each other. By using it on another participant, you'll see their name and other information the participant chooses to show, also from the System menu.

— What are the medallions for? —asked a brave soul.

— But bro, you don't let me finish explaining, I was getting to that. —Kane was not getting to that— The medallions are identifiers of who you are in this plane, and in the game plane, they become all the information needed to generate your body, clothing, and abilities. Inspired by your tastes, bro. So you better not let me see any weirdos, got it!? —some gulped, including Lacasa.

No, Lacasa is not a pervert or anything worse, but one of his hobbies is birdwatching, derived from his love for hunting, inherited from his father. Between his favorite part of hunting being stalking the prey, observing and waiting for the exact moment, and his liking for ambushing and setting traps, he just hopes it doesn't lean too much towards stalking people.

— First, you're going to develop your unique passive ability, then, all your active abilities will be tied to it. Quick example for the blond guy in the back. —although they had already been called out, it seems the group at the back is more interested in flirting with some girls than learning the rules— My passive ability is to change all kinds of magic damage into explosive damage. —some made surprised noises— Just as you hear, bro, I make things explode when I attack with magic.

To annoy, the blond guy at the back whistled as if he was impressed.— How cute —half ironic and half sincere, ambiguous enough not to upset Kane too much.

— Now get ready, it's almost time to switch planes of reality, I suggest you sit down. —ominous, but he's not lying, the first time you cross from one plane of reality to another, the main symptoms are dizziness and vomiting.