
Ice cold shower


I was in an oven. Hot vent of air was squirted at me. Turning again, for the hundredth time, my eyes slipped open.

This was no oven. This was my room, but it had somehow had become enchanted and was now attempting to roost me alive. I took my eyes to the A.C. The swishing of air met my ears. So, the stuff was working. Why then was this place blazing hot?

Just to be sure, I walked to the A.C and shot my hand up. Cold air hit me, but it didn’t last long. As soon as the air hit me, it disappeared immediately, as if a force had driven it away.

My pajamas was glued to my skin. Sweat covered every part of my body. I frowned. What was all these?

I picked up the telephone beside my bed and was about dialing up my butler when something clicked inside of me. I reached for the desk calendar, narrowing my eyes on the date.

May, 28. That couldn’t be right. I fished out my phone from a drawer, tapped it on and was met with the same bomb.