

Izuku readied his quirk. He began directing 80SP to his right arm.

'Come on, faster! 6 seconds is too slow!' He shouted in his mind, and before he knew it, Torino turned into a yellow and white blur and punched him in the abdomen.

"ooof-What the-" Izuku couldn't complete his sentence as the blur launched from wall to wall and manged to get behind him. Izuku turned around to receive another punch to the gut.

"Gah!" Seconds later, Torino got behind him and hit Izuku's back. Izuku quickly recovered and saw that Torino was shooting off from wall to wall.

'I need a plan' He tought to himself as he began directing all of his energy to his head to activate Supertime. Something he didn't know until he fully activated his ability was that he chose the worst possible moment to use Supertime.

As soon as time stopped, Izuku saw that Torino was already mid launch...Right in front of him... Fist ready to strike.

'Well then... I guess this it. This is how I go down in history. A smirking old man's fist to the gut. I really like Supertime... Maybe I'll stay like this for a while.' But as much as Izuku liked Supertime, he knew that if he used Supertime for more than 70 seconds, he would pass out. And so he deactivated his ability and just accepted his fate.

"Aaaah!" He half shouted as Torino landed the final blow, making Izuku kneel and clutch his stomach. Gran Torino, however was very shocked as he saw how Izuku fought against the Nomu, and how fast he was. He was shocked because, Izuku wasn't even able to activate his quirk right now.

"What happened to you, boy? Your speed was much faster when you fought against that Nomu creature" Torino asked. Izuku quickly got up.

"T-That's because- Wait, how do you know about the Nomu?" Izuku became suspicious.

"I know about it because I was called by your father and the Principal later that night." Torino replied blandly. This made Izuku even more suspicious.

'Wait... Why would an Ex teacher be called by All Might and the principal-HOW DOES HE KNOW ABOUT ME AND ALL MIGHT? DID THEY SET THIS UP?' He thought.

"May I known why you were called?" Izuku was ready to storm out of the building.

"I was there because your father suspects that a his arch-nemesis is back" Torino said.

"Arch nemesis?"

"Yes, arch nemesis... Not only of your father, but of all the previous holders of One for All. He was known as the Symbol of Evil during his reign of terror, when quirks first began to appear." Torino explained. Izuku however, became confused. What 'reign of terror'? What 'Symbol of evil'?

"Symbol of Evil? That too during the time when quirk started to show up? How is that possible? I mean, I've read every book in existence about quirks and their history, and I never came across any Symbol of Evil." Izuku said.

"That's because almost all evidence, written material or otherwise was purged from history." Torino began to explain.

"It was a very dark time for Japan... Crime was everywhere. When the Symbol of Peace went underground, the government did everything in its power and destroyed all the evidence, not only from Japan, but other countries as well. Although, there may be a few countries which the Japanese government couldn't convince to completely destroy the records... But if He truly is back... " Torino paused and looked Izuku dead in the eye.

"Then I must warn you about something. So listen carefully and closely..." He said in a very serious tone. And that seriousness made Izuku swallow a lump.


"Your quirk is similar to your father's and now that you are famous and everyone saw the power of your quirk, the symbol of evil may come after you. Therefore, if any other person, leaving out, the Principal, Recovery girl, a pro named Sir Nighteye and a detective whose name is Naomasa, asks if you have inherited One for All, you Will answer that you have inherited it." Torino explained. Izuku was about to say something, but was silenced by a terrifying glare from Torino.

"No questions about it, do you get my point? This is for your own safety"

"Y-Yes sir!" Izuku replied.

'Now I know why the other teachers are afraid of him'

"There is another thing that I should tell you..."

"O-Ok" Izuku braced himself.

"All the holders of One for All fought the Symbol of evil... And every single one of them failed and were no longer able to continue their life as heroes. They were either severely injured, or downright dead. Even All Might's predecessor, a close friend of mine, died. And although your father was, and is still injured, he keeps on fighting... He fights because of you. The days leading up to the fight with his nemesis were very stressful. Your father kept mumbling about not being able to see someone grow up if he failed. He would often call up your mother and make her promise things like 'Please look after him', and 'Please tell him about me'. I tried asking him who 'he' was, but all he said was that it was nervous mumblings. I, however didn't believe him, and knew something was fishy. Time and time again I asked him about the phone calls, but Toshinori always dodged the question. But I realised who the person was a few weeks ago... when I saw the CCTV footage of the USJ attack... And before you tell me anything, I already know about their mess. and I must say, you did the right thing by separating yourself from them." Torino explained.

"W-What?" Izuku was puzzled as he didn't expect Torino to say what he just said. Izuku thought that Torino would try to convince him to mend his bond with his parents. But instead, Torino was supporting his decision.


"Yes, I definitely think they deserve the punishment. I myself punished them when they told me how badly they messed up."

"You punished them?"

"Yes... I made them kneel down and hold their ear for 20 minutes straight. That too outside the teacher's meeting hall"

"Haha, must have been funny..."

"Funny? Yes it was... Although, you should know that your parents love you very much, and reconciling with them in the distant future might not be such a bad idea."

"I will... think about it" Izuku replied. He didn't know how to feel about reconciliation, but then again, he himself thought about it a year ago.

"That's good to hear. Now, enough of this family drama. Tell me everything about your quirk." Torino commanded and Izuku immediately began explaining everything about his quirk. From strength to healing to flying and even how he managed to hold back the Nomu by continously oscillating almost all the SP between his arms. Gran Torino was very much intrigued by the different abilities of Izuku's quirk.

"Your quirk is quite powerful... Which is why I'm saying this again, if any stranger asks if you have inherited One for All, you will-?" Torino paused and looked at Izuku, who got the clue and completed the sentence.

"Say yes" He said.

"But, I'm very confused. How does this 'Symbol of Evil' or anyone else know about One for All, and why must I lie that I inherited it?"

"I don't think I'm the right person to tell you this..." Torino stated.

"Then who is?"

"The current holder of One for All... All Might. Well, I'm not forcing you to talk to him. But if you want to sate your curiosity and know more..." Gran Torino didn't complete the sentence, but instead gave a 'You know what to do' face which Izuku easily recognised.

"Now, why were you so slow today. Compared to the day the USJ was attacked. You said that you need atleast 6 seconds to transfer power from one body part to another "

"Oh, that's because if I shift my power between only two parts continuously, the time delay slowly becomes smaller between said, until there is a very miniscule delay. Although, the delay comes back once I, either deactivate my quirk entirely or I shift the power to a different part. But, it seems that if I continously oscillate my power between two parts of my body, the delay decreases permanently. Before, when I shifted the power from one arm to the other, it would take 6 seconds, but after the fight, it takes 5.7 seconds." Izuku explained.

"So that means that if you keep on practicing, you'll eventually make the power transfer instantaneous." Gran Torino said and Izuku nodded.

"Hmmm... Anyway, do you visualise your power?"


"Yeah, you know, making an imaginary scenario to depict your quirk. Trust me, it helps. It may even help with your Jupiter and Solar Impacts."

"Okay... I'll think of something..."

"Now, go upstairs, pick any room you like and change to your hero outfit. We'll have some delicious taiyaki and then you will train and patrol the streets. Move it!"

"Yes Sir" Izuku answered, but before he went upstairs, he needed to ask a question.

"Ummm, Torino Sensei, how was All Might's training and first year at UA?"

"Toshinori? Well... his training was nothing but extreme physical exercise. He faced far more torture than the others. And since he was very dumb about how to use One for All, his training also had a huge amount of..." Sorahiko paused and looked up as a memory bubble appeared above his head showing All Might being an idiot sandwich.

Izuku only sweat dropped. He quickly went upstairs and chose one of the rooms. After which he changed into his hero outfit. He then realised how much his and Gran Torino's outfit look alike. With nearly the same color scheme and larger than usual gauntlets and boots. Izuku then came back downstairs, where he saw Torino stare at him, and for a split second Izuku thought that he saw a drop of tear coming out from Torino's eyes, but decided that it was probably his imagination. After a quick lunch. They began to patrol the streets. And as they were doing it, Atlas and Torino received a lot of looks and comments from people. Most of them being about how similar the two of them looked and some surprising comments consisting of 'Awwws' and 'Pro hero family', more surprising was the fact that Atlas didn't get swarmed even once. They kept on patrolling till it was sunset, after which, Gran Torino bought a large vegetable backpack.

"Now, wear this" Torino said handing the large back pack to Atlas, who wore it with a questioning look on his face. Soon after, Gran Torino jumped and got into the bag.

"What the-" Izuku was about to say something, but was cut off by Gran Torino.

"Your job is get home... But, you will do so by oscillating 20SP between your legs with each step. Which means you'll direct 20SP to one of your legs, take a step, and then shift the power to the other. And you'll do it all the way." Atlas knew what Torino meant, and immediately began taking steps, all the while oscillating the power from one leg to another and carrying Gran Torino on his back. After about two hours, they reached Torino's home, who ordered some food. After having dinner, Torino instructed Izuku to wake up early as they would train again in the morning. Izuku however couldn't sleep. He tried twisting and turning for half an hour, but was unable to fall asleep, despite of the walking around the whole day. He knew he had to do something about it. And so Izuku took out his phone, and called Faulkner.

"Hello? Izuku?"

"Yeah... sorry to call you this late-no early"

"Nonsense... Did you need something?"

"Yes, actually... I have something that I need you to look into"

"Go on"

"You know the countries that we have a large influence on?"


"I want you to look into their history archives. I want you to look for something related to a 'Symbol of Evil' and 'A very dark time of Japan after quirks first showed up'"

"Of course, I'll begin my search from today itself."

Thank you... Much appreciated" After talking for about ten minutes. Izuku hung up.

"Just who is this 'Symbol of Evil'... And how is he still alive if he was there when quirks first showed up..." With that, Izuku fell asleep.