
City plunder world crazy

This story Is about a young man named Sune Night who sets out on a journey with friends to prove his worth together they fight in their plunder crew call the Blackbands to save people they believe are doing the right thing and defeat those who are wrong not everything is sunshine and smiles however since the plunder crews are not liked by the government at all!

Jwolfy1025 · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Episode 8:Mana realm two

Lucas:I can't believe I quit being a hunter just to live on the run

Sune:We don't have to live on the run

Bertelt interrupts them

Bertelt:Well let's start training we don't have much time

Sune:Oh alrighty!

Bertelt:It will take them approximately 3 days to break into my mana realm

Sune:How will they do that

Bertelt:They have a spar key...


Bertelt:Nothing training begins now!

Bertelt begins training Sune on how to control his power better

Vol:We finally got the stupid approval let's go kill all of them

Smile:Smile sir smile

Hunters:Yes sir!!

The mana realm start vibrating as Volcanro starts unlocking the door

Bertelt:They are coming


Sune starts wrapping his blackband over his left arm,Vol and the others finally break into the mana realm

Vol:You dumb mage,betraying the State means your death

Bertelt:Yes I do know that Vol

Vol:Son of a b$!ch I said only my friends call me that

Smile:Smile speaking of friends,where is the criminal Sune night

As smile begins walking toward Bertelt,Mask jumps out from all the hunters and kicks Smile in the face

Smile:Ahhh you don't deserve to smile


Mask forms a blue blade of mana on his right arm now and pointing at Smile

Vol:Useless hunters can't defend smile

Bertelt:I guess so

Sune appears now

Sune:Alright Lamecano


Sune:I want to try out my new move

Vol:Move out of my way,wanna end this in one shot

The hunters move out of Volcanro's way,Sune runs at vol using his new move

Sune:"Tiger flame crush"

Sunes hand has a flame that looks like a tiger head on it as he punches Vol in his stomach

Vol:Ha ha not bad kid


Vol:Ha ha "Full wraith"

A huge fire ball forms above Vol

Sune:What the hell


The ball of fire heads towards Sune and the grand mage,Robo and Lucas are in a fight with the other hunters


Bertelt:Don't worry "True shield"

The fireball collides with true shield then disperses

Vol:You damn mage!


Vol begins walking toward Sune and Bertelt then starts running toward them

Sune:Aw yea a head on collision


Sune:"Tiger flame crush"

-To be continued