
City plunder world crazy

This story Is about a young man named Sune Night who sets out on a journey with friends to prove his worth together they fight in their plunder crew call the Blackbands to save people they believe are doing the right thing and defeat those who are wrong not everything is sunshine and smiles however since the plunder crews are not liked by the government at all!

Jwolfy1025 · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Episode 25:Rhino beetle 11

-Sune and Mask

Sune:Ok so here is the plan we sneak all the way to where ever this Dongo guy is held up then we..

Ivan:No we can't forget about Putsy


Ivan:I'm the only one who has ever seen his power and it was sheer luck

Sune:Alright then you take him,me and Mask can take the Dongo guy

Mask:*Nods his head*

Sune:Now just to find where they are located

Ivan:It should be the biggest dung ball that is where he stays

Sune:Aha I see it,I now have a idea stay here

Sune dashes off

Ivan:So you gonna talk or was he lying to me

Mask:*Looks at Ivan*

Ivan:Yea let's just wait in silence[Sune you liar]

-West rhino

Lucas:Ok most of them are down I think we can call this a semi victory

Bird:The head of the village is severely injured and half our soldiers are injured we won the battle but not the war

Lucas:Or you could see it that way

Scar:*Whispers to bird horn*Go find Curva

Bird:Are you sure you don't want me here with you

Scar:*Looking at lucas*I trust this human to protect me

Bird horn runs off

Robo:Stay still

Scar:Trying to

Lucas:Robo bandage,where is my bandages huh

Robo:Your injuries are minor I told you to be careful

Lucas:Rust you dumb bucket of bolts

Scar:Don't be so mean dumb human

Lucas:Ahhh whatever we have more important things to worry about

Bird horn comes back

Curva:I found some leaves and these two



Scar:I'm sorry Yuta I haven't been such a...

Yuta:It's ok I already knew you didn't mean anything you said

Scar:Once I'm healed I'll go get Ivan(my life flashed before my eyes)

Lucas:Ok I'm starting to think the dung beetles are our enemies here

Scar:You would be thinking right

Lucas:If I can find Sune and Mask we could handle them

Scar:Human if you can speak on behalf of your friends I'm willing to make an alliance

Lucas:I can speak for them,bolts success rate?

Robo:Alliance with the rhino beetles equals 100% success rate

Lucas:Yea let's make this alliance happen

-Dung field

Sune on the side of the dung castle tries to open a door,its a bit high so Sune had to climb to get to it

Ivan:That's the idiots plan open the side door is he retarded

-Inside the dung castle

Putsy:Great we have visitors

Flea:Can we handle them

Putsy:Us no but Dongo can

Flea:Dongo isn't here or half


Putsy creates a copy of Dongo

Flea:How did


Putsu:Kill the ones trying to invade

Foxxy:(I'm feeling the early signs of the black moon)

Dongo breaks a hole in the dung castle

Sune:*Surprised*What the!

Dongo grabs Sune landing on him as they smash into the ground then throws him into another dung house

Sune:Ahhhh disgusting

Dung beetle:*Screams*Ahhh intruder!!!

Mask jumps out of nowhere and kicks the crap out of Dongo,his head turns all the way left

Ivan:You broke his neck.....?

Dongo looks perfectly fine after his head turns back to normal,Sune starts getting up as the dung beetle starts kicking him

Sune:What uhh what is going on here?(Stop kicking me)

Dongo grabs Mask arm,Mask jumps up and drop kicks him in the face forcing Dongos head upwards

Dongo:"9 mill....

Ivan:"Grass blade storm"

The grass blades swarm Dongo,who let's Mask go because he has to block

-To be continued