
City plunder world crazy

This story Is about a young man named Sune Night who sets out on a journey with friends to prove his worth together they fight in their plunder crew call the Blackbands to save people they believe are doing the right thing and defeat those who are wrong not everything is sunshine and smiles however since the plunder crews are not liked by the government at all!

Jwolfy1025 · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Episode 2:Robot

Smile:Smile hey kid is everything ok down here

Smile walks down the stairs and begins to bring his knife out

Sune:I can't believe this...It's your awesome

Robo:What is my name...?

Sune:I can't believe dad made you or how dad made you

Smile:Yes smile Samuel night is quite the builder smile

Sune:Oh you're the hunter,I have no idea where my dad is...how did you get in my house?

Robo:My name?

Smile:It seems smile he is aware I'm here,to bad I'm also aware,that you're a crazy!

Sune:[How does he know that,maybe I should keep playing the part]

Smile charges at Sune with the knife but the robot defends him

Robo:I would like my name

Sune:Whoa why did you try to stab me,you didn't go through my fridge right?

Smile looks up and begins to laugh,Sune gets mad

Sune:So you did take something from the fridge?

Smile:Stop smile acting kid you've been had

Samuel:"Country drop kick"

Smile flies to the other side of the room

Samuel:Son remember you're a crazy you need to stay calm,unit 1 get my son out of here give him rights for orders to!!

Robo:Is unit 1 my name?

Sune:Wait dad why do I have to leave

Smile gets up

Smile:It's too late Samuel smile he should already be here

Samuel:Run to the north forest Sune,find Lucas he should be in town go that robot will protect you

Robo:My name

Sune:Ok dad you will be fine right

Samuel smiles then charges at Smile wrestling him to the ground

Sune:Let's go Robo

Robo:Is this my name I would have preferred Roberto

-To be continued