
The Missing Part

I'm currently in front of the art bulding...

and don't have any idea what to do, and so, questions are beginning to pop in my head

should I look for her or wait for her?

how long will it take for shu to get here?

did she mentioned that we'll meet in the cafeteria?

and before I knew, I was pacing back and forth and bumped into someone.

???: watch where you are goin-

Beila: oh sorry I-

???: didn't know you'll be studying here, Beila

a seemingly familiar voice has rung in my ears, and began to question who could he be that he knows my name

I slowly looked up to see who it is...and

???: nice to see you again! you look really well!

so its Nath! Shu's childhood friend, he is 19 years old the same age as Shu, he is 5 foot 11 tall and he is such a nice and respectful person!

Beila: so its you Nath! never would have expected to bump into you!...in here...

Nath: you look somewhat worried...is there something wrong?

Beila: well... you see, I'm new here and my phone got stolen and I don't know how to get in touch with Shu...

Nath: what happened?? how did your phone got stolen?? good thing you are fine though

Beila: ya... I suppose.... but that story is for another time, its a really long story...

Nath: then, I'll give Shu a call..and let's go meet her together

Beila: thank you!

Nath: don't mention it

and so he started dialing Shu...

*ring* *ring*

its ringing, but it doesn't seem to be her noticing her phone to be ringing...


oh she picked up!

phone: ...hello?

Nath: why do you sound like that!?

Nath raised his voice and worriedly asked Shu, what could have happened to her??

phone: meet me at the back of the photography building...

and so, Nath ran hurriedly as I follow his steps

he is running really fast though, I can't keep up!

good thing that the photography building is not far from the art building so we have arrived faster as expected and didn't get lost

Shu: you guys are here...

Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

when I took a glance at Shu..Shu have a scratch on her face, and blood dripping down her blazer

Nath: what happened to you?? did someone bullied you again??

Shu: what bullied? I fought with them


Nath: please stop doing that, you are endangering yourself!

Shu: I could have avoided that blow! but this blazer is too thick! its so hard to move with these on!

Nath: regardless! you should stop doing this thing

Shu: I should wear comfortable clothes next time...

what the!? I didn't know Shu was this kind of person! is this even allowed!? does her parents know??

Nath: we should go to the clinic for now

Shu: I'll go there myself, you two go straight to the cafeteria...

Beila: we'll go with you!

Shu: nah, I don't want to waste your time...and Beila, today is your first day...I don't want to ruin it

Beila: it does not matter!

Shu: still...just don't make me feel even just a bit guilty

she haven't changed has she?

Nath: I'll escort Beila to the cafeteria then, be safe on your way to the clinic

Shu: I will

====Shu POV====

as I was walking my way to the clinic, I noticed that those girls I have fought with are staring at me and slowly smiling viciously at me

I have arrived at the clinic, but up front in my way is there someone waiting specifically just for me...and I know where this is going

School Representative: Shuga Lu, a sophomore who has caught in a rebellion...we, the school representatives of discipline will be escorting you to the detention

Shu: straight to detention huh? shouldn't you wait for me to tend to my injuries first?

School Representative: you can tend for them in the detention room, there are medical kits waiting for you in there

Shu: lead the way then

if you are asking why I'm following this guy... its because all of the students that are in the student council are all the backers of the school. the school can't afford to lose even just one of them because they are one of the most known college in the country, so the school won't be letting me off if these people have just a single proof of my difficulty

as of why this guy is following that girl I have fought with is because this guy have fallen over heels for that girl since last year

School Representative: we are here, go in

Shu: needless to say, I was about to go in

when I got in, its just a normal room with chairs that are far apart from each other, I have gone straight to the medical kit and tend for my wounds

???: that sure will leave a scar on your face



I looked at the direction the voice came from at the time I have heard it...

and who I saw surprised me...

its the man in the black hood!

Shu: oh...

as I was looking at him, he is also looking back at me...meaning we are having an eye contact right now

this dude is no joke...I didn't even noticed or felt him when I came in the room

???: how long are you planning on staring at me?

Shu: I was not staring at you

???: then why were you looking at my eyes?

that's right...those green eyes...why does it felt like I have seen it before...

Shu: familiar...

???: hmm?

Shu: oh yeah! give me back my friends phone! you suddenly disappeared when you were doing your phone call!

???: oh, you were that girl who thought I was talking to her

Shu: oh please...

???: I, I might have given the phone to someone...so its not in my possession now

Shu: you think I'll believe that???

of my rage, I hurriedly walked my way in front of him and touched his pockets

???: you'll gonna get another detention for this

Shu: what?

???: harassment

then he laughed silently

this dude!

so I continued touching his pockets, from the hood to pants

???: found it yet?

Shu: where did you hid it!?

???: I told you that its not in my possession anymore

and I spoked silently

Shu: ...swindler

???: oh? you really think of me like that missy?