

"Jack, what are you saying?"

(Jack, apa yang kau katakan?) tanya Tuan Damian yang tidak percaya dengan ucapan sehabatanya itu.

"I'm ending our good relationship tonight! From now on, there is no longer the good relationship like before. You made me do this to you!"

(Aku mengakhiri hubungan baik kita malam ini! Mulai sekarang, tidak ada lagi hubungan baik seperti dulu. Kau telah membuatku melakukan ini padamu!) Tuan Jack berucap tegas.

"Like I told you, go and never show your face again in this country, or you will know what my four children can do to you!"

Seperti yang kukatakan padamu, pergi dan jangan tunjukkan wajahmu lagi di negara ini, atau kau akan tahu apa yang bisa dilakukan keempat anakku padamu!"

"I don't want to understand the extent of your ignorance of anything about the development of the mafia world. But I'll just tell you, that my daughter you've hurt is the leader of Death Rose. And I can't stop that big mafia group from killing you!"

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