Leather, motorcycles, cigarettes and sex all have one thing in common. Sano Shinichiro, was able to call all of the above his territory, dominating it without a doubt. This sexy mechanic turned from stranger to the best night of your life, as he didn't ask you for the consultation fee. You begged for it instead.
"That's just great. " You groaned, stressing your frustration at your out of action bike, that lay beside, in poor condition. As your gaze remained fixated on the, now, tainted memoir—It had been with you since your young, carefree days; your feet sunk into the gristly concrete, elbows propped upon grazed knees, yet they dug in slightly. Not too forceful, as it drew a wince of stinging from your cursed mouth.
Not a moment too quick, not a moment too slow, the deserted street felt rather suffocating. Actually, this person's presence teemed with sincerity that it left you dumbstruck. However, an aura of experience emanated an unexpected sexiness. Dazed before you set your eyes, ears, touch upon them. "Woah, there! That looks like it hurts!"
'Did he seriously just—'
His voice reverberated with the taste of flawless honey, a light husk at the tip of his exhale left the stereotypical flutter in something more promiscuous than you expected. Yet his speech was ever so slightly mumbled, and you'd gotten the answer as to why, ever so suddenly. Before you could respond to this amused nuisance, a puff of cigarette smoke drove past your senses. Mystifying the stranger even further, as they crouched to your level. "Huh?!"
As the fumes of your addiction, fragrantly disguised itself as a tasteful aroma, it began to clear.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Exclaiming as you attempted to push yourself out of his surprisingly secure hold, bewildered at his immediate action. His palms were wide span, large, taking you by surprise; As they made themselves home, securing your thighs from underneath, picking you up as his hands relaxed themselves. Getting a feel of his delicate touch's contradiction—hands lightly coarse, ultimately experienced. His right palm traipses along your hip, heading along your lower back. Inch by inch, step by step. Hooking onto your waist, as you felt genuinely safe in this man's arms. But, your attitude didn't translate well from your inner sensation.
Casually, he leaned forward, as his right arm supporting your upper half ensured his hold, his fingers gracefully traded the cigarette from in between his teeth to far out of sight, stubbing it out. It was hard to place why you were so attracted to this stranger's touch. "You're hurt, aren't you? Luckily, you're not too bad—"
Your view was a good one. It's not at all as if he was some perfect Adonis study, you just couldn't deny that he'd been blessed. More than anything, he was replete with charm. From below, his jaw cutting as your mind captured a close-up of your captivation. His raven locks messy, making it far more delectable, as it drove your desire to run your hands through them. You were deliberate at your scanning pace, leisurely, making sure you noted all his ravishing features. You couldn't see his eyes from the angle, rather his eyelashes were beautifully sombre as they oscillated with the fleeting breeze; yet, you seemed to be infatuated with this one feature.
His lips.
"Huh? Just put me down already! I'm fine. I just need to take my bike to get checked out."
"I'll come back for it, okay? It doesn't seem to be in terrible shape." Yours eyes met. They met. They finally met. His were hypnotising obsidian, so full of anguish you'd think they lost liveliness, however, you peered in far enough, long enough, to see a cluster, a beautiful constellation of stars within the supernova. Just from one look, you could tell... that he'd read you like a book. It was such a raw feeling, just real.
He had this look on his face, though. This look on his face, that there was something he couldn't figure out. You were intriguing. This man was intuitive, but for some reason, longed to figure you out. Every human is so uncomplicatedly complex. Every word, every action can contradict what you truly feel, and he knew that.
But, what was it about you...that drew him in?
How you'd made him feel after doing virtually nothing? The incompleteness within your very [E/C] hues, within his, yet finally catching each other unexpected made you both feel whole. So whole, that it was confusing, queasy but capable to put you at ease. "So... I could probably fix it for you." He was taken aback, slowly his every word measured as it spilled from his flustered lips.
Acting out a dramatized cough to break you both out of it, "Is your house close-by or something, creep?"
'Yeah, I sound so intimidating calling him a creep whilst he's carrying me bridal style.'
Gracing your ears with a faint chuckle, yet , as you were pressed up against his reasonably toned upper half, lean but light protruding of his abdominals; in such close proximity, your heart palpitated at his resounding laugh from within his chest. "Something like that!" As he began to walk with you in hand, you refused to look in his direction. So stubborn, so arrogant, so pouty. "My shop is practically next door, and well...that's how I saw your little, uh, accident."
"So, you just decided to pick up a random stranger? Great decision." You were honestly a very flirty person by nature, but you couldn't place what the hell you were doing here. 'What am I? 5 years old?!'
"Ouch. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed! Must be tough being a shitty driver too—"
Elbowing him in the stomach, "Asshole," you heard his grunt from ache, something that wasn't meant to turn you on. Of course, the 'amused menace,' recovered all too fast, not budging in supporting your body either. As if he were used to being beaten down. Ironic, isn't it?
His laugh only consolidated the entertainment, you provided for him. Resoundingly exuded something so free, unrestrained, relaxed, however after reviewing your deadpan, he insisted on containing —snickering amongst himself, "Sorry! Sorry! I didn't know you'd be so sensitive about your immaculate driving skills."
"Ha. Ha. So funny. You're a stand-up comedian, right? Good luck making it out there. You should know the world is a cruel place." The taste of your dripping sarcasm was remarkably bitter, most couldn't bear to stand it, yet he...found you hilarious.
A lowly whistle in response, that your sex couldn't comprehend—fluttering as an effect. it was as if he knew exactly what he was doing. Funnily enough, he did. "You're a little catty…" Your immediate reaction was to roll your eyes at his entertained reply, and decidingly observe the trusted stranger's facial expression. Just as you expected from his tone of voice, delighted irony. But, you were far too quick to judge. As if it were an effortless switch, he felt rather intimidating. Distressing shivers flare across your spine, that if he'd met your eyes now, you would see black. Nothing but midnight. "Don't make me regret helping you."
The stranger only continued his purposeful stride, as he'd gotten you to quieten down. However, more than the correct feedback to be fearful, you were idiotically turned on.
Swiftly, he shifted his forward-looking gaze to greet your confused irises.
His eyes were the same. The only difference was that he wore a grin. A grin so wide, that it was cheeky and infectious, as he did the one thing he'd done from the very moment he'd met you; laugh. "Just kidding! But, I really had you there, didn't I?"
You were consciously warming at his every action, his every word, that this wasn't a matter of human complexity anymore. It was a fact, without a doubt, that you were far more than aroused by him.
The faint traces of cologne by his neck, a heavenly balance of sweet, spice and goddamn everything nice. Earthy tones of amber wood, soothing musk paired perfectly with the intoxicating essence of cigarettes. Rugged, yet it refused to overstep that boundary, as he embodied the feeling of fresh coffee on a lazy Sunday morning.
Yet, what made it race, what made your heart race was the mirror. Simultaneously, his heart rate sprinted like it were a contention—as you'd been propped up against his chest, the sonority thundering prominent, as it gave you something to be smug about. You knew you could get a reaction out of him now, and that you planned. Nevertheless, before you could do so, he'd, without difficulty, made you mimic his actions; laughing along with him. "Touché."
"But, you should know! The bike was already on the verge of breaking, I was actually just bringing it over to a motorcycle… mechanic."
You'd arrived at your destination, in front of his shop, and what he promised about fixing up your bike made sense. He was a mechanic. The mechanic you'd spoken to over the phone, you thought he sounded hot over the call, and he'd surpassed that expectation. 'A mechanic, huh? That must mean, he's good with his hands.'
Whipping his head around, his brow raised as the rest of his expression was a state of realisation. "Oh! You're my 6'oclock?"
Gently placing you beside a CB205T that needed 'a hell of a fixing,' his right hand strayed from your furthest hip towards your subtly exposed backline. Disappointed, as he withdrew his left's arrested clutch by your thigh, leaving you in the support of a brick wall. Very disappointing. "That was definitely the most interesting way I've met a customer!" Trying not to laugh at you any harder, "You know, it wasn't the best idea to ride your bike when it's all roughed up like that…?"
Still crouched at your level, he left himself open, hoping you'd complete his sentence. Simply asking for your name. "As if I didn't know that ?!" Sighing to yourself, attempting to curb the embarrassment. "Anyway, you're still a creep. Haven't you heard of 'stranger danger?' You could be cosying up, and just when I trust you, bam! You kill me."
"That could be true! Very clever."
Curiosity still got the better of you; finding yourself pathetic for the lustful desire--at a man whose name you didn't even know of. "So... why don't you tell me your name, and I won't tell you mine? Deal?"
"You're quite the interesting one. In that case...I won't tell you mine, either. You'll have to deal with me calling you something else, though." It came off more suggestively than he'd expected, however, only thought to follow through. Who knew? Maybe you'd both get lucky. Positioning himself to rise up, he pulled out a pack of trusted cigarettes from his back pocket, you eyed them in hunger; Hankering after the bad habit you promised to quit. The ogling was far too obvious, and the gentleman had taken notice. With a cigarette already aching to be fed on, placed in between his teeth, "Want one?"
"Uh, I shouldn't."
Elegantly tugging out the cigarette he'd marked, swivelling it in your direction, "Well, do you think you can hold mine for me?" It was hard to spot, but once you did, it only heightened; a smirk. Ever so light, but God the unexpected was inviting with him. "You know, as I bring your bike around. Don't get it twisted, sweetheart."
Sweetheart. That's what he'd call you, unless you introduced yourselves to each other. But, you liked this. The way he called you 'sweetheart.' How it fell out of his tempting lips.
This only brought your confidence back.
"I never intended to, Prince Charming." Returning his sly expression after spouting the satirical pet name ; leaning in unquestionably intimate, hovering above his awaiting lips. Following it up with a cocky scoff, as he rejected, refused to show any signs of waiver. Gripping onto the butt of the cigarette with the incisors of your teeth, maintaining eye contact, the intensity that he revelled in. "Light it for me, before you play fetch like a good boy."
"Oh? I'm Prince Charming now? So, you admit I'm good-looking." He'd completely blanked the second half of your command. Cocking a brow, as he proceeded to bring out the lighter, closing the distance you'd created within a matter of seconds. Focused on you, and only you. Your eyes belted the song of the siren, tempting him to take your lips for himself, flitting back and forth, as the tension between your eyes entertained you both. He wanted to take you for himself, your lips, To consume you. But, they were occupied.
The cigarette proved to be an obstruction, this obstruction only sparked the sexual tension, goading it, getting a rise out of you both. "You must be confused, I never said... you weren't. I didn't take you to be so vain, though. Embarrassing."
It's as if you hadn't just met this man moments ago.
"Mmh, call it what you want. I don't mind." Unbothered with your attempt to provoke, he settled the lighter underneath the head of the smoke, with ease grazing the spark wheel as he swiftly pressured the fork to rouse the ensnaring flame. In response, you dipped down to assist in lighting the intoxicating drug, your middle and forefinger accompanying the body. Finally breaking the fierce scrutiny, fixated on your action. Both of you seduced by the fire, seeming pyromaniacs, almost failed to notice the tobacco fray.
He eased his finger off of the fork, as you finally gave into the bad habit. It'd been a while, and the reminiscent sensation had arrived joyously. A drawn out sigh at the first pull, the tasteful nicotine settled among your lips, but this savouring ruined in a second flat. "At least I don't crash when I drive!"
Of course, he'd been waiting to say it again. Apace, jumping out of your reach, but your reflexes sharp allowed your kick to land; contentedly observing him squirm in pain, enjoying another drag. "You're such an ass, are you always like this?"
He was actually just an idiot. Walking into the street backwards, refusing to take his eyes off of you, greedy with every glance as his pressing need to observe your expression when you spoke, could prove to be disastrous. Strolling along the road without a care in mind. "It's one of the finer things you should know about me."
"You moron! Are you trying to get hit by something?! Just get my bike, already!"
"Of course, your highness."
Once he was out of sight, or what you considered far enough, you only smiled to yourself. Relaxing your back into the support of the wall, flicking the butt of the cigarette as the ashes flew in the direction of the CB205T. This particular motorcycle had caught your eye before, you just couldn't recall where, when or why. 'Hm, I wonder if it's his. Sure needs a lot of fixing though.'
You were in deep thought, wondering how the hell you didn't need tequila, to have such a strong desire , a crave, a hankering, a need to sleep with a stranger. Sure, you'd have one night stands. Most of the time, you'd be attracted to them, or if you weren't the alcohol made you look past that. This was one of the rare instances, where as soon as you met someone, you felt strangely comfortable. Was it due to his charming character, or this odd connection, this feeling racing through your core? Not to mention, before you'd even caught a glance of him, how the hell were you that stirred up?
As you drew the stimulant closer towards your lips, it was snatched out of grasp. "Oi!" Forgetting for how long you'd been staring at the vehicle, underestimating how long it'd take for him to bring your bike around. He'd already settled it by the curb, had time to comprehend how someone could be so fixated; whilst exhibiting a mysterious charm.
"Well, hello to you too!" As he revelled in a drag of what was essentially his, you only sighed, proceeding to stand up, knees faintly buckling but you could manage. However, this man had proclaimed himself your knight in shining armour, instantaneously reacting calm, snaking his ample sized palms around your waist. The heart wouldn't quit, rate piercing at its speed, only to tear its way out after he held you once again. "I know you're eager to be up and about, but have you forgotten you were just in an accident?"
Funnily enough, you were completely fine; just testing how his touch felt around your waist.
"How about we share?"
Smoothly turning to face him, that his hold of you swivelled with your turn. Brows furrowed in perplexity, his bewilderment only looked attractive. Deeply thinking about how good he'd look underneath you. You'd only noticed now, well, understandably; that he was just slightly taller. Stood at 5'11, devilishly handsome. "The cig." Plainly stating with no contortment, no indication of pain laying upon your visage, just a hearty grin.
Deeply chuckling, "Sure thing..." Tracing hints of circles along your hips, yet, it was subconscious. He definitely took notice of his actions afterward, but your expression only encouraged him. "Now, why don't we take your bike inside? I'll give you a free consultation, and clean you up."
"Yeah? Wait what?!" As you were seated on the till's counter, being treated by the stranger, who seemed to respond just fine to this name. 'So, that's his name huh? Shinichiro. Shin~i~chi~ro. Sano Shinichiro. It's a nice name. I like it, Shinichiro.' In the midst, you'd distracted him, and so the cloth grazed along your knee haphazardly, Shinichiro snapped his gaze to meet yours in confusion. Asking how you knew, just through his eyes. "Jeez, be careful... Shinichiro."
You were overusing his name, well, he didn't know, but you liked it. Familiarising yourself with his name, as he asked, "How did you know?" All he could marvel over was you saying his name, thinking to himself, 'Say my name, again.'
"Well, I didn't know it was your name until you just so easily, let me know. I just read that mechanic's certificate on the wall, and look at that! It just happened to be yours."
Both of your arms held your upper half's weight, as they lay relaxed on the counter, looking down at the man, who was so clearly muddled. All because he liked his name falling from your lips , and of course, you thought you might feel the same way, if he knew your name. "Well, I guess it's unfair if I don't introduce myself! I'm [Y/N]. Glad to meet you, Sano Shinichiro ." Oh, and how ironic was it, that you offered him a handshake after severely flirting.
Shinichiro's wish was granted hearing it from you, once again, yet the only concept that ran wild, wild in his thoughts were you trembling against him. He thought 'now or never.' He felt it, and so did you.
However, it was taking its own time, and at the pace it would for a normal encounter, right?
This was far from normal. Who would behave like this after knowing each other for 10 minutes? Smoothening the band aid, he arose, realising he just might have to take his time. 'I don't really know if she's that into me anyway.' His hands met yours, but instead you pulled him in. Eyes widened, he didn't expect any of it. That even if he towered over you, as you were seated, you were the one in control. Carelessly, the tips of your noses brushed against each other, lips suspended whilst lingering over the other. His bottom lip skimmed across your top, as his breathing was erratic. Prominently shaky, as you caught him off-guard, which proved to be child's play.
Neither of you moved. Neither of you made a sound. Only pure, unadulterated heavy breathing. Nothing needed to be said— to understand what you both wanted.
Staring deep, surveying his lips as they were so close but so far. Gradually your own breathing became unsteady, that as much as you were bold, you didn't have any alcohol in your system to keep you collected. "I thought you'd be more reckless there... I thought you'd kiss me."
His exhale of pleasure at your statement, steamily caressed your awaiting lips, faintly pried apart in anticipation; as you released your grip on his hand, allowing him to tilt your chin upwards by using his forefinger. Tender, gentle, yet the passion skyrocketing by the millisecond, an electrifying experience. Capturing you perfect, capturing you still, this image of you pleading with your [E/C] chroma, hypnotising lips parted as an invitation. "Can I kiss you...[Y/N]?"
You sure responded well.
Tugging at his baggy white tee, heeding the clink of the dangling chain, you took action. Lips enthralled as they were drawn to one another, you just consummated it—as both your eyes fluttered shut, it tasted saccharine splendid, moving synchronised divine as the sensation was as silky as nectar. Nevertheless, you'd both grown hungry, rather impatient. Touch, your touch placed serene upon his beating chest was now roaming, finding the perfect nook by his nape as they looped around.
Shinichiro's thighs had trapped your front from closing, a meandering cosset as he traced the outline of your figure. Generous attentiveness to every pitstop, from your backline, to your midriff, to your waist, anchoring by your hip as he ran his fingers, trickling and teasing by your lower back; grabbing your ass as he heaved you in with a raging force. Gasping weakly into his mouth, whilst his fingertips trailed over your bruising, as the kiss gained more aggressive, more selfish, more impatient, melting in.
Continuing to surprise you, as you felt your lower abdomen hit his pelvis, moaning into the kiss as it broke from the fervour. Attempting to catch your breath, "Well, hope that answered your question—"
"Not well enough."
Neither of your craving was satisfied, as he not only resumed, but pressed his body into yours. This time round, it was carnal, pure animalistic nature. The immature hints of nectar within the kiss, left an exquisite zest to relish in, but you were able to savour something more mature. The aroma of your addiction melting into your taste buds, aged like a sensual Malbec from Tuscany, as Shinichiro greedily parted your lips further with his tongue, lusting after more. Deepening an, already, fierce exchange. Teeming in heavy desire, you felt yourself tremble against him, as your hands found their way into his raven locks; dishevelling them further.
It was hard to believe how fast everything was escalating. Yet, it felt natural. Right.
However, as his hard-on began to protrude, and provoke your pelvis, an interesting idea popped into your mind. You were fairly curious, if this were heading where you thought it would be. Where you hoped it would be. But, it'd mean he'd need a noteworthy strength in his thighs; of course, you thought this was possible, from how he'd prevented you so easily from closing your legs.
Breaking from the intimacy, "Have you ever had sex on a motorcycle, Shin~?"
"A motorcycle?" Not at all, was he in deep thought, his eyes traced your famished lips. Something of a subtle smirk grew by the corner of his mouth, gaze returning to yours, "I'm interested...if that answers your question." Amused, he graced your ears with his signature chuckle. "Also, Shin? You're using nicknames already?" Warming up significantly, as it sounded perfect coming from you; not thinking too deeply on it, he tapped your thigh as you got the signal to jump, wrapping your legs around his waist. No hesitation. Already making your way over to his motorcycle, his own CB250T inside the shop, at its centre. You'd both be the centre of attention to anyone entertained, but all the windows were shut, all the doors locked as you had it all to yourself. Able to do anything without a second glance.
"Shin sounds pretty good, don't you think?"
Shinichiro hummed in agreement, sounding calm on the surface, "When you say it...Sure." Still with you in his embrace, he swung his leg over his bike, mounting it as he straddled the raging beauty in between his thighs; placing you delicately at the frontal slant on the seat and fuel tank.
"Oh, when I say it?" You were cocky beyond words, as your outstretched arms were still placed at his nape, hauling him in by his neck; his chain hovered above your features, as it sent titilated shivers to your sex. Shin nodded, admiring how beautiful you looked underneath, brushing the messed tresses framing your visage behind your ear. In the midst, used just his thumb and index to unbutton your shorts.
You were dumbfound, struggling to speak up, all crediting how unexpectedly suave he was, not to mention, the way he looked at you. Coerced you into feeling that you two were the only ones left in this world, and it was strange how familiar he felt. A stranger doesn't make you feel this way, do they? Or, was it just all due to how charming he was?
"Call me by my name. I like it."
"Mmh." Leaving you flustered, he shifted himself as low as possible, heading to the back of bike; the tip of his chain deliberately slow, taunting your sensitivity as it trailed along your midriff—lightly forcing itself over your navel piercing, his hands moved in sync, enjoying the outline of your figure as you winced at the bruising; the bruising by the side of your hip. Arousing torment, unwrapping your legs from his waist, he began to work fast. As you removed your cropped halter, he pulled your shorts and lower lingerie in one go, tossing it aside.
In this summer's heat, you couldn't handle the sultry swelter, the roaring motorcycle's resting fever, and him. Laboured upnea, your chest heaved as the balconette bra rose along with delighted impatience; the flirtatious glow along your cleavage was persuasive, urging to be seized.
Your grip clung to the hem of his baggy white tee, and to this, he couldn't contain himself. Beaming, showcasing his appetising smile, whilst he granted your wish. Effortlessly, both of his hands transpose to the back of his shirt, pulling it off as his head emerged tipped back; Adam's apple glistening in heavenly sweat as it oscillated, midnight locks suggestively in disarray, as he threw his tee aside. The clink of his chain echoed harmoniously.
Whilst your fingers, loitered by his v-line, you had a moment to take in the divine display—the attractive gleam dripping along his subtly sculpted build, your scan began from the Adam's apple as you noticed something you hadn't before. A hint of ink tatted by the side of neck, the wingspan of a tattoo along the back of his neck that you, so, adored. More of the unexpected.
His shoulders wide, as the collarbones jutted out, your eyes followed the trickling perspiration roll down his chest, abdomen and pelvis. Heating at the sight. All in the while, he leaned in. Sauntering above your front, as his fingers traced the outline of your dragon tattoo alongside your lower abdomen, trailing along as the tail was beautifully painted upon your upper thigh.
You were in a daze of embarrassment , instinctually closing your legs together, as you felt the heat of the leather tickle your senses as well as your entrance doused by your company.
Instead, Shin pried them open, hauling them over his shoulders as you secured them around. "There's no need to be shy, sweetheart." You felt his steamy exhale ghost over your sex, a burst of stimulated thrill conspicuous, you attempted to control the shakiness of your respiration. 'Sweetheart…' What was it about that one word that made you feel indescribable pleasure? The contradiction of him putting you at ease, and inciting an electricity was prominent, especially as his mouth brooded over your inner thigh. As the chain settled further down, Shinichiro leaned in to lay a tender kiss, "You're… " Reassuring between every peck, "Really...pretty."
He'd just made it even more arduous to restrain yourself.
"But, you know... you look adorable, shy."
"Shy girls are your type? Never would've guessed." Tilting your head inwards, your hands moved by themselves; yearning to get a better view of Shin as his tousled hair obstructed the captivating hues. Capturing his locks, you'd gripped on soft as you pushed them back lightly.
"You've got it all wrong."
What were you trying to do? Well, either way, you experimented. In your wording. How would he interpret them? What would he do to prove you wrong, or would he just take it? Getting to know Shinichiro through a more amorous art.
Fastening his clench around both of your thighs, continuing to pepper the inner with tender kisses, yet his tongue began to explore; it was on the prowl, making its presence known as he dug his fangs in with no sense of reluctance. "Mmh." Biting your moan back as your lip was victim, unconscious of the ride you were in for; your cunt in a state of soak. " I like them…"
His ravenous tongue had smoothly found your clit, established as prey in the chase, gliding over teasingly—right over, back and forth, circling it purposefully; it drew out moans you couldn't suppress, aching bliss whilst your legs couldn't handle the jolt of surprise. You'd already felt an orgasm on the verge of developing. So fast.
"Adventurous." Shinichiro whispered hazily over the humidity, as his stomach tugged in fancy, eating up how sexy you sounded— neither could his cock handle the sensuality, hardening by the second, but he'd kept it under wraps. Desiring to give. Craving to do more than just satisfy you. "I have an idea. Want to try it out?"
He'd not even started, but good God, you were thirsting. 'Adventurous.' It not only made your heart skip a beat from the sheer frenzy, but your thoughts ran wild, you'd gotten the courage to ask him depending on his 'idea.' Finding a steadier pace, you'd regulated your breath, grinning as he mirrored your reaction, "Sure." As your fistful of his locks loosened, he grabbed onto your hands, straightening himself up as he faintly rose; he led your wrists to the handlebars, yet it was from behind, as your arms stretched out. Clutching onto the grip in anticipation as the conjunction of Shin's right palm, holding down your left, dug into your knuckles as you heard the click of the motorcycle's key engage.
Acceleration of your chest pounding was pronounced. His fingers found their way to envelop your left hand once again, but the touch was firm. Concentrated. His left hand carefully trailed over to your stomach, pushing your front further into the leather seat, as his hand accompanying yours was heavily alert to not set off any steering mechanisms—it comes to one by nature, and one mistake could be detrimental.
This made it even better. The risk of it.
His middle and forefinger curved around the brake just above the handle, using your unyielding hold around the throttle to rev the engine, as the small of your back, just above the metallic fuel tank reverberated—unforgiving vibration. Unholy groans emerged into moans, not to mention, you'd easily forgotten just how large his hands were, how long his fingers were too; thumb stretching over and onto your clit, your clit played beautifully as if it were strings of a Fender. Circular motion perfected, your back arched from the intense sensation, as you cried out, "Fuck."
It felt fucking incredible, and you? Wanted more.
As you'd figured the feeling... what he'd just done to, wouldn't let you cooperate. You struggled to keep still, but it was a challenge. Slowly, your eyes fluttered open. They met a smirking Shinichiro, a wonderful sight. Your right hand, on the supporting handlebar, shifted off to travel up his arm sprawled along your midriff. Touch inspecting his muscles as they progressed to his neck; caressing the back off it, as your nails led onto his hair. Taking your time. "Do it again. But...can we add something?"
Squeezing your thigh as he leaned over, his chain hung above. He nodded at your inquisition, humming undertones.
"Burn me with your cigarette, if I don't keep still enough. For you."
Shin's eyes widened, even if he'd been fascinated by the idea, you heeded his statement; to that he found you unpredictable. "Are you...sure? Won't it hurt?"
"Mmh. I want it to hurt. Could you do that for me...Shin?"
As you gave him permission, even begged him to rough handle you, it only made him hornier. Unceasingly calling him by his name, well, you'd done it. It was the kind before the desired crude, as he leant in, seizing your lips by surprise. His left hand began to roam upward, snaking toward the backline as the heat of the fuel tank warmed to the touch. Gripping onto his hair, as the saliva exchanged ran smooth, and God was he an incredible kisser. So incredibly smooth too, unhooking your bra with such ease—proving to you that he was good with hands. As well as maintaining the intimacy, as your palm still wrapped around the throttle was given gracious attention, ticklish yet tender, as his thumb rubbed at its back.
You should've given him more credit. Able to multi-task expertly.
Subtly biting the bottom of his lip, prompting him to groan stimulated; pulling away, yet he remained just above your lips—relieving you by removing the last piece of lingerie, casting it aside. Not once glancing away, adoring your breasts as the nipples were hard. They were sensitive.
Planting wet kisses along your neck, jaw, heading to his pitstop, your auditory. By your ear, an erogenous zone, yours were specifically receptive. "I won't go easy on you."
"Good." Susurrating, softly.
As his chest pressed against yours, you felt his deep chuckle tickle your senses; as his lips retreated. Continually spoiling you, your neck, collarbone as he progressed toward your cleavage. Tongue residing just above your breast, he lightly nibbled at your sensitivity whilst delivering love bites, his left hand cupping underneath. Making every part of you needed, and needy. "Sano...stop teasing. Get on with—"
Pressure. Such force on the throttle, as the engine ruthlessly roared beneath your vulva. The small of your back scorching at the rev, "Oh~" Shinichiro's locks jerked, as your nails dug into his scalp. Your voice boisterous, the cry heavier. He wanted to hear this melody encore, genuine music to his ears as his meandering touch felt you severely arch your back.
"Mmh, mmh. Don't call me that. " Gentle intimidation, as he began to lower himself. Meeting his eyeline underneath your doused entrance. He sure took his time. He was so goddamn patient, and you were so far off the deep end. The available palm did most of the dirty work, as it reached his back pocket for the cigarettes. As he presented your method of punishment smug-like, his teeth held the butt of it steady, lifting himself up and away as he lit the cigarette. The base of his neck encompassed by your needy touch. To get the ball rolling, one drag was all it needed. "You know, you've been all talk. I haven't started, and you're already losing...composure."
"Maybe, I just want you to burn me already."
"Oh? That so? Hm. You know, the average cig lasts around five minutes. Do you think I can make you cum before this one runs out?"
Shinichiro was more confident than you'd expected. He was obviously charming, kind, yet there was this hidden element of cockiness; one he barely exposed. "Well, the longer you speak, the less time you have to prove yourself."
"S—" Before you could give in, you sealed your curse shut; exhaling deeply, your claws drilled into the throttle bar as a coping mechanism. Concentrating the head of the smoke by your inner thigh, you thrived at the biting sensation, holding yourself steadier than before at his unanticipated actions. As Shin towered over, he placed the lit cigarette on the tool cupboard beside, smiling with such innocence at his sin.
"Good girl."
It hurt, as expected, but receiving this praise drove you to please him. You wanted more.
Almost as if it were a test run, he revved the engine a fair bit-- working as a large scale vibrator, your eyes firmly shut and lip bit in deep, blood was drawn. He hunched over, securing your legs tighter as he shifted as far back as possible, you slid yourself over to dishevelled hair . Right hand still clenched onto the brake and throttle, he'd, in concert, slid his tongue over your pleading vulva as the clit was in a state of rotation by his thumb. "Thing is, I don't need that long."
And oh, did he prove himself right.
You tasted sweet, stirring him to drive slower, more sensual, deeper digs; his tongue projected itself persistent on the slit of your sex, using the deluge of your sweet nectar to enter. He lapped against you, proceeding to tongue fuck. Whining for more, as you called out his name, you'd pushed his hair back intolerant. Fairly focused on how messy he'd become because of you, yet you struggled to observe, clenching your eyelids shut--as Shin's tongue switched over to the clit, fingers trail along your wet cunt. Ready for more. Your body's natural response was to act out, and you struggled to contain yourself. As he enters his middle finger in, to get an idea of where you were, "How pretty. You're soaking, [Y/N]."
Hips grinding in need of friction, as you heaved yourself at the roughness of his digit. Very impatient, "Stop teasing…" You panted out in frustration, and Shinichiro complied. Pumping in at a relaxed, slow, teasing motion, whilst the tip of his tongue was purposeful at the pressing orbit, circling, alternating his course, immersively intense strokes at your clit. "Oh," sighing at the electric sensation, curving your back as your knees attempted to give out. Flushed. Your face lathered in exhaustion, something incredible to wash over your senses. So fast, so speedy, your haze blocked the memory of your words, your promise-- Shinichiro's tongue drew back, as his thumb replaced to satisfy, torching you with the cigarette's kindle once again; he even denied your orgasm. Cursing. Over and over again, as he repeated the cycle. You were still unable to predict, when he'd mark you hot, when he'd harshly dig in, when he'd alternate.
The teasing and denial made your jaw ache, as well as holding back. Yet, you just couldn't handle it. "Just! Just fuck me, already!" Such a fretful whine emerged from your chest, and to your command, his fingers curled in tight; very deep. The motorcycle engine rose hell, multiple tries at the throttle as his tongue came at your clit incessantly— coaxing your arousal as his fingers curled faster, further. "Oh, God~ Yes!"
It was rising, and as much as you tried to handle it, you couldn't. "Just like that!"
"You're so close, [Y/N]. Just a little more." Moaning mess described you immaculately. Legs jolting from intense pleasure, the lapping by your vulva ceased for a second, still fingerfucking your clarity away ; instead, he dug the cigarette into your thigh deep as it burned with intent. Performing punishment as he held it by his teeth. The tasteful balance of pain and pleasure, brought the euphoric feeling swiftly, washing over your senses. Your nails scratched at his back, panting, in need of catching your breath. The denial incited a stack of orgasms, one after the other. Shinichiro held your body secure, making sure you wouldn't fall off of the bike at intensity of it, smirking at how you writhed underneath him, hips rolling and bucking as you opened your eyes to Shin in sexy disarray. Your arousal heating around him.
But, you didn't care for it anymore. You wanted him. You needed him. Now. "Fuck me now! Please!"
Your hands tugging at the waistline of his baggy jeans, you begged, staring deep into his eyes. He'd honestly done enough, more than enough, that at one more dig you would've came. He needed to get something in return. "Me?"
"Yes! I want you now…"
You felt his teeth graze along your cunt, he was grinning wide. "First, I'm gonna finish what I started." In no way was he kind. Engine monstrous, his tongue unyielding as he ate you out, you were the best course at dinner. His name was praised, revered among the Gods. Legions of cursing, as Shin's name refused to leave your lips. Speedily the manner in which his fingers moved inside of you, your knees rigorously put exasperation; buckling, shaking, trembling. You wanted pain, and you got it.
Yet, the pain mustered immense elation. Holding up to his promise, you were about to come. Way before the cigarette ran out. "Shin! I think I'm gonna—" Your eyes were brimming with tears, ruining your mascara. This only made you more marvellous of a sight.
"Mmh? Can you finish that sentence for me, sweetheart?"
Sensory overload. Dragging your nails across his back, as you struggled to speak up from the paralysing phenomenon surging, "Coming— I'm coming." Your coaxed arousal was heavenly , whilst your heart thumped at an abnormal fashion, blood rushing speedily as it filled your body with fevered calcification— clenching around his fingers as your hips rocked against him.
Cumming all over his fingers, your high gradually washing over. But, God, you weren't done yet.
Shinichiro's index and middle finger, drew some of your slick towards his lips, straightening his back as he dragged his tongue along the digits. "So, do you think you can handle helping me out?"
Exhausted was an understatement. But, you wanted to feel his cock. For that, you'd buck up for another round. Of course, you were sore as of now. Sensitive. "Easy."
Not to mention, Shin should've been exhausted. The amount of multi-tasking and arduous toll, it takes on most to do anything of that, he should be too tired to go for another round. He was raring to go. Turning the motorcycle's engine off, the blazing heat of the fuel tank began to subside. "Get your cock out. Let me show you some gratitude, lover boy."
Giggling at yourself, he laughed with you. Unwrapping your legs, you seated yourself on the bike—straddling the beauty, as you pushed your messed tresses behind.
"Bit excited, are we?"
Unbuttoning his jeans that were straining him, he assisted you in pulling them down as well as his boxers. His cock was just getting harder and harder, and of course, that fact that he never bragged about the generous size of it. It just told you he'd be largely more than sufficient; thick too, as you thought to yourself the pain is worth the payoff. The hints of precum made you smirk, "Looks like you're more excited." Your right hand immediately fled, gripping his erection by the base. Already wincing, he softly moaned. Your sly expression still painted across, you moved yourself further back--arching in. "You're so hard, Shin. That's quite the compliment~"
In the midst, you started to massage his cock in a beautiful arch against his stomach, smearing the precum over your lips for aid. The faint sighs continued to turn you on, as his hands rested by the tail of the bike, "How could someone not after seeing you beg?" Of course, you knew nothing about him, yet this was a side of him you liked. One he hadn't shown, or not many knew of. Breath sharp, as your lips traced its head. Dragging your saliva along the veins at the underside, its motion deliberately unhurried, as he felt every fibre of being shudder at your skilled touch.
Cursing under his breath, as his dominant hand rushed to anchor itself, smoothly gliding over your hair. Heart hammering, as your left hand cupped his balls, lightly squeezing them. As the other continued to gently stroke his length, as you settled by his base—letting your tongue loll out, as it played excruciatingly long strides. All of his cock wettened well and splendid, "That's— Ah, right there!"
"Fuck, you look even prettier sucking me off."
Shifting his other hand to the side of head, he pushed your hair out of your face, as a couple of loose strands framing your profile fell forward. You couldn't stop smiling at how vulnerable he looked. Head thrown back, drenched in sweat. When he watched you pump at his cock, he watched in imploring fascination. Your left hand moved over your vulva, fluttering at his reaction, as you began to touch yourself. Still very sore.
Moaning on his cock, "Mmh. Tell me how you want to be sucked off…" Gathering a rush of saliva, as your spit proved to be a perfect lubricant, you felt him twitch in your mouth. A hiss of pleasure, declaring just how well you were doing. Palm rubbing ardent at what couldn't fit, as it aided your job well done.
Cries of praise, as you gushed around his cock, "You're doing so well, [Y/N]."
As you leant in deep, struggling to take all of him in, Shinichiro helped. Your hot breath fanned against him, slowly easing him further into your mouth-- but, he was impatient; forcefully pushing your mouth around his thick, lengthy erection as it hit the back of your throat. Eyes brimming in tears at the sheer force, his lustful gaze fixated sexily on your movement, bobbing as saliva pooled around your mouth.
Pulling back, "If you keep looking at me like that, I might just cum all over again, Shin~"
"Fuck, I can't hold out any longer!"
Not being able to stand it anymore, he began to rummage through the drawers of his tool cupboard to find a condom, and from the frantic hurry, you could tell. Drawing away, snickering at the eagerness, "I'm on the pill. We don't need a condom."
"You sure?"
"Well then." Shinichiro lifted himself forward, as you felt his throbbing dick caress your abdomen--both of his hands placed themselves swiftly by your hips, as you suddenly felt him heave, and slam you against his stomach. This sudden action led you to support yourself, clutching onto whatever you could; dominant hand placed upon the cooling fuel tank as the other hit his chest from the speed. Steadying yourself, "Woah, hey there," accelerating heartbeat, that you felt your throat cut in cry. Gasping into him, the arm upon his chest snaked its way around his neck freely, and legs instinctively wrapped around his waist.
Lips slightly above his as they grazed along from the leverage, you felt his nose brush against yours; leisurely your survey met his enigmatic obsidian hues. "Hey..." Witnessing stars in its overcast, by far one of the most profound sets of eyes you'd peered into. That feeling of wholeness submerging you both, able to communicate even through your gaze. His right hand massaging your coated saliva along his length, rubbing it across your aroused sex. "Hold on tight, okay?"
You hadn't known he'd be this restless. Moving fast, his cock struggling to keep its lid-- its' neediness begging to enter, kneading your slit.
Reiterating your confirmation, the passion was infuriatingly steep as eye contact was something both of you refused to quit. Using the slick of your come, he guided his cock in. Slow. A synchronised euphonic sigh at the sensation, as he inserted himself you bit your lip from the size--spreading you far wider than before, as he allowed you to adjust to his girth, easing in goddamn deep. "Oh, fuck…"
Surging pain within your walls, yet it felt just incredible, tensing around his cock that was still heading onward, progressing slower and deeper-- Shinichiro's urge to thrust immense, but his self-control was something he was known for . Immediately, head tipped back involuntarily, a lowly groan escaped your lips. Stuffed, as you needed time to steady yourself ; recovering , using the leverage of your dominant hand, to push in the rest at a pace you could handle.
"You okay?" Concerned tone, as he really did worry. Hoping it didn't hurt you too much, proving just how attentive he was. As much as can sinks in, you'd finally gotten relaxed. Steamily caressing his facial features with your heated, laboured respiration as his own feeling mirrored this on a smaller scale. Growing harder at your expression, crazy over your mouth agape, taking him in whilst your eyelashes flitted shut. The last of your exhale to tell him your systems were at the ready.
"Yeah, I just needed a minute." Your bodies were intertwined, pressed up against each other as the summer's heat drew more swelter, creating a smooth friction. His left hand laced into your palm upon the engine, as the right had your hips ready to thrust in at your signal. Your knees were already beginning to feel weak, body still sensitive that every inch you took in, that same feeling washed over your senses. Too close to the edge of orgasm.
Nodding at Shinichiro, you alleviated the effort, pulling yourself out as he slammed back into you without hesitation. Hearing him groan right by the auditory nerve, made you throb against him, that muscles clenched as you squeezed the intertwined hands. It hit you perfectly, the force of his cock, the angle, the depth. "Oh, god! Yes! Right there…"
"Just like that?"
"Shin~" His name tasted excellent as he rubbed at your core, the vein at his girth hardening at the bounce, your walls pressing in ruthless at his erection--at each drive, you grew powerless as your crown fell back. Shinichiro's fingers caressing the bruising at your hip, to which you wince, asking for him to glide across it with more pressure. Simultaneously, he drew you right up against him, his lips attaching at your neck as he sucked at the previous hickey he'd delivered. Mind maniacal as it forced the scenes, the feeling of earlier, the raging vibrations to your soaking sex--stomach turning as you reminisced, whilst Shin's cock curving up heavy inside, hit the core of your arousal.
As he began to increase the acceleration of his thrust, you whined his name. Whining his name so loud, it was resonating. Alternating the speed, jolting in awfully deep at a slower pace to give it a heavier impact. "You're taking me in so well~" As his lips pulled away, he was feeling a sensational tightness around him-- inside as you clenched, the crease of your arm around his neck tugged you in close. As you let yourself fall across his shoulder, the hand extended over his back; leaving scratches considerably rough along him.
Your back arched as you felt a rush of another orgasm, exasperated as the mascara began to run down--eyes teeming with tears, as your teeth bit down on his shoulder. He shuddered at your piercing canines' force, a mark of intense pleasure at the way he moved, cocky in his dexterity. "Yes, yes, yes! Shin~ Oh, fuck, that's incredible."
"God, you look good. You look so good when you cry -- Shit, I'm close, [Y/N]!"
Strokes hitting, somehow, even more unfathomably deep. Core. Your core aching, as your tits bounce whilst he rams in fast. Slowing once again, as your lips capture his—the kiss was bursting with hunger, melting in, yet having to break away as you twitch, trembling, the overstimulation was a plethora of pleasure in one. You were going to break any second.
The sounds of indecent acts echoed throughout, fairly sure anyone outside, heard the cries and sloppy slamming. Reverberating in your ears, as you were both about to relieve yourself. You held as strong as possibly could to climax together, and this was your limit. Tears streaming, as the sweating was stifling hot—weaved together. "Shin~ I can't hold out anymore!"
Supporting you well enough, he brought your linked palms, to place yours over your stomach. Physically feeling him thrust into you, as he began to speed up ruthlessly at the last leg. "Fuck, I know you can, baby." Your sweet spot curved in, slammed into with such relentless speed, and force. How did he have enough stamina?
Mind blank. A haze. Just Cloud Nine. Gasping for air, paired with screaming, crying, moaning. A fucking mess, fucked into a mess.
Shinichiro stretched his thumb over to your clit, when he knew he was reaching climax. Purely intoxicated ecstasy, "I'm—"
"Me too, fuck..."
Convulsing against his cock, it twitched, both of you with that rising sensation; as Shin got you both there, with one final slam, stilling in length fully deep as his rush of cum poured out. Hitting that immaculate crescendo at your conclusion, your arched back felt the surge of relief first and foremost, as the rest of your body responded in a drowsiness from elation. Heartbeat tearing away, as Shinichiro collapsed on you. Heavily taking each other in, as he laid in the crook of your neck.
"Do I...still need to pay for the motorcycle repairs?"
I DO NOT OWN SANO SHINICHIRO - all credit to the author, Ken Wakui.
Female bodied reader.
Referred to as she/her.
I know this is long enough to be 3 chapters but pls understand me. I don't have time to publish chapters. I just have time to write. So I wrote whole and publish one big so enjoy it. Also thank you for reading my other stories. I'm writing another fanfic which is from Demon Slayer.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!