
Chronicles of the warborn

In the mystical World, a kingdom once steeped in grandeur and magic, the tranquility is shattered by the thunderous march of war. As the unified armies of neighboring lands converge upon Eldrador, the capital city, the fate of the World hangs in the balance. Amidst the chaos and bloodshed, a newborn prince is born into the House of Zark, the rulers of the Kingdom of Zarkenia. Destined for greatness, yet thrust into a world torn apart by strife, the young prince becomes the unwitting centerpiece of a battle for supremacy. With the fall of Eldrador, the prince's life is plunged into peril. After the fall of Zarkenia, he is spirited away by a loyal guardian, embarking on a journey fraught with danger and discovery. The prince must navigate treacherous landscapes and face unimaginable foes to reclaim his birthright and restore peace to the Kingdom. But as dark forces gather and ancient prophecies unfold, the prince realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the very fabric of Zarkenia itself. With courage and determination, he must rise to the challenge, harnessing the latent magic within him to confront the darkness that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. In a tale of epic proportions, filled with magic, intrigue, and adventure, the newborn prince embarks on a quest that will test his mettle and define his legacy. For in the heart of chaos lies the seed of hope, and only through courage and unity can the Kingdom of Zarkenia be saved from oblivion.

Mr_Storyteller · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Oath of the Guardian

A violent frost storm struck the Lykaios region two days after the ambush, stopping everything in its tracks. The soldiers of Valtania and Mercilia were compelled to fortify their positions and wait out the storm.

Eight days subsequent to the ambush event, Kairen and the Prince reached the eastern frontiers of the tribe.

Rowen, the experienced caravan leader, yelled to everyone as the caravan came to a final stop at Vorgath a tribe at the Aethonari border: "We have arrived at our destination! Everyone, leave now!" Slowly stepping out of their carriages, the weary travelers stretched their aching bodies and took in their new surroundings.

With a wide smile on his face, Chief Throk, the head of the Vorgath tribe, emerged from his tent. "Rowen, my old friend!" he cried out, approaching the caravan leader with great stride and a firm shoulder hug. "Long time no see!"

Rowen gave the chief a hearty embrace as his face lit up with happiness. "My friend, Throk! It's been too much time. Rowen turned to face the others, gladness running down his face in tears. I, Chief Throk of the Vorgath tribe, greet you all. Here, we are secure."

The travelers started to get off their horses and grab their stuff. The young prince, posing as his nephew, was gingerly hoisted out of the carriage by Kieran, the royal guard posing as a commoner, who then followed the rest into the tribe's tent. He had put on a mask to stay under the radar. They are asked to rest in the central tent before supper is made, and Elara, the chief's wife, greeted them with a loving grin.

Kieran's gaze swept over the area as they stepped into the central tent, taking in the strange faces and the tribal leaders seated at the far end. The prince was led by him to a private area where he could watch without being noticed.As they took a seat next to a wooden pillar, Kieran's mind was filled with plans and concerns. "We must exercise caution," he said to himself. "We have to prevent anyone from learning the prince's real identity. Not quite yet, anyhow. Before acting, we must assemble allies and knowledge."

He cast a sidelong glance toward the prince, saying, "I have to protect him," Kieran thought. He is the only surviving member of the royal family. I can't allow him to experience any harm."

His gaze drifted to the prince as he reclined against the pillar. He was appreciative of Rowen and his spouse, Aria, for housing them and providing security. However, he was aware that their stay here would be short. They needed to keep going in order to protect the prince.

Aria approached the prince as he was sitting there, lost in meditation, and carefully removed him from his arms. "Let me feed him, Kieran," she added, grinning broadly. "You need to rest."

Nodding, Kieran expressed his appreciation for her. With a satisfied sigh, the prince curled up in her arms as he watched her go.

His thoughts drifted off as he sat there. He considered their choices and their next course of action. They could attempt to assemble allies, remain with the tribe, and assemble a force to retake the kingdom. Alternatively, they could attempt to travel to the adjacent country in order to locate Queen Omorfia, the prince's aunt.

As the prince's aunt, Kieran understood Queen Omorfia would be a natural ally in their fight to retake the realm. She had a right to the throne because she was a member of the royal family.

She was also well-known for being fair and friendly, which gave Kieran hope that she would be eager to assist them.But Kieran's primary worry was about the Blackwood family's power over Queen Omorfia. The Blackwoods were a vicious and influential family with a track record of controlling people to achieve their goals. They controlled Queen Omorfia quite a bit, and Kieran thought they would be setting themselves up for disaster if they approached her for assistance.Kieran was concerned that the prince would be used as a pawn in the Blackwoods' power and political game. Though they would pretend to support Queen Omorfia in her bid to retake the throne, their true motivation would be to take advantage of her and the prince. Kieran didn't want to put the prince or Queen Omorfia in danger since he knew the Blackwoods would do whatever it took to accomplish their objectives.Besides, Kieran knew that Queen Omorfia was probably in their thrall. He was afraid that she might not be able to assist them without the Blackwoods' consent, even if she wanted to. Kieran began to wonder if it was really a good idea to go visit Queen Omorfia or if it would just make things worse.The question of whether to follow Queen Omorfia's advice and run the danger of slipping into the Blackwoods' trap, or to forge on and attempt to assemble allies and assemble a force to retake the kingdom, dominated Kieran's thoughts overall.

Following this, Kieran considered moving in with the tribe, believing that this might be a good alternative for them. Since the tribe was a close-knit group of people, Kieran thought they would be able to fit in and remain unseen. Furthermore, he believed that the martial culture of the tribe would help the prince in his future training. One day the prince would have to learn how to fight and defend himself, and the warriors of the tribe were among the best in the land.However, the prince was still a newborn, so Kieran's top priority for the moment was to keep him secure and well. He was concerned that the prince would encounter risks and tribulations for which he was unprepared, and that the harshness of the tribal environment could be too much for a young child.

He reasoned that they could be safe and evade discovery by Valtania's men if they could merely blend in and conceal their true identity.But Kieran also worried that the lifestyle of the tribe would be too harsh for a baby. The tribe's style of life differed greatly from the palace; they were a tough and proud people. Kieran was concerned that the prince might not get the support and nurturing he need to survive in such a hostile setting.

Living in the tribe provided security and a sense of belonging, on the one hand. Since the tribe was close-knit, Kieran thought they would be happy to assist in keeping the prince safe. Kieran thought that they would remain anonymous and evade Valtania's army's discovery. He was worried that the prince wouldn't receive the love and care he deserved, even while the warrior culture of the tribe would offer the prince an excellent setting to develop and learn self-defense in the future.However, he turned to Queen Omorfia for assistance, believing that she may present the prince with an opportunity to obtain royal support and safety. Queen Omorfia had a right to the throne as the prince's aunt, and she was probably going to assist her nephew. Kieran was concerned that the Blackwood family may utilize the prince for their own benefit, though, given their power over Queen Omorfia.Kieran weighed the advantages and disadvantages of each choice, keeping the prince's security and welfare top of mind. He was aware that the prince would lead a simpler and more modest life in the tribe, but that living there would also provide its own set of risks and difficulties. Conversely, asking Queen Omorfia for assistance would mean living a more opulent and pleasant existence, but there would also be a chance of falling prey to Blackwood manipulation.

Kieran thought the tribe was their best bet in spite of these worries. Knowing that this was the only way to keep the prince safe and assist him in developing into a powerful and capable warrior one day, he was prepared to take the chance and attempt to make it work.

However, he was too preoccupied to observe the passing of time as he sat there thinking. He was unaware that the soldiers and their families were getting settled for the night as the room became quiet.

He didn't come back to reality until Chief Throk approached and gave him a shoulder shake. "Kieran, get up! Dinner is prepared."

Kieran dabbed at his eyes as a wave of humiliation passed through him. I apologize, Chief Throk. I must have fallen asleep."

Throk the Chief laughed. You were worn out, Kieran. No need to apologize—you just needed to relax. Come on, let's have some food."

After giving a nod, Kieran got up and went to the table with the chief.

Kieran felt a wave of comfort sweep over him as he sat next to Rowen and his wife, Aria. Now that they were safe, the prince was in capable hands.

Observing Kieran's fatigue, Rowen enquired, "Young guy, what did you consider doing next? You are currently in a secure location."

Before answering, Kieran took a bite out of the dish. Rowen, I'm going to stay here with you and your tribe. My goal is to nurture and develop my nephew into a formidable fighter."

Sitting opposite them was Chief Throk, who burst out laughing. "Safe? Tribes, my buddy, are constantly at war! Unlike the large kingdoms, which might engage in combat once every hundred years."

Rowen gave a nod of approval. Yes, but those wars don't end until everything is destroyed. I personally witnessed it. They even murder kids. They resemble monsters and the beast that prowls the dam forest, but in my opinion, they are even more vicious than those creatures."

Chief Throk wore a serious expression. "My friend, you are correct. I apologize. It is the fate wheel. See where it ends, please. Who knows how many lives will be lost before this never-ending nightmare that everyone is witnessing is broken?"

With a made-up mind, Kieran nodded. "I'll remain here and bring up the prince. Chief Throk, I will train him to be as strong as your warriors."

Chief Throk gave a nod of concurrence. "Yes, Kieran, and we will assist you. We'll be here to support you as you raise him and prepare him to be a great fighter."

Even as they ate and chatted, Kieran couldn't help but feel hopeful. Perhaps, just perhaps, they would be able to break the cycle of violence and build a brighter future for the country and prince.

Chief Throk rose to his feet at that very moment, his eyes gleaming with ferocious intent. "Ladies and gentlemen today at this feast I promise you that you people shall not face any danger until I am alive, I promised my friend Rowen that we will go through joy and sorrow together."

Everyone in the room felt safer after the chief said this, and their smiles brightened.

Kieran grinned, feeling appreciative of the clan. "I'm grateful, Chief Throk. I'm grateful, Rowen. I'm confident that working together, we can change things."

The only sound that shattered the stillness of the night was the crunch of gravel beneath his feet as he sat up and left the tribe tent once the feats were completed. His head was still spinning from the ramifications of the serious talk he had just finished with Rowen and Chief Throk. A whirlwind of ideas swirled around the young prince's fate, the kingdom's future, and the weight of responsibility resting on his shoulders.

Kieran strolled to a nearby clearing and plopped down on the plush grass, seeking comfort in the silence of the night. The starry sky above him opened out like a blank canvas full of possibilities. He looked up at the sky, his eyes following the stars that had led him on many adventures and conflicts.

His thoughts began to clear as he sat there, and he regarded his decision to seek sanctuary with the tribe and get ready for a long journey as a beacon of hope. The soft rustle of the wind through the grass and the far-off hoot of an owl produced a calming melody. Indeed, tomorrow would be a fresh start, an opportunity to pave the way for taking back the kingdom and enforcing justice.

The prince, naive and exposed, held the secret to everything. Thinking of the child made Kieran's heart fill with resolve; he knew that his choice would be best for the child. He would do every effort to protect the prince and steer him in the direction of his true calling.

The route ahead was illuminated by the light of the stars above, which appeared to twinkle in harmony. Kieran experienced a feeling of purpose and resolve that would propel him onward in the face of uncertainty. Although he was aware that the path ahead would be difficult and long, he was prepared to meet it head-on because he had the bravery to stand by his beliefs and the backing of his new allies.

Sitting on the grass under a starry sky, Kieran felt the weight of his responsibilities shift into a feeling of purpose at that very instant. He was now more than simply a worn-out warrior; he was the legitimate king's defender, advocate, and guardian. The stars seemed to shine brighter after he came to that knowledge, pointing him in the direction of a bright and promising future.