
Chronicles of the warborn

In the mystical World, a kingdom once steeped in grandeur and magic, the tranquility is shattered by the thunderous march of war. As the unified armies of neighboring lands converge upon Eldrador, the capital city, the fate of the World hangs in the balance. Amidst the chaos and bloodshed, a newborn prince is born into the House of Zark, the rulers of the Kingdom of Zarkenia. Destined for greatness, yet thrust into a world torn apart by strife, the young prince becomes the unwitting centerpiece of a battle for supremacy. With the fall of Eldrador, the prince's life is plunged into peril. After the fall of Zarkenia, he is spirited away by a loyal guardian, embarking on a journey fraught with danger and discovery. The prince must navigate treacherous landscapes and face unimaginable foes to reclaim his birthright and restore peace to the Kingdom. But as dark forces gather and ancient prophecies unfold, the prince realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the very fabric of Zarkenia itself. With courage and determination, he must rise to the challenge, harnessing the latent magic within him to confront the darkness that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. In a tale of epic proportions, filled with magic, intrigue, and adventure, the newborn prince embarks on a quest that will test his mettle and define his legacy. For in the heart of chaos lies the seed of hope, and only through courage and unity can the Kingdom of Zarkenia be saved from oblivion.

Mr_Storyteller · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Legacy Revealed

Kieran's stomach clenched. The lie, a necessary evil for so long, felt like a bitter pill on his tongue. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring of crimson stone with a dragon crest on it.

Aurelius sat up fully, his brow furrowing. "What's this?"

Kieran held out the ring, his voice thick with emotion. "This belonged to your father, Aurelius."

Aurelius's breath hitched. He hesitantly reached out and took the ring, his fingers tracing the inscription with trembling hands.

Your Father was a king, who ruled the great kingdom of Zarkenia, and your Mother was the Queen.

The celebratory fire crackled merrily in the distance, a stark contrast to the tense silence that had descended upon the clearing bathed in moonlight. Aurelius stood rooted to the spot, his mind reeling from the revelation that had just dropped from Kieran's lips.

"King and Queen of Zarkenia?" Aurelius finally managed, his voice a mere rasp. "My parents... they were royalty?"

Kieran nodded grimly. "They were, young one. Your father, King Alfred, a man of unwavering courage and unwavering love for his people. Your mother, Queen Areen, possessed a beauty that rivaled the moonlight and a heart filled with fierce compassion."

A lump formed in Aurelius's throat. He had always felt a sense of yearning, a void in his past.

"But... how?" Aurelius whispered, his voice thick with a mix of disbelief and dawning comprehension. "Why am I here, raised by a hunter in the Vorgath tribe?"

Kairen took a deep breath, his weathered face etched with a well of unspoken grief. "War, young one. A brutal and merciless war. Valtania, a neighboring kingdom fueled by greed and ambition, set its sights on Zarkenia's fertile lands and bountiful resources. Duke Kael MacLeod, once a trusted advisor to your father, betrayed him, opening the gates for the Valtanian army."

Aurelius's fists clenched, his nails digging into his palms. "Betrayal? How could someone do that?"

Kieran's gaze hardened. "Greed and ambition trump loyalty, cub. The Valtanian forces stormed the castle, a bloody battle that stained the very heart of Zarkenia. Your father, a warrior king, fought valiantly to defend his people, but..." his voice cracked for a moment, a flicker of raw emotion crossing his face, "...he fell protecting the city."

Aurelius felt a surge of anger, hot and raw, flare up within him. His father, the king, was slain in a war fueled by greed. The injustice of it all burned in his gut.

Kieran continued, his voice low and steady. "Your mother, Queen Areen, knew the kingdom was lost. Her sole focus became your safety."

A tear escaped Aurelius's eye, tracing a shimmering path down his cheek. So much sacrifice for him, a child he didn't even remember.

"But the Valtanian forces were relentless," Kieran said, his voice heavy with regret. "They scoured the land, searching for any remaining members of the royal family. We fled east, disguised as a traveling merchant caravan. It was a desperate gamble, but it was our only chance."

"And you brought me here," Aurelius murmured, finally piecing together the fragments of his life. "To the Vorgath tribe. Why them?"

"The Vorgath are a people known for their fierce independence and loyalty," Kieran explained. "They value tradition and family above all else. I knew they wouldn't question your origins."

"But why not tell me, Uncle Kieran?" Aurelius asked, his voice laced with a hint of hurt. "Why keep this secret all these years?"

Kieran met his gaze, his eyes filled with a lifetime of unspoken words. "You were just a baby, Aurelius. So vulnerable, so innocent. My priority was keeping you safe. The Valtanian forces wouldn't stop until they eliminated the royal bloodline. You were, and still are, the last hope for Zarkenia."

Aurelius's silence stretched, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within him. Grief for his parents, anger at the betrayal, and a burning ember of determination. He was a prince, a king's son. And his birthright had been stolen.

"I want it back," Aurelius finally said, his voice low but resolute. "I want what was rightfully mine. I want Zarkenia."

A flicker of pride, tinged with concern, danced in Kieran's eyes. "That's a choice fraught with danger, young one. King Kaer grip on Zarkenia is firm, and their forces are relentless. But the blood of Zarkenia's royalty flows in your veins, and the fire of a true leader burns in your eyes. If you choose this path, know that you won't walk it alone."

Aurelius straightened his shoulders, a newfound resolve hardening his features. "I won't, Uncle Kieran. I'll gather allies, train relentlessly, and hone my skills. The Vorgath have taught me how to survive in the wilderness, but I need to learn the art of war, of strategy, of leading men."

Kieran nodded, a hint of a grim smile playing on his lips. "I can teach you the basics, the lessons I learned on the battlefield. But for more advanced training, we'll need to seek help from those who remember the glory of Zarkenia, those who haven't bowed to their tyranny."

"Where are they?" Aurelius asked, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon, his mind already painting a picture of a future where he reclaimed his throne.

Kieran pointed towards the north-east, where a range of snow-capped mountains shimmered under the moonlight. "Hidden amongst the peaks of the Aethel Mountains lies a resistance movement. Men and women who refused to yield, who fight to keep the memory of Zarkenia alive. They call themselves the Silver Ravens, a symbol of hope for the oppressed."

A thrill shot through Aurelius. The Silver Ravens. A name whispered in hushed tones by some of the older Vorgath warriors, a symbol of defiance against a seemingly invincible force.

"We'll find them, Uncle Kieran," Aurelius declared, his voice ringing with newfound purpose. "We'll join them, train with them, and together, we'll reclaim Zarkenia."

Kieran placed a calloused hand on Aurelius's shoulder, his grip firm yet comforting. "It won't be easy, cub. The road ahead will be perilous, fraught with danger and sacrifice. But remember, you are not just a prince, you are a son of Zarkenia. You carry the hopes and dreams of a fallen kingdom on your shoulders. Are you prepared for that burden?"

Aurelius looked into Kieran's eyes, a steely glint mirroring his own determination. "I am," he replied, his voice unwavering. "For my parents, for Zarkenia, for the freedom of its people, I am ready."

The moon, a silent witness to their conversation, cast its silvery light upon them. In that clearing, bathed in moonlight and the promise of a coming dawn, a prince embraced his destiny. The hunt for survival had transformed into a hunt for a crown, a quest for vengeance, and a fight for a kingdom's forgotten glory. The journey would be long and arduous, but Aurelius, the last hope of Zarkenia, was no longer just a young hunter.