
Chronicles of the Otherworld Investigator

In the bustling metropolis of Busan, Nathan McNeill, a cocky and blonde Otherworld Investigator, is renowned for his unparalleled prowess in combating ghosts and spirits. With his steadfast partner, Mars, a no-nonsense feline with a mysterious past, Nathan navigates the supernatural underbelly of the city with confidence and arrogance. When a series of inexplicable hauntings plague the city, Nathan and Mars are thrust into their most challenging case yet. As they delve deeper into the sinister forces at play, Nathan's overconfidence is put to the test, forcing him to confront his own vulnerabilities and limitations. As the lines between the living and the dead blur, Nathan McNeill must confront the ultimate truth: in a world where the supernatural reigns supreme, even the strongest of egos can be shattered by the darkness that lurks in the shadows.

Wicked_AnimeGirl · Fantasie
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78 Chs


The only way I can resolve this is to seek help from an expert which is, except for Mars, my dad. So after coming to that conclusion, I went to a Wi-Fi zone and called him. 

"You idiot," he answered hotly. "What have you done now?" Thanks for worrying about me. "Not even saying hello to your only child? Why do you always assume I've done something wrong?"

"Mars contacted me. I have never even seen someone do something so stupid. A week's luck. Such a waste. And stop sending me diaries. I want proper reports," he complained.

"That reminds me, I need to send you the last two chronicles I wrote. By the way, do you know where Mars is? I haven't seen him in the last few weeks."

"You brat. So you did do something stupid. Mars probably ran away from you. I wouldn't blame him either," Dad snorted. I grimaced. I knew he joked, but it still hurt. "All right, Dad. Let's get serious. I called because I wanted some info," I said gravely.

He went silent as I explained my situation. "Serial killers, huh? And you say that their appearance remains young even though they are middle-aged?" He inquired solemnly.

"That's right," I confirmed. A hiss came over the phone. "I thought it was lost centuries ago. Father only found mentions of it."

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked eagerly.

"I don't know about South Korea, but in Europe there's a legend that if you sacrifice a young human to a certain entity, they will grant you youth in return. Elisabeth Bathory became famous because of all the sacrifices she made for this entity to remain young."

"Wait, are you telling me Elizabeth Bathory murdered people to sacrifice them to an entity, not for pleasure and to bathe in their blood?" I was surprised. 

"Yes. History changed some of the facts, but that's normal. My point is, when her home was raided, a book was found 

It was a grimoire on how to summon creatures and how to control them. How to satisfy your desires and so forth. It was thought to be lost in time. From your description, it seems this couple has somehow found it," he informed me.

I gripped the iPhone as I swallowed. "What should I do?" I heard the pages turning on the other side as he replied, "It's good that they are not in the house because you need to look for the grimoire. Once you find it, destroy it. 

The entity will automatically be banished along with the book. As for the spirits hanging around the house, do your usual thing. Well, who knows, they might find closure and peace without you exorcising them."

"Terrific. Thanks for your help. Say hi to mom for me, and also goodbye, and that I love her in case I die," I muttered dejectedly.

"You'll be fine. Oh, and remember to take a holiday on your birthday. Mom looks forward to celebrating it with you." The line went dead silent. I gazed back at the house. 

The sun was setting, and the wind was warm as it blew through my hair. I flicked a hand through my hair, smiled broadly, and walked back to the house.

I'm about to face an unknown entity, so I need to look my best. After all, I am a perfect human, so I should act like one too.

[He looks different. The air around him feels different.]

[I told you he could help.]

[He looks like someone who carries a mirror.]

[Shh! Let's see what he's doing.]

I had SENSE activated, so my ears were sensitive to any spiritual gossip. To my delight, most of the spirits were on my side. I deliberately flipped my hair and gave a small smile. I heard many 'wow's. To be so good-looking that you can charm the dead is awesome. 

I can't fathom why my dad never tried it. "Hi. I don't suppose you could do me a favour and help a guy out? I promise I'll return it two-fold," I winked teasingly. Dark smoke swirled around me.

[What a dolt! Don't fall for it!]

[He's cute. Let's help him.]

[We can't. You know what will happen if we interact with the living?]

[Yeah, yeah.]

[Remember last time?]

[But he feels different. I think it'll work this time.]

[You said that last time, too.]


I waited patiently as the cloud argued with itself. Despite all the protests, a tiny chunk reached me. [Follow me,] it said. Smugly, I walked behind it as it led me to a cabinet. [Pick up the cup,] it instructed. I picked it up, and behold, the cabinet shifted to the side.

I felt excitement swell inside me. My interest piqued, and I began to descend the stairs. My SENSE picked up an ominous presence. The cloud trembled in fear. "It's okay. I'll take it from here," I reassured. It sighed and instantly fled. 

I continued back down. My surroundings were murky and wet. It felt like I was journeying deep underground. I turned a corner and glimpsed a light. Finally, I got somewhere! 

I was stunned by what I saw when the light came into view. On the floor was a giant magic circle drawn in blood, surrounded by candles, a large black book on a pedestal, and blood everywhere. It creeped me out. 

I jogged over to the book, snatched it up, only to release it stupefied. The moment I grabbed it, a flash of pain travelled through my hands. Smooth laughter filled the room as I winced in pain.

The book glowed red, and a figure emerged. It was a tall, beautiful woman. She had flaming red hair, dark skin, and golden eyes. She wore a white, flowing dress as she gazed maliciously at me.

"No one can touch it, you know? Only those with my permission. Who are you, and where are my servants?"

I swallowed as the pain abated. Come on, Nathan, get a hold of yourself. I smiled and rubbed a hand through my long hair.

"My name's Nathan. How do you do? Uh, I'm not sure about your servants. But I'm just visiting for a few days. What can I call a beautiful woman such as yourself?" Yeah, flatter any woman, and she'll fall to your feet. 

Especially for someone like me. "What a brave human you are. I think I'll keep you as a pet," she smirked. Huh? "My servants are not here? That's fine. Pet Nathan. Go get me a sacrifice. I'm hungry," she ordered.

My smile vanished like smoke. "No way. I already have enough on my plate. Don't add a serial killer to it," I scoffed. Her smirk disappeared, and she glared. She gleamed brightly in anger, her whole body radiating heat.

"How dare you defy me! I am the daughter of the King of the Fae, Aoibheann!" Fae? 

Oh right, Mars did mention some ancient guardian deities from Scotland or such. It was so boring that I stopped listening at some point. What I can't understand is why she didn't feel flattered after I complimented her? 

I choked as the stinging pain returned. Aoibheann laughed cruelly as I fell to my knees. "That's right! Obey me, and I'll take the pain away," she taunted. I growled. This woman needed to be taught a lesson.

I activated the CLAW and sprang behind her, intending to tear her apart. I heard a gasp as I flew through the air. "You-you, how? How can you use that power? A mere human?"

As my arm came down, the air got thicker. I heaved, thirsty for air. Losing strength, I collapsed to the ground. She twisted towards me and yelled, "Who taught you that?"

"Why? What's it to you?" I panted. She glowered. "That is the power granted by the royal family to their personal guards. You, a mere human, shouldn't be able to learn it. Who is it?"

"A cat taught it to my grandfather," I answered truthfully. She stared. "A cat?" I grinned as I stood shakily. 

"Yeah, a ginger cat called Mars." She sucked in her breath. "No way. Ailbhe," she murmured. Ailbhe? Whoever he was, it only made her furious. She threw lasers at me, her eyes glowing. 

I dodged for my life. I had to get closer, or I'd die. 

I ran forward while swerving, but she changed her attack to fireballs. Frustrated, I forced myself into the blistering heat. This had better be worth it.

I used my now three-inch claws as a shield as she tossed the fireballs. I steadied myself when I got close enough and leapt.

Her hands were bunched together to form a large ball. I won't allow her. I spread my arms and concentrated. Her eyes grew afraid as my claws radiated red. I slashed downward, and red streaks flew her way, causing mayhem. She hurled her giant fireball in return. 

We watched as both clashed. I thought it would explode, but no. To my shock, my six lasers went right through, slicing the fire and disintegrating it. Aoibheann breathed heavily.

"You went all the way, huh, Ailbhe?" she laughed. Glancing at me, she said determinedly, "I see now. He didn't just teach you. There's a contract involved, or else you can't destroy my fire.

That, or you have Sith blood inside you. Tell me, are you a descendant? Or did you make a contract?" 

"Sorry, I can't answer you since I don't know. Ask my grandfather, he'll tell you," I commented flippantly.

She scowled. "Your grandfather? Bring him to me!"

"Oh, right, I forgot to mention. He's dead." She hissed and charged at me, her claws stretched.

I braced myself as I caught Aoibheann just before she slammed into me. She was stronger than I imagined. She scratched me a few times, (I'll never forgive her for it).

Struggling, I tried my best to pin her under me. We grappled for a few minutes in the magic circle, punching and kicking. 

She almost paralysed me when she kicked me in the groin, but I had enough strength to grab and pull her hair, causing her to screech. We fought until we lay there exhausted. I pushed her away and sat up.

"Let's take a break to recover. Mind if you satisfy my curiosity?" She huffed in reply, but it wasn't a no, so I continued, "Why are you in a book?" I asked. She squinted at the ceiling as she spoke, "I'm the daughter of the King of the Fae but not the queen's.

I could stay as long as I didn't act out of place, but the moment I broke a single rule, I was sealed and banished. That's all." I guess even fairy royalty was (censored).

"Sorry. Want to continue?" I inquired. She snorted, and we both rose.

The story about Elizabeth Bathory is completely made up. Don't believe a word I said. She really was a psychopath that killed for beauty and pleasure, not rituals.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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