
Chronicles of the Dragon Deity

The seal of five thousand years has been lifted, and the mountain deity Ling Ji is finally free, thinking she could enjoy an unfettered life. However, the power of faith elevates her to the revered altar of ten thousand demons, forcing her to take on the responsibility of protecting all beings. In modern society, Ling Ji showcases her incredible supernatural powers and wisdom, working alongside police officers, journalists, and members of the Special Management Bureau, gradually revealing her mysterious past. But as she adapts to her new life, a powerful enemy quietly approaches, aiming to uncover her deepest secrets. Can Ling Ji protect herself and everything she holds dear in this impending crisis? What will her fate be? Who is the enemy lurking in the shadows? This novel, with its gripping plot and captivating suspense, showcases the author's exquisite writing and boundless imagination. "Chronicles of the Dragon Deity" will take you on a journey through a world filled with magic and mystery.

CelestialQ · Urban
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68 Chs

Chapter 18: The Dragon's Spoils

Ming Ying stood before Ling Ji, his weathered face adorned with a gentle smile, akin to the first light of dawn—warm but not blinding.


However, beneath this serene exterior, his thoughts churned like hidden currents, calculating how to secure the greatest benefits from the dragon's remains.


"Lady Ling Ji," he began with deep respect, every word carefully chosen to convey his reverence, "this dragon harbors countless treasures within its body. Its skin, sinews, bones, horns, and scales are all priceless. To abandon them would be a waste. Why not make full use of these treasures and let their value continue?"


At that moment, a soft female voice chimed in, suggesting to Ling Ji before Ming Ying could finish.


"With your profound power and formidable physique, you likely have no need for these items. However, making a protective robe from the dragon's skin for this young man without magical abilities would be wise. And the sinews and bones could be used to craft a whip for this pretty young lady for self-defense."


Jin Hong's eyes widened slightly at Xing Miao's suggestion, her clear, watery eyes filled with confusion, bewilderment, shyness, and a bit of embarrassment.


Maybe this young lady isn't so bad after all, Jin Hong thought.


Xing Miao smiled warmly at Jin Hong, who blushed even more. She continued, "The horn slices can be steamed or soaked in wine to strengthen the body, helping this commander, who has endured many hidden ailments from years of battle, to return to his peak condition and even surpass it."


Ye Jianghuai, who had been stoically calm, raised an eyebrow and let his gaze wander over the dragon horns. He then quietly looked back at Ling Ji.


Zhou Tian and Mu Bai followed suit, their eyes burning with anticipation and hope, almost wagging their tails like eager puppies.


Ling Ji felt uncomfortable under their fervent gazes and coughed. "If you want them, go ahead."


Zhou Tian, Mu Bai, and Jin Hong cheered excitedly, practically jumping for joy. "I have a special dagger," Zhou Tian said, pulling it out. "It's not as good as a divine weapon, but it can cut through iron like mud and slice gold like butter. It should be able to handle this dragon's skin."


Xing Miao thoughtfully handed over a seven-inch-long dagger. Under the morning light, it gleamed with a sharpness that seemed to cut through the air itself. Mu Bai and the others, who hadn't thought of this detail, immediately felt a surge of gratitude towards Xing Miao.


Even Jin Hong, who initially harbored inexplicable hostility towards Xing Miao, offered a sincere smile. "Thank you, Miss."


Xing Miao waved her hand gently, her movements elegant and gracious. "We're all friends here; no need to be so formal."


Ming Ying stood by, his emotions mixed. He had nearly offended the trusted companions of a great figure.


A sigh stuck in his throat, unable to go up or down.



His gaze lingered on Xing Miao.


Ming Ying looked at the gentle smile and pure eyes of Xing Miao, amazed by her maturity and wisdom.


The more he looked, the more familiar she seemed. "Young lady, what is your name?"


"Elder Ming Ying, I am Xing Miao," she replied, a hint of nervousness in her voice. "My master is Xing Yangzi. I once met you while traveling with my master."


"Xing Yangzi?" Ming Ying nearly jumped, as if encountering a plague, his expression turning complicated. He stepped back several paces, eyeing the young woman with suspicion.


"I remember him. He was a great astrologer."


"Hehe, so you're Xing Miao." Realizing his earlier overreaction, Ming Ying awkwardly smiled, trying to save face. "In the blink of an eye, you've grown up. You've really changed. I almost didn't recognize you."


Xing Miao blushed modestly. "You're still as vigorous as ever."


Ming Ying waved his hand dismissively. "Ah, I'm old now, not like you young people." Despite his reluctance, he inquired about Xing Yangzi's current state. "So, where is your master? Why isn't he with you?"


Xing Miao's eyes dimmed, and her demeanor turned somber. "He passed away seven years ago." Her voice quivered slightly, barely holding back her sorrow.


"Passed away?" Ming Ying's voice rose in disbelief. "When I last saw him, he was full of life. How could…"


His voice trailed off.


Astrologers often faced tragic fates, peering into the secrets of the heavens but suffering the consequences.


Astrology, though it could reveal celestial truths, came with severe repercussions. Those who delved too deeply often met unfortunate ends, rarely finding peace.


Ming Ying knew the heavy burden carried by the astrologer's lineage.


Now that the trickster Xing Yangzi was gone, Ming Ying felt a heavy sense of loss rather than relief.


Ming Ying's voice grew solemn, "Xing Miao, life and death are natural, even for us cultivators. Your life is long; you must look ahead." Perhaps it was the gentleness of her demeanor or his habit of speaking as an elder, but Ming Ying made a promise he would later regret deeply.


Unknowingly, he had moved closer to Xing Miao, patting her shoulder with a paternal tone. "If you ever need anything, come to me. You should call me 'Uncle.' Your master and I had a bond, though not officially master and disciple, but the sentiment was there."


Xing Miao nodded lowly, her eyes reddening as she whispered, "Uncle."


"Ah," Ming Ying responded warmly, a kind smile on his face. He turned to the others. "This child is my junior. If she encounters difficulties, you must help her."


His authoritative tone left no room for doubt, and those around him felt the weight of his words.


Yi Yang and the others exchanged glances and nodded in agreement.


Only Zhao Jiong sighed silently. He knew Ming Ying's decision could change many things, but he also understood they couldn't prevent it.


Elder, do you remember your original goal?


All the good stuff is being divided by them.


And it was proposed by the girl you think needs protection!


Unfortunately, Ming Ying, now seeing Xing Miao through a filter of respect due to the news of Xing Yangzi's death, didn't hear Zhao Jiong's internal monologue. Instead, he generously pulled out gifts from his storage bag, fearing the girl might be bullied when he wasn't watching.


Zhao Jiong: "…"


Half an hour later, Mu Bai and Zhou Tian, under Jin Hong's guidance, meticulously harvested all usable materials from the dragon. Following Xing Miao's suggestions, they began distributing the spoils.


Zhao Jiong and his team watched enviously as the materials were quickly divided. Mu Bai even nonchalantly displayed the dragon skin and scales in their direction.


Zhao Jiong looked skyward, trying to ignore the frustration.


At that moment, a green figure swiftly approached from a distance. By the time Zhao Jiong turned to call out, it had already arrived overhead and descended.


Seeing the newcomer, Zhao Jiong's tense muscles relaxed. "What brings you here?"


Zhou Cen sheathed his sword, placing it into his storage bag, and nodded to the others. "I'll explain later."


Without turning back, he approached the young girl along the way.


"Lady Ling Ji," he stopped a meter away, respectfully bowing with hands clasped above his head. "I am Zhou Cen. It's an honor to meet you."


He bowed deeply.


Seeing Zhou Cen bow, Ming Ying and the others, embarrassed by their inability to kneel, quickly followed suit.


Ling Ji wasn't moved by their gestures. As a demon, she had little regard for human etiquette.


However, their sincerity touched her. The manners ingrained in her by Shi Xi with food as the reward compelled her to be somewhat courteous.


Just a bit.


If they offered delicious food, she might consider being more gracious.


"Zhou Cen, right? What do you want?" Ling Ji stepped forward, catching a faint, familiar scent. Her face hardened as she recalled the scent's owner. "Zhou Cen."


She stepped closer, grabbing his collar and sniffing again, growling, "What's your relationship with Jie Zhi?"


Ming Ying and the others, who had instinctively stepped forward to intervene, stopped at the mention of the familiar name, staying rooted in place.


"Lady Ling Ji, you know Master Jie Zhi?" Zhou Cen asked cautiously, sensing her hostility. "And you two…?"


"We have unfinished business."


"I see." Zhou Cen's mind raced, weighing the pros and cons before making a decision. "I have no connection with Master Jie Zhi, but I know where he is."


Without hesitation, Zhou Cen sold out Jie Zhi, his speed leaving the others in awe. Was this the same empathetic, loyal, and righteous deputy director they knew?


Feeling the grip on his collar loose, Zhou Cen knew he was on the right track, ignoring the bewildered looks from his subordinates. "I can take you to him."


He offered bait. "But…"


"But what?"


Zhou Cen smiled gently, almost shyly. "But I have unfinished business here. If you can wait a bit, I'll take you to him once I'm done."


"Just tell me where he is, and I'll go myself," Ling Ji replied impatiently, releasing his collar.


Zhou Cen's smile froze.


Xing Miao, witnessing the scene, couldn't help but


 find it amusing. This great figure was delightfully unpredictable, refusing to follow the expected script.


She liked it.

