
Chronicles of the Artisan Nomad

In the sprawling realm of Eldoria, where artistry and magic coalesce, Lucius Evergold, a skilled artisan with an innate connection to mystical energies, embarks on a lifelong journey of creation, discovery, and action. Lucius's dream is to craft artifacts that not only captivate the senses but also serve as powerful tools of transformation and protection. Lucius begins his odyssey in the bustling city of Astralum, renowned for its artisans and enchanters. He inherits his family's ancient workshop, a place filled with forgotten knowledge and arcane secrets. Inspired by his grandfather's tales of the lost wonders of Eldoria, Lucius sets out to create artifacts that tap into the hidden potential of the realm. Lucius' goal is to not create one single artifact, but have his own collection of Lucius artifacts like his grandfather. His quest is to unlock the boundless mysteries of the world, one creation at a time. He seeks to craft items that resonate with the people of Eldoria, awaken their latent magical abilities, and empower them to face the challenges that threaten the realm.

Sydonay · Fantasie
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73 Chs

Chapter 24: Confronting the Elite

The old woman's smile grew more pronounced as she pointed directly at me. "I need your assistance with a matter I've grown too old to handle. In return, I shall divulge what you lack, young man." I raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "And just who are you?" The woman's amusement was evident as she replied, "I am Altaria Mysteria, the esteemed founder of the Everglint Institute of Arcane Arts. Elora spoke of you and your party earlier, and I have a job offer for you."

I inquired further, "What would this job entail? I'm merely a merchant." Altaria nodded reassuringly, "I am aware of your background, but fear not, for I require only your affirmation regarding a particular matter. In return, I shall provide an advance payment. Does that pique your interest?" I pondered for a moment before asking, "What's the compensation for this job?" Altaria chuckled, "My dear boy, I deal not in coin but in knowledge. According to Elora, you wield rune magic, correct?" I affirmed, "Indeed, that's correct."

Altaria made a proposal, "From what I've heard, you could benefit from some guidance. I am willing to assist in strengthening your abilities, provided you assist me in return." I furrowed my brows, "How did you know I sought to become stronger?" Altaria replied with a knowing grin, "I've seen that same look in many a young man's eyes, the look of one whose pride has been shattered. Men your age are often eager to explore the full extent of their strength. You're no different." She laughed softly, a testament to her wisdom. It seemed she might possess the means to help me grow stronger.

I questioned further, "You have expertise in rune-based combat?" Altaria confirmed, "Yes, there were more rune mages in the past, but I still remember their methods. However, I've heard that your approach is less refined, if you'll pardon my bluntness."

Frustration began to well up within me. Being called weak to my face stung, and Altaria appeared to sense my reaction. "The first step toward improvement is acknowledging the need for change," she continued. "So, here's my proposal: accompany me to my school. I will arrange a mock battle for you, where you'll face off against three of my students. Your other two party members may participate as well, as I believe they could also benefit from a dose of humility." I agreed, recognizing that I could use the assistance. After all, I had been defeated by Lysandra in a single blow, and she had been dispatched just as swiftly by Gabriel.

I turned to Lulith and Quinn, a spark of determination in my eyes. "What do you say, guys? Shall we show her that we can handle ourselves?" Lulith's expression darkened as she replied, "I can't stand being looked down on. So, yes, count me in." Quinn's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm. "I could use some action, and this time, I won't run away. I need to flex my muscles a bit they are stiff after being sealed away for so long."

I offered a sincere compliment to Quinn, "By the way, I didn't mention it earlier, but that wolf form of yours was amazing, Quinn." His surprise was evident as he responded, "You think so? People usually consider me some kind of freak." I smiled warmly, "No, that was truly amazing. You saved our lives." Quinn appeared contemplative and somewhat embarrassed, clearly unaccustomed to such praise.

Turning back to Altaria, I said, "Alright, we accept your challenge. But don't assume we'll simply roll over if you underestimate us. You might be in for a surprise."

Altaria clapped her hands together in delight. "Great, great! Now that's settled. Follow me, and let's head to the school at once." I turned to Aurelia, seeking assistance. "Aurelia, do you know where the Dusky Dawn Inn is?" She nodded and replied, "Yes, it's the one by the stables, right?" I confirmed, "Exactly. Please make sure to check on Lysandra. Era is with her in room 34, alright?" Aurelia nodded and assured me, "I'll ensure she's in tip-top shape when you return."

With our concerns addressed, the three of us followed Altaria through the city, making our way to the institute. Along the route, we encountered a steamed buns stand. Altaria insisted, "Consider this an advanced payment. You simply must try these while you're in Everglint." She bought us steamed buns filled with savory meat, and as we savored them as we continued on our journey. The buns were not only delicious but also quite filling, and they provided a welcome respite for our hungry stomachs.

Upon arriving at the Everglint Institute of Arcane Arts, the grandeur of the school greeted us in the bustling city's heart. Its towering spires and ornate architecture testified to its rich history and magical heritage. The entrance was a work of art in itself, adorned with stained glass windows depicting magical achievements and intricate carvings.

As we stepped into the courtyard, a serene atmosphere surrounded us. Fountains danced to the rhythm of ancient spells, and the fusion of classic and modern architectural styles lent a sense of wonder. Three students practiced their magic within the courtyard, their skill evident.

Altaria announced their presence, "Children, you may cease your daily exercises. We have guests." She then turned to us and introduced them, "These are three of my most exceptional students, studying under my personal guidance. Each of them They are the best of the best, so don't feel too disheartened when you face them."

I let out an exasperated sigh as my gaze fell upon the students in question. My confidence wavered slightly as I laid eyes on them. A young woman among them turned to us, her smile as warm as a summer's day. Her long, silvery hair flowed like a gentle breeze, and her eyes mirrored the clear, boundless expanse of the open sky. She was garbed in light, airy attire that seemed to match her vibrant personality. Next to her stood a boy with sun-kissed blonde hair and warm, amber eyes. His robes bore the hues of a setting sun, with shades of gold and orange. On the opposite side was a boy with midnight black hair and somber purple eyes, his presence exuding a more subdued and reserved energy as he observed us from a distance.

Altaria introduced them one by one, starting with the girl. "This is Gwen Rayden." She then pointed to the boy with blonde hair. "Arthur Kreig." Finally, she indicated the boy in black robes. "And Kaiser Soulbright." Each of them offered a polite bow in response, but the difference in their attitudes was palpable.

Alteria turned toward her students and presented us as a challenge. "Students, today I have a practical exercise for you. These three have graciously offered to engage in an informal 3 on 3 match with each of you. Show them the might of our school. Give them a lesson in humility."

Gwen beamed with enthusiasm. "We'd be happy to!" Arthur added, "I'll try not to go too hard on them." Finally Kaiser mocks, "What a waste of time these three are amateurs." Alteria scolded, "Now Kaiser please be friendly you might find they are more than capable once you fight them." Kaiser argues, "They have no magic I can't feel even the smallest sign of their power." Alteria laughs, "This could be a lesson for you three too. Never underestimate an opponent just because they don't have, or use magic you'd be surprised what you can do without magic."

The rules were explained by Altaria. "You three may battle in this courtyard. It's an open space well-suited for an exercise like this. Feel free to give it your all. I will create a barrier around this area and provide barriers for those who land clean hits on each other. This way, nobody will be harmed, but it will still demonstrate what would have occurred in a real battle."

The courtyard we were fighting in was an open space, complete with grassy terrain, benches, a tranquil fountain, and a lush garden surrounding the perimeter. Altaria then chanted a spell, "End of Avalon!" Her staff emitted a radiant light, creating a barrier that enveloped all six of us. I couldn't help but be impressed. "You wield light magic?" I asked in astonishment. Altaria responded with a smile, "I am proficient in various forms of magic, including light. It's one of many for me." This lady really was powerful most people are only proficient in one type of magic to have more than one was a miracle in of itself. She added, "I hope that doesn't surprise you each of my students here are proficient in at least two types of magic."

With that revelation, she issued a signal for the battle to commence. Each member of my party adopted a combat stance, preparing for the impending confrontation. Lulith consumed a clear potion, I initiated the loading of a rune into my gauntlet, and Quinn began to emit a faint glow. Altaria, in a rather unconventional manner, placed her fingers to her lips and emitted a shrill whistle to signal the start of the battle.

In an instant, Gwen extended her hands and exclaimed, "Astral Aurora!" From her palms, a beam of light mixed with a purple energy surged forth. Meanwhile, Arthur invoked his spell into the blade he had drawn from his back—a silver longsword. The blade blazed red-hot and was enveloped in a green energy. Pointing it at us, he unleashed a barrage of scorching flames and rocks that effortlessly tore through the ground. Lastly, Kaiser pointed his wand half-heartedly in our direction and muttered, "Nessus Storm." His wand conjured a raging torrent of water that surged toward our group with the swiftness of the wind. These projectiles converged on us simultaneously, leaving no room for a battle to even begin before it was seemingly over.