
Chronicles of the Apocalypse

In "Chronicles of the Apocalypse," we follow the struggle of Sergio Romero, a young Colombian whose life is turned upside down by a sudden apocalypse. With memories of a parallel earth where animes and movies exist, Sergio joins Valeria, a former soldier, on a journey to a remote military base in search of safety. Facing dangers, mutated creatures, and emotional challenges, Sergio must adapt quickly and fight to survive in a world on the brink of collapse.

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Chapter 04: Exploration and Decisions

Day 8

Sergio and Valeria were ready. They had spent days working tirelessly to armor the van, making sure it could withstand the attacks of the increasingly aggressive creatures. The morning was cold, and a light mist covered the deserted streets of the city. The hardware store, their temporary shelter, was secured with every trap and barricade possible.

—Ready for this? —Valeria asked, her voice firm but friendly.

"As ready as I can be," Sergio responded, trying to sound more confident than he felt.

They got into the truck, and the engine roared to life. Sergio took the wheel, and Valeria occupied the passenger seat, with her rifle ready. The plan was to head to a grocery store and warehouse for supplies.

The initial ride was relatively calm, although the city felt even more desolate than before. The abandoned vehicles and debris made progress difficult, but the truck, with its new protection, managed to make its way.

It wasn't long before they encountered their first real obstacle: a group of creatures, clearly evolved by radiation, blocking their path. They were bigger and faster than the zombies Sergio had seen before, with visible mutations on their bodies.

"This is going to be complicated," Valeria murmured, adjusting her weapon.

"Get ready," Sergio said, his knuckles white with tension as he gripped the steering wheel.

The creatures attacked the truck, but the armor resisted. Sergio and Valeria quickly descended, engaging them in combat. Sergio used a metal bar as an improvised weapon, while Valeria fired with precision.

Day 9

After the fight, they continued on their way and came to a small clear area. Valeria took advantage of the moment to measure the radiation in the air using a portable device that she had found at the hardware store.

"This is not good," Valeria said, frowning as she watched the readings. The radiation is rising faster than she thought.

-What does that mean? —Sergio asked, feeling a knot in his stomach.

—It means that the creatures are going to evolve even faster. Cities are becoming unsustainable. We need to get out of here.

The decision was clear: they had to head towards rural or forested areas, where the radiation could be lower.

During their trip, they came across an abandoned police station. It seemed like a good place for a temporary shelter. They explored it carefully, Valeria leading the way with her rifle raised.

The interior was in better condition than expected. They found weapons, ammunition and some medical supplies. However, they also discovered that some creatures had taken the place as their lair. They had to remove them to secure the building.

"This place could do for a while," Valeria said, after making sure there were no more immediate threats.

-OK. We need a safe place before leaving the city permanently," Sergio responded.

Day 10

On their way back to the hardware store, as they passed through a side street, they encountered a group of survivors. Sergio was about to stop the truck, but Valeria stopped him.

-Wait. "We don't know if they're friendly," she warned him.

They watched from a safe distance. The survivors appeared nervous and hostile, armed with what appeared to be improvised weapons.

"They don't seem to be in the mood to make friends," Sergio commented, watching one of them threaten another with a bat.

—Let's move on. "We don't need any more problems," Valeria decided.

Back at the hardware store, they began gathering the last of their supplies and upgrading the truck with what they had found at the police station. They added more protection and loaded the van with as much food and water as they could find.

"We have to be ready for a long trip," Valeria said, making sure the weapons were in her place.

Sergio nodded. He knew that the days ahead would be difficult, but with Valeria at his side, he felt a little more prepared.


Sergio Romero Status:

Name: Sergio Romero

Race: Human

Titles: Survivor

Level 1


- Strength: 15 (I)

- Vitality: 13 (I)

- Agility: 14 (I)

- Intelligence: 13 (I)

- Magic: 0 (I)


- Running (Basic) (80%)

- Cooking (Intermediate) (12%)

- Engineering (Intermediate) (35%)

- Close Combat (Basic) (20%)

- Vehicle Repair (Basic) (15%)


- Hunger Resistance (Basic) (85%)

- Thirst Resistance (Basic) (70%)

- Radiation Resistance (Basic) (20%)


- None

Status of Valeria Mendoza (Not known to Sergio):

Name: Valeria Mendoza

Human race

Titles: Survivor

Level 1


- Strength: 50 (I)

- Vitality: 45 (I)

- Agility: 40 (I)

- Intelligence: 40 (I)

- Magic: 0 (I)


- Military Tactics (Intermediate) (60%)

- First Aid (Advanced) (45%)

- Firearms Handling (Advanced) (50%)

- Close Combat (Intermediate) (65%)

- Vehicle Repair (Intermediate) (35%)


- Hunger Resistance (Intermediate) (50%)

- Thirst Resistance (Intermediate) (45%)

- Radiation Resistance (Basic) (30%)


- None