
Chapter 1(Introduction)

Next day, the unknown boy whose name is Hikaru. He literally forgot his past and family. His aircraft had got damaged so, he cann't able to return to his planet. He show the village at the side of mountain forest. He was thinking to go to that village. After few minute, he arrived at village. Strangely, villagers show him. Than, one of the villager asked him, who are you and where are you from? He cann't understand the villager language. Automatically, Hikaru's translator was activated. Villager asked again,what is your name and where are you from? Than, Hikaru replied, i don't know, who am i? and my home. Villager told him, you can stay in this villager, but you will build your house yourself. Ok, i will build replied Hikaru.(Hikaru stay in this village, happily but once upon a time army of demon come at the village than they attack that village because that village is chronicles by magical crystal on mysterious well which is protect by hidden power. But fortunately, ninja security of village protect villagers and army of demon were lose and return to their planet.) Hikaru asked the oldman about that and oldman replied,Cryfrofor is the most powerful crystal. Manytime demons strucked in this village for that crystal. There are 3 pieces of that crystal at 3 different dimension. Hikaru asked, what are the uses of that crystal? Oldman replied if you get 3 pieces of crystal you will obtain absolute power and you can even rule in every multiuniverse planets.