
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

SageGumiho · Fantasie
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52 Chs

Chapter 42: First Lesson

The long-haired woman brought all the students of class 1-1 into a huge classroom. It resembled a university lecture hall in design, but apart from a high-definition smart board, there was nothing technological. Even the desks were far behind the technology of the time.

"This is the last time I bring you to class! Everybody sit where you want."

All the students, including Alexandra, took their turn at the table specially prepared for female teachers.

The young man took his seat and the first lesson began.

"It will be useful for you to understand in advance what Circle is like. I advise you not to think of Circle as an academy. The Circle is a different realm from Elysium and Earth. It is a huge flying island with its ecosystem."

"Although it is called an academy, it is a country. There is only one requirement to live in this city: a first-degree blood relationship with a graduating student. As a result, the Circle's population has never exceeded one million."

"The use of normal money in the city is limited. Only Credits are used for everything except daily necessities. Do you want to use the special training areas of the Academy? Credit! Do you want resources for your development? Credit! Want to rent/buy a house in the city? Credit!"

"In this academy, everything is credit and credit determines power! If you have enough credits you can hire teachers to work for you, you can do anything you want! Of course, the Circle has its own rules."

"If you cross the line and get caught in the Circle's safety net, you will be expelled from the academy! If your crimes cross the line of humanity, the Circle has the right to execute you without question. It doesn't matter who you are here!"

She forgot to introduce herself as she continued to talk feverishly. But she must have remembered immediately because she pulled herself together and cleared his throat.

"From today on, you will be under my responsibility as members of the 1-1 class! My name is Beatrice, I belong to the Seaborn family! I am a level nine Qi user, my main weapon is the Rapier! As your guidance counselor, we will spend the next four years together. Now stand up in the order listed and introduce yourself. Your hobbies, age, where you come from, the family you belong to, whether you are from Elysium or Earth..."

The student's eyes lit up when they learned that Beatrice was level nine. Elysium or Earth, it didn't matter. Ninth grade was the pinnacle.

Instead of choosing a front-row seat like the others, Alexander took a seat at the back and sat in contemplation. His journey from Elysium had not been easy. Listening to Dark Soul, he had met a human trafficker and fled to Earth at an exorbitant price.

Since he had no acquaintances, there were no missing persons or obituaries. So it was easy for him to blend into society. But someone from the streets couldn't get into the Circle. He had to create a story.

He needed an infrastructure that could support him. So he destroyed a gang in his old city and made it his own. He then used the former leader of the gang as a subcontractor and opened a company.

He had been on Earth for six months. During this time, he had never rested, focusing only on creating a good background, taking care not to leave a single clue behind.

He was the adopted son of a former gang leader who now leads a mid-sized company.

"Number 500, Alexander Valentia! Introduce yourself-"

Alexander calmly stood up and cleared his throat.

"Alexander Valentia, I am sixteen years old, I have nothing in particular that I like. I come from Welhaven City in the Kingdom of Merikh. My parents run a medium-sized company... We will see each other for a long time, so let's get along well."

It was an ordinary introduction. Such a striking appearance came from a normal family. The girls who found him handsome rolled their eyes and turned away. Alexandra, like the others, rolled her eyes and looked away.

The similarity in name and the fact that they both had rare red hair caught Alexandra's attention. But that was it. There was nothing more.

After Alexander, a few others made themselves known. They were also the leading heirs of the great guilds. Alexander was the only one in the 1-1 class with an ordinary background. That's why he attracted the attention of a few people.

After everyone had introduced themselves, Beatrice continued.

"Now that everyone has introduced themselves, I will tell you a few more things. You will use your smartphones to obtain and manage the credits. The special phones for all of you will be delivered to your wards this evening. There is a page on there that shows you what you can do to earn credits. You can manage everything at the Academy from there."

"That's it for the counseling class. There will be no other lessons for today. Make the most of the day and go sightseeing. You won't be so relaxed on other days!"

Having said this, Beatrice quickly left the classroom and disappeared.


Having stepped into new territory, the students stood still for a few minutes, not knowing what to do. Then a few dignitaries, including Alexandra, left the classroom.

Alexander was about to pack his things and leave. The Circle was also planning to keep a low profile. The only reason he had come here was to improve himself a little more and find traces of the Shadow Dragon that had caused Noah's death.

'What should I do?'

He had never done anything in his life but train. He didn't even know how to be friends with people, let alone how to have fun.

'Should I eat?'

He didn't have to think too much about it. He would take care of his basic needs and go to practice, as he always did.

He was about to stand up when a hand grabbed his shoulder from behind. Alexander turned his head to look at its owner, a handsome young man who stood a little shorter than him. He had sharp eyebrows and big bright eyes. He looked like the son of a powerful family. There was intelligence and pride in his gaze.

Bryce Ambrose was a bright boy who was in the top five in his class. In terms of developmental level, he was at the beginning of Level 3, one level higher than Alexander.

Alexander realized that he was not the only one. He saw that behind him there were several other boys with the same rankings as him. There were four of them in total, all with rankings close to his. It was not difficult to understand what he was trying to do.

"Alexander, right? Are you thinking of going to the cafeteria? How about eating with us?"

I dropped a dumbbell on my left arm while I was training. I had to rest it for a while because of a minor injury. I am still recovering but I will write as much as I can.

SageGumihocreators' thoughts